Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 24 July 2024

Well... with the Blissbard Archers done, and with them the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force... what to do next!? Probably one of the OTHER Spearhead forces I have... and then working each of those up to 1000-point starting Paths to Glory forces. 

So what's on my workbench today, then...? 

First priority are these wall bits so I can play some Spearhead! Two large and two small terrain bits are used in each game. I already finished the small ones, so now I need to finish these off! 

There are a few Hedonites of Slaanesh Heroes that managed to sneak onto the desk while I was working on their Spearhead force... I kind of want to move on to other things.. but these are SO CLOSE to being finished, I kind of also just want to finish them up.. 

Under the category of "Moving On"... a Vampire Count from the Soulblight Gravelords Vanguard/Spearhead box! It also happens to be the model suggested for Carmilla Dusang - one of the Nemeses in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars

Also dug out some OLDER Vampire Lords to try and finish up... 

You can't used unique/named Heroes in a Paths to Glory force... so I thought I'd get some Generic Vampire Lords ready for that

(Yes, I KNOW these were NAMED characters back in Warhammer Fantasy... But they're Citadel miniatures and I'm not using them AS those characters, so... )

(Of course I could do the same with Carmilla Dusang... or ANY of the Vampire models... buuuuuut....)

And while I'm working on Vampires, I thought it was about time I finished these up... 

While I'm at it, I'll probably sneak a few more things onto the workbench from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. 

Still these Castigatores I was using to test the Anvils of Heldenhammer colours on... 

Mindstealer Shpiranx - the last of Hargax's Pit Beasts - is still on the workbench... It may be here a while, as I don't have a clear idea of HOW i'm going to paint it yet... 

I did start on this Melusai Ironscale... becaue it was too embarrassing to have all these Daughters of Khaine with no paint on them... and I thought if I finished up one of the heroes, it might motivate me to do the rest of the units!!

Three Darkoath Warriors... one being a rather new recruit... These might show up in our Warhammer Quest campaign! I had a funny idea for an encounter involving them. I've had a BUNCH of ideas... I hope we get to play again soon! 

Ugggghhh... this fucking guy... All I really have left to do are the patchwork pants and the shield on his wrist... but I just can't seem to get motivated to GET IT DONE!? (there HAS been SOME work on the pants this last week, though, so that's SOMETHING!) 

Waiting in the wings are... 

The rest of the Soublight Gravelords - just need to pick up some more Green Stuff - to make more flagstone bases - and SKULLS!! 

and this... likewise waiting for green stuff and skulls and time and space to work on them... Tempted as I am to just ASSEMBLE THEM ALL... I kind of just want to focus on the Gravelords until they are done. 

(But I'll probably assemble a few of the Hero models, for funsies!)

What are YOU working on this week!?

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