Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh - Blissbard Archers

Here, FINALLY, are the Blissbard Archers, the last unit needed for my Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force!

Blissbard Archers

Not quite done in time for the Spearhead kick off on Sunday... but done none-the-less. I did not love painting these... SO MANY week bits and details and gewgaws on every.... single..... one..... of them...  It was exhausting. Every time I though, "okay, I'm done..." I'd notice something I'd missed on one... but then find the same thing on two others... and then something completely different on another?! and this went on... and on... and ON!?

I almost feel like I need to paint a unit of identical Minifigs Napoleonics to get my mojo back. 


Here is the entire Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force! 


The Blissbard archers are normally units of 11 in regular Age of Sigmar, but for some reason in Spearhead they broken up into a unit of five and a unit of six!? 

Now to work on THE NEXT Spearhead force... or... do I continue on with the Hedonites of Slaanesh, now that I have SOME momentum?!

The entire Hedonites of Slaanesh force, so far... 

I feel like the next thing I work on will be a bit of a mix of the options above... I'll probably start ASSEMBLING some of the other Spearhead forces - Maybe some Heroes from all three (Stormcast, Skaven, and Soulblight Gravelords) - while finishing up a few of the Hedonite things that snuck their way onto the workbench while I was working on the spearhead force - certainly the Infernal Enrapturess and Lord of Paint... maybe Syl'Esske...? I could also finish up a unit of Daemonettes and start assembling the Hellstriders, as finishing those will finish up things I need for 1000 point Paths to Glory forces! 

Currently this entire force could be fielded as...

Regiment (General’s) 

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon - LEGENDS
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  180 - Daemon, War Machine
  • Unit - The Thricefold Discord (3) 130 - Unique, Daemon, Infantry

Total: 670


  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (10) 140 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 180 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Slaangor Fiendbloods (3) 140 - Sybarite, Infantry

Total: 590


I could add in the Dread Pageant as an "Auxiliary Unit" to make use of ALL the stuff bringing it to 1370... 

If I dropped the Hellflayer and the Threefold Discord (and left out the Dread Pageant), that makes a 950 point force ready for Paths to Glory! 

Given that I have a force here that is ready for Paths to Glory... Yeah, definitely going to start on the next force... (but maybe finish up the Lord of Pain and Infernal Enrapturess that are already on teh workbench and SO CLOSE to being DONE!) 


  1. It feels so good to get a box completely done and even better when you have options on how to play them. Great job Tim!
