Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: MORE Terrain bits

I finished up two more terrain bits for Warhammer underworlds. One is the last of the Beastgrave terrain, the other is just a Reaper miniatures Purple Worm that I've rebased onto one of the wooden hexes I picked up a while ago. 

Warhammer Underworlds Terrain bits

I figured the wurm might be fun for using in Deathgorge/Wintermaw - especially when playing with the Rimewyrm's Bite deck!

The clouds I tried to copy what I'd done with the billowing clouds of smoke on Skabbik's Plaguepack... but I don't think it's worked out as well here... Instead, it kind of just looks like giant mutant BROCCOLI!?!?

Ah, well... too many other things to do to dwell on it and I'm moving on!! 


  1. Oh no, broccoli! The green horror! ha!

    1. Yeah, I don't mind broccoli at all. I know other people can't stand it... So, depending on your tastes, this could either look horrifying or tasty!?
