Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 13 March 2024

 It's Wednesday... Here's what I'm currently working on... 

(Last week I was feeling lazy and think I'd done much since the previous week... as I hadn't done anything for a few days and forgot about work I'd done on Sons of Velmorn and the Gnarlspirit Pack)

I finally got to the Warhammer Store and exchanged the bonus copy of the Exiled Dead for a different DEATH warband - with fewer models to paint! The Headsmen's Curse!? I like the Nighthaunt stuff... If I had limitless time and money to spend on miniatures, I'd totally build an army of them... Alas, I do not... but I can have a few Warhammer Underworlds warbands and that kind of scratches that itch! 

(AND I picked up the new Free Miniature of the Month!) 

I assembled them the evening I got them and was a little shocked by the difference in size between Wielder of the Blade and the Sharpener of the Blade (the big one and the little one). Of course I'd seen pictures on GWs website, but I thought it has been that they just made one of them look a little smaller to create some forced perspective (as they often do with their miniature pictures). 

Also, all of these Warhammer Underworlds are "press fit" models - they theoretically can be assembled with no glue... usually I shave the tabs down a bit and put some glue on them so they go together solid. But these ones I decided I'd try just press fitting them - so I could immediately paint on some of the black gesso that I use as an undercoat without worrying about ruining any brushes (that come in contact with less than fully dried glue!). It went okay... until I got to the fourth one and accidentally broke one of the tabs clean off... so I glued that one... and then forgot and went ahead with applying gesso and ruined a brush.... 

I'd wanted to get that first coat on thinking I might knock them out over the next few days and have them ready for the game on Sunday... but that didn't happen... 

So far I just have them primed and have done some work on the metal and bases... 

That will be a bit of a recurring theme for the week... 

I did do a little bit of work on Blackpowder and his crew to try and finish them off... but they're STILL not DONE!?!? Maybe today... 

I started working on Ephilim's again after ignoring them for a week or two... 

I have been working on BOTH of the Idoneth Deepkin warbands (Because Amanda really wants to try them out!) 

Elathain's Soulraid

Cyreni's Razors

Gnarlspirit Pack - metal and bases... 

Sons of Velmorn - metal and bases... and bones... 

Skabbik's Plaguepack - metal and bases.... and Purple cloaks!? 

(I saw someone else had done them in purples and they looked amazing - contrasting with the green smoke bellowing from the censers!)

Still so much other stuff crowding the workbench - even after I spent some time clearing a bunch of stuff away... there are an assortment of odd things. I cleared away most of the 40K/Necromunda/other sci-fir things and a few of the Warhammer Quest minis and a handful of Warhammer Underworlds warbands... but there are still a few that I just couldn't clear away just yet... Skittershank's Clawpack, The Shadeborn, Myari's Purifiers, Thundrik's Profiteers, The Crimson Court, and Garrek's Reavers are STILL also on the workbench!? 

I was updating the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands Page - where I keep a list of all the warbands I have and which are currently painted... and noticed I'm sliding back towards having more unpainted than painted warbands! I'd been good for sometime (more painted than not painted! Like, WAY MORE painted than unpainted!) but I've picked up a few recently - faster than I've painted new ones and with Zondra's Gravebreakers AND the Rivals of the Mirrored City arriving in a week and a half, I am very definitely going to be back in the RED! (Unless I can finish off FIVE of these in the next week!) 

(it could happen...)

(it probably won't though...)

I will be getting the Rivals of the Mirrored City. I'd contacted my FLGS to ask that they order in and set aside a copy of Zondra's Gravebreakers and the new Rivals deck for me and mentioned I was interested in the Rivals of the Mirrored City box but would have to wait until Saturday to see how much they wanted for them... if it's $150 or less, I'd for sure get them... if it was going to be over $200, I'd probably have to pass... if it was something in between, I'd really have to think about it. They replied saying they'd set aside all for me and that the Rivals of the Mirrored City was only going to be $120!? Which... it's a lot... but it's the best I could have hoped for and far less than I'd feared it could be!! 

So... that's FIVE new warbands arriving for me in a week and a half... Well.. not entirely NEW... two of the warbands in the set I already have - but the new cards for them will be useful. It seems like I would have little problem selling off the models to people that are intersted in them and NOT the cards (because they don't play Warhammer Underworlds)... but I'll probably just keep them. Selling stuff online seems like such a hassle... and I've had some ideas about how I could paint them differently (for funsies). (Which itself is a bit ridiculous to consider when I have SO MANY other miniatures I could paint up that would be more useful than having an "alternative" version of a warband I already have painted and can immediately play with!?)

I never claimed to be "sensible" though... 

Lets see if I can do this; Finish off Blackpowder's Buccaneers... The two Deepkin warbands and Ephilim's Pandemonium... that's four that are close enough it could happen... but then what...? I don't have them pictured above, but Myari's Purifiers are on the workbench and they've been in a more-than-half-done state for YEARS and I'd moved them back onto the workbench when Amanda started showing interested in ALL THE AELVES!? 

I'd been seriously considering this last week travelling to Calgary and/or Edmonton in May and June, respectively, to go to a few Warhammer Underworlds events... I'd talked over the idea with Amanda and she wasn't immediately against the idea... But after WAY TOO MUCH thinking about it and contemplating possible methods of travel and places to stay and the costs of all these things... I just don't think it's in the cards for THIS YEAR. Largely, it was because there are too many things going on HERE in May and June (mostly involving Keiran) and I just don't think I can get away for those weekends. 

Next year, though... Amanda suggested it might be fun for the two of us to go - when we'd have a little longer and could stay and do other things and visit friends we have in those cities... She even suggested SHE might try playing in a tournament! (this is partly because after I'd explained the absolute BEAT-DOWN she'd dealt me the previous week with Magore's Fiends to Orion, she'd kind of joked - but kind of not joked - that we needed to get Amanda to one of those qualifier events for the World Championships - which the events in Calgary and Edmonton are! - and get her qualified to attend the World Championship of Warhammer Underworlds!)... Maybe next year.. 

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