Monday, March 25, 2024

40K - Neurogaunt


Neurogaunt - this was March's Free Miniature of the Month that I picked up at the new Warhammer store in Saskatoon. 

Each month they have a bit of a contest with a theme for the new model - this month's theme was NEON! I'm not sure I'll get around to taking it into the store for them to take a picture and post on their facebook group to enter the contest (for which there is no prize other than bragging rights and the chance to pick the next month's theme) but I tried to do the theme anyway... 

Not sure what I'll do with ONE of these... maybe it will show up in Necromunda or some Sci-fi RPG/Skirmish adventure as an annoying little bug that just keeps turning up... like the Space Herpe in Ice Pirates...? 

This brings my total of painted 28mm figures this year to 38!? 

(versus 43 purchased! ALMOST caught up!) 


  1. Sometimes an odd mini can be good for prompting ideas for including them in games. (like the Ice Pirates refere4nce; but it's been a long time since I watched it!)

    1. Ha-ha! I haven't seen Ice Pirates in probably thrity...? or more...? years?! At this point, the Space Herpe is pretty much the only thing I remember about the movie... and the crazy time-space montage at the end where everyone gets older with each scene... I noticed one of the streaming platforms we were subscribing to had it and was tempted to watch it again... but I'm a little afraid as I've rewatched SOME of the movies I adored back in the 80s and found them barely watchable?!

      Just about EVERY miniature promps ideas for adventures or skirmishes or even campaigns as I paint them 99% of which will likely never be played (and that's okay, because a lot of the ones I DO play, never end up being half as fun as I IMAGINED them!). But yeah, odd little guys like this are especially good for prompting weird little narratives!
