Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Games

Monday, 1 July 2024 (Canada Day!)

We started the month by heading over to Shannon's to play some board games with her and Kevin. 

First we played Betrayal at the House on the Hill. I've seen this game played (on Wil Wheaton's Tabletop? Maybe?) and we've played Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (a D&D themed reskin of the game that Finnegan has), but I've never played the original. 

I played Jenny LeClerc... 

And... This is how the Haunt happened on my second turn... 

We did not get far. 

The Betrayer was determined to be Shannon's Character; Professor Longfellow

Shannon left to read her rules and we were left to read our rules and figure out how to defeat the professor and win... I STILL have no idea what we were actually supposed to do... Shannon won very quickly... 

Afterwards we played Carcasonne. 

I like Carcassonne. We were only playing with the base set and four people so it seemed like it went very fast and was quite low scoring. 

Afterwards we played Dixit. Dixit is okay if you're playing with the right people. These were the right people. I had a lot of fun playing it. Other times... less so... 

We played a game called NMBR9... then Kevin had to go out. 

So Amanda, Shannon and I played again. 

Strangely, we all did way WORSE on our second game... but I did less worse tha Amanda and Shannon and won that one! 

That wrapped up a VERY BUSY WEEK of playing games (and other stuff!) if you recall from June, we'd played multiple games of Warhammer Underworlds EVERY DAY, ALL WEEK in preparation for the Rivals Tournament on Sunday, 30 June 2024!? (Also Keiran graduated from high school on the Monday kicking off that week... and... other stuff happened?!)

Friday, 5 July 2024

I rode all the way out to the Warhammer Store Friday afternoon, hoping to get in a game or two of Warhammer Underworlds... and no one showed up... 

So I got roped into playing a game of the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead against Dray... I played with the store's Stormcast Spearhead force and beat down some Ghouls of the Flesh-Eaters Court pretty hard... 

You can read the game report here:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - First Game!

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Sunday Nic and Orion were back to play more Warhammer Underworlds! 

In the first game I played with Thundrik's Profiteers with Rimelocked Relics (the combo I'd planned to bring to the tournament, but didn't). Amanda played Lady Harrow's Mournflight. Orion Played the Crimson Court and Nic played the Skinnerkin, both with Nemesis decks. 

For our second game we all played with Rivals Decks. I played the Dread Pageannt. Amanda played the Thricefold Discord. Orion played the Headsman's Curse. Nic played Da Kunnin Krew. We all had one BIG figher (a fighter with 5+ wounds!) 

I haven't made a game report for this game... I took a bunch of pictures... but just didn't get to it. The following week was brutally hot AND I was totally distracted by all the PDFs of the new Age of Sigmar rules and battle profiles and warscrolls being released?! 

It was so hot, I didn't even ride out to the Warhammer Store on Friday... I can survive riding in the heat... it's the prospect of standing around trying to play games while SOAKED in sweat that did not appeal to me! 

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

The following Tuesday, we finally started our Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal campagin! John and Maygan joined Finnegan and Amanda as they delved into the catacombs under the Cinderfall District of Hammerhal Aqsha. 

There is a bit of a report and more pics here:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session One!

I missed the Skirmish Night at the Warhammer Store, as well as the Spearhead League kick off, because the temperatures soared into the +30s (°C) for a good chunk of the week... AND the air quality was terrible - for a few days, Environment Canada was just reporting it as 10+... once it gets beyond 10, there's just no point in keeping track, because it's just BAD!!

I had been super looking forward to Carrying on with the Warhammer Campaign the following Tuesday... but John and Maygan had to bail... 

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Wednesday, Orion had an evening free and really wanted to try out Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - and I had just finished the last of the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force and was looking for a game too! 

Orion's Soulblight Gravelords just DESTROYED my Hedonites... You can read all about it in the Game Report:

Spearhead: Hedonites of Slaanesh versus Soulblight Gravelords

Sunday, 28 July 2024 

Back to playing Warhammer Quest!

We moved our game to Sundays, because it's kind of the only day that worked for Maygan and John... but unfortunately Finnegan now plays D&D on Sundays, so he's had to drop out of the campaign!? Nevertheless... we forged ahead!

A brief report of the action can be found here:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Two!

Not as much gaming this month... 

People have been busy.... 

It's been HOT (and smokey!).... 

August isn't looking like it's going to be much better!?

What did everyone else get up to this month!? 


  1. Not a lot. Mostly reading, building Lego, and trying to stay cool.
    I don't do well in heat. I think I have come close to heat exhaustion more than once (long ago, not recently). So I try to be careful for myself. Not to preach to anyone. People have different tolerances and I know people who seem to thrive in hot weather.

    1. Amanda thrives in hot weather. She constantly complains about the air conditioning in her office and comes home and says "Wow, it's so nice here" where I've been feeling like I'm dying all day...

      I, on the other hand, have never been a fan of the heat. But for the last decade I've been taking medication that messes with my bodies ability to regulate temperature and now once it hits +25°C or above, I'm almost non functional... so... I picking up what you are putting down!

  2. p.s. Fortunately, we haven't had much smoke where I am at, so far this season. I hope things get better in your area. I know there are wildfires in various places.
    (we're looking at 100F today - thankfully I have AC, and it looks like things will get a bit cooler after today, more like around 90F +/- a few degrees for the highs)

    1. The Smoke hasn't been so bad this last week... Hoping (but not EXPECTING!) we've seen the worst of it!
