Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 20 March 2024

Uggggghhhhhh.... I went and did a thing... AGAIN!?!?

Despite the fact that Zondra's Gravebreakers and the four warbands of the Rivals of the Mirrored City will be here on Saturday... 

They had a copy of the Gorechosen of Dromm at the Dragon's Den... 

I DID at least finish up Blackpowder's Buccaneers and Elathian's Soulraid and Cyreni's Razors AND Ephilim's Pandaemonium this past week. Not that puts me in the black for this year, but it moves me a bit closer and AFTER I pick up those four warbands this week, there won't be anything else new!

(until the next Core Box comes out...)

The new Core Box shouldn't be until later in April or May... and my hope is to finish a new warband each week for the rest of the spring and summer! If I manage to keep that up, by the end of September I should be completely all caught up - INCLUDING any more warbands I pick up (two in the next Core Box, and presumably one or two others sometime in the summer... if they look interesting!?) 

With Blackpowder's Buccaneers and Elathian's Soulraid and Cyreni's Razors and Ephilim's Pandaemonium out of the way, I think my priority is to finish up... maybe the Sons of Velmorn...? Maybe...? Or... Skabbik's Plague Pack....? It's hard to say... 

So here's where all those that remain on the workbench are at! 

(mind you, once the Zondra's Gravebreakers and the Rivals of the Mirrored City arrive... I have a feeling that ZONDRA and ZARBAG'S GITZ might become THE PRIORITY... but until then....) 

Gorechosen - Assembled and primed... 

Sons of Velmorn - these are pretty close... maybe I should finish these up before the weekend... 

Skabbik's Plaguepack - these would need a bit MORE work... but might also be fun to finish up quickly - so I don't end up with THREE skaven warbands on the workbench at once!? 

Myari's Purifiers 

Thundrik's Profiteers - I'd really like to have these to try out... but I've been having a hard time making decisions about how to approach them. I should just look at how the studio painted them and copy that - remove decision paralysis... 

Crimson Court - After hearing how Orion handed me my ass with these THREE TIMES last night (stay tuned for game report!) I half expected Amanda to tell me THESE should be the next priority for her... but she hasn't yet... maybe she's happy with the undersea Aelves for the moment!? 

Shadeborn - Honestly I thought I'd put these back into storage...? Not sure what theyr'e still doing on the workbench!?

Skittershank’s Clawpack - MOAR Skaven!? 

The Gnarlspirit Pack - I was excited about these a few weeks ago... but then conflicting ideas about how I should paint them stalled things out.. 

Headsmen’s Curse - I know what you're thinking "RED!? WTF, TIM!?".... Trust me, I have a plan!

Domitan’s Stormcoven 

Hexbane’s Hunter another one I thought I'd put back into storage, but just got shidfted to the back!?

Garrek's Reavers - an assitional copy that I have. The first one I did for myself was done rather hastily with contrast paints... and it was done... and quickly... but I don't love the look of it and decided to take my time with THIS one so it might look a bit better... 

Squigherd - whoops, look like one's trying to sneak off to the side there!? 

This little guy... 

Heroes of assorted Warhammer Quests and... Mordheim...? Maybe...? 

Undead Ogres of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City... 

Gargant - this is an old Heroscape giant that I picked up and my local Toys R Us over a decade ago, really cheap, and recently rebased it on to this GW Shattered Dominion base... it's probably a touch smaller than a GW gargant... but it's $85CAD to get a single Chaos Gargant and I just couldn't justify it to myself to just play the Gargant scenario - once or twice (from time to time) in Warhammer Underworlds... when I has this sitting around gathering dust 

(It had previously been on a 60mm x 60mm base for Hordes of the Things.. but as I've largely given up on that and been slowly rebasing all those old armies onto individual bases for use with Dragon Rampant or other similar smaller scale games...) 

(elsewhere I have Ylthari's Guardians, Grashrak's Despoilers, Skaeth's Wild Hunt, The Exiled Dead, and EXTRA copies of Steelheart's Champions and Storm of Celestus?!) 

This weekend both Zondra's Gravebreakers and the RIvals of the Mirrored City will be released, so expect to see ALL OF THOSE on the workbench next week!? 

(Maybe I DO need to clear some of these that I'm not-so-actively working on back into storage...)


  1. One might think that you like Warhammer Underworlds... but, since they are small, and fun to paint, why not? Plus you are actually playing it, rather than painting figures for other games that are not currently being played.

    1. Ha-ha... I am a little obsessed at the moment, yeah...

      It really is kind of in that sweet spot that scratches all the right parts of my brain.

  2. That's a lot of minis!
    Yeah, you are painting and playing quite a bit, so it seems this is working for you.

    1. Playing and being excited about playing really helps with the painting for me...
