Monday, March 11, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Vampires, Gobins, Beastmens, and Murder Aelves

With enough of the snow cleared away Orion and Nic were back for another Sunday of Warhammer Underworlds! 

(between my birthday and the following Sunday over 55cm of snow was dumped on Saskatoon by a pair of winter storms... the first dump slowed things down, the second, LARGER dump, last weekend, pretty much shut the city DOWN for a few days!) 

Normally we play in the afternoon, but Amanda had a meeting in the middle of the afternoon. Not wanting to miss out, She suggested they come by earlier... but it turned out they were in Regina for a show and would be driving back Sunday morning and probably wouldn't be back in time to do something earlier... 

So Amanda suggested they come by later in the afternoon when they get back... play a three-player game.. stay for pizza... and then play a four-player AFTER supper, when Amanda was home! This was agreed to... but then Nic and Orion didn't get back into town until after 4pm... 

but they still came for PIZZA! 

While they were in Regina they visited game stores and found this Beastgrave era carry case - which hey got for me as a late birthday present?! They said they got it because it was poop brown and therefore perfect for Wurmspat.... (they know me so well! It was quite touching...) 

and conveniently it perfectly fits Wurmspat and has space for cards and my assorted poo-coloured dice (from the Gnarlwood and Wyrdhollow boxes - which now belong to the Wurmspat!) and tokens - everything you'd need to take with you to play... 

After pizza we did set up for a four-player game of Warhammer underworlds. Nic decided to play Grashrak's Despoilers (with just their Rivals deck) on A Root-Hall Bleed board. Otion brought The Crimson Court (Also with just their Rivals deck!) and chose the Soul Refractor board. Amanda was back to playing Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven with her Paths of Prophecy Nemesis deck - on The Cursed Oubliette. I decided to take a break from Wurmspat and dug out Grinkrak's Looncourt - and just played with their Rivals on The Stricken Swamp board.

I was feeling a little picked on, right from the start, when Gorath the Enforcer charged Pointy Burke! Burke Survived, though! (for this round...) 

I pushed all my goblins towards the nearest enemy (thanks to a plot card!) and Pokin' Snark was able to take a bite out of Gorath with his Squig-on-a-Stick! 

This actually inspired Pointy Burke as they'd been given a Quest-Surge-Objective that scored and inspired him if he attacked while supported or supported an attack against an adjacent fighter! 

Burk's inpiration was short-lived, however, as Ennias Curse-Born swooped in on the very next activation and killed poor Burk... 

Elsewhere Beasts were moving and shooting arrows at Goblins. Kyrae made some "Hail Morathi" play dashing across the table to take an objective right amongst ALL THE BEASTMEN. 

She died. 

Amanda said she knew it was a HUGE risk, but if Draknar had missed, she would have scored 3 Glory... As it was she scored NOTHING in the entire first round!? 

For a brief moment, it looked like the Vampires might not ALL dog-pile on my warband and slaugher them all before the end of the second round, when Vellas von Faine went wandering over into the Daughters of Khaine area and murdered Kyrssa - OUCH! 

In response, though, Morgwaeth stabbed von Faine and dealt some damage and then one of the Beastmans charged in and finished her off... Then Morgwaeth killed the beastman... 

Then I forgot to take pictures for a few turns... I did finish off Gorath - but failed to do it with Grinkrak the Great (which would have gotten me a bonus Glory - for an objective card where my leader had to finish someone off... I'm thinking that would have to go when I build a Nemesis deck... It was too much fussing around to try and arrange it so Grinkrak could deal the final blow... and then missed... all trying to get ONE extra Glory - when I could have killed Gorath a turn earlier with a plot card!?)

Grinkrak was seriously wounded... I THINK by one of the Beastmen...? Luckily I'd upgraded him with something that gave him +1 Wounds! 

At the beginning of Round Two I started off with Pokin Snark and Grinkrak running off into the Vampires territory to scored an objective, have more of my fighters in their territory than their fighters... Which was totally possible, now that two were out of action! I spent a LOT of time trying to figure out how to get a third in there by the end of the round and remain alive... but then Ennias LEFT their territory and all I needed in there was Grinkrak and Pokin' Snark! 

So I scored it, but then Grinkrak was promptly murdered by... someone...?

and then Prince Duvall started casting a reaction spell that allowed him to draw fighters to him... and then he would kill them... That was the end of Pokin' Snark... 

He ended up doing this to THREE of my fighters!? 

A big melee and the intersection of the Goblins, Vampires, and Beasts territory.. Moonface Nagx had been present, briefly... Gib, Da Wonky Lance got in a few swings before going down... 

And then it was Snorbo and Skolko and Pronk going into the third round... 

Snorbo got killed... but Skolko and Pronk made a dash for freedom and managed to score a few points for me at the Third End Phase. 

Skolko and Pronkwere quite tooled up, but the end of things... didn't really NEED all those upgrades, the last two were pretty much useless... 

In the end Orion's Crimson Court scored SEVENTEEN Glory Points!!! (Mind you, I think six of them were for killing two wound goblins - which she could just NOT not hit and killed each with a single blow!?). Amanda, despite the rough start, very nearly caught up with FIFTEEN Glory Points!! She did it by sticking to THE PLAN and trying to score all her SIEZE OBJECTIVE Objective cards (while everyone else was trying to murder my poor little goblinses!). In the end I managed to catch up to Nic and tied for last at ten Glory Points! 

By that point it was a bit late and we didn't have time for a second game... Still, lots of fun just playing one.. 

I'm not sure what to do next... work on building Nemesis decks for the Looncourt...? Or finish up one of the OTHER warbands that are currently crowding my workbench!?

This same day it was announced that Zondra's Gravebreakers and a new Rivals deck (Rimelocked Relics) would be available for pre-order this coming Saturday and in stores the following Saturday. I kind of expected Zondra's and a new Relic deck at some point this month - looking at the schedule of releases for the last few years... However, they ALSO announced that the Rivals of the Mirrored City set was going to be released at the SAME TIME!? GAH!?!? THAT I was NOT expecting.. I wondered if they'd be released in the summer - around the same time the latest "Two-Player Starter" was released last summer... 

I'd discussed things with Amanda and decided I'd probably pick up the two core boxes that will likely come out this year - one probably in April/May and being set in Deathgorge, and another in October set in a new location. There would probably be Warbands and Rivals in March, August, and December, which I may or may not buy, I'll probably pick up the Rivals decks... but only get the Warbands that I'm really interested in at that point. 

And then there was the recently announced "Rivals of the Mirrored City" - Four previously released warbands with all new Rivals decks - like they did with the the Farstriders and Sepulchral guard in the 2023 Starter Set - to make them more playable - and AVAILABLE. The set includes two that I would have liked to track down - Zarbag’s Gitz and Spiteclaw’s Swarm - but it also includes Thorns of the Briar Queen and  Mollog’s Mob,... which I really don't NEED... I have the models... but they do come with the new decks - which won't be available anywhere else (other than on eBay...) 

Of course, if GW is releasing THESE now... what other stuff was I not considering that they might end up releasing in the summer?! 

I guess I'll have to see how much it costs... If it's close to $200CAD - the cost of four regular warbands... I don't know... if it's like other big box sets and sells them for a significant discount - like, $120-150CAD - I'll probably end up getting them!? 

I need to get painting the next two weeks, though, to justify getting those now! 


  1. mmm, pizza (the pizzas look good) :D

    I recently saw an announcement about a GW Gnome Bloodbowl team, which has some cool critters, including a goose! One of the examples I saw showed the goose painted as a Canada Goose. ha ha

    This might be the first GW set that has tempted me in quite a while, and I don't even play Bloodbowl. LOL

    1. Thanks!

      I've seen those Gnomes! They are adorable, and, I have to admit... I was thinking INEED THESE - not to play Blood Bowl, just to have because they look so fun! I have since come to my senses and reasoned with myself and decided: NO, I don't really need any MORE stuff... well.. more stuff that isn't specifically for something I'm, actually currently playing!

      I did play Blood Bowl a long, long time ago. But I haven't played in 34 years... It seems bonkers to say I haven't played that game for 34 years!? I do still have most of the stuff! Every so often I feel like breaking it out and trying to play it. I played a LOT of it, back in the day!
