We are halfway through the year! Where did the time go!?
As with the last few Quarterly Plans, I'm not here to make any hard and fast predictions of Plans... Just set some general intentions which I will look back in 3 months, without judgement, and see what I DID manage to do!
What DID I plan for this past quarter? What DID I end up doing? You can see the plan here:
As for what I did manage to get up to...
In the Q2 plan I broke things down into a few categories and will likely do the same for Q3 (though I'm changing the order). the categories were Miniature Games, Solo/Co-op Games, Board Games, Miniature Games, Warhammer Underworlds, and then Tournaments/Conventions.
There were no real Board Game Play Challenges set for this Quarter - for games, at least. (I did have one idea for a challenge in Q2 and maybe carrying on through the rest of the year! More on that in the Warhammer Underworlds section below!)
Here is what I got to playing in the last three months...
- Warhammer Underworlds x35
- Wingspan x2
- Castles of Mad King Ludwig x1
- Century: Golem Edition x1
- Lacuna x1
- Mysterium x1
- RoboRally x1
- Stone Age x1
- Tokaido x1
- Wyrmspan x1
Total: 45 games!
Here's what we've played so far this year:
- Warhammer Underworlds x71
- Warhammer 40,000 x6
- Splendor x4
- Wingspan x2
- Abyss x1
- Castles of Mad King Ludwig x1
- Century: Golem Edition x1
- The Hanging Gardens x1
- Lacuna x1
- Mysterium x1
- RoboRally x1
- SET x1
- Stone Age x1
- Tokaido x1
- Wyrmspan x1
Total: 94 games!
Role-Playing Games
I was STILL really hoping to get SOME kind of role-playing game going on... And... that didn't happen... Maybe next Quarter, or at least by the end of the year!?
Solo/Co-op Games
I did not play any Solo games... but I did start paining minis for Warhammer Quest!
Board Games
I did FINALLY, get a semi-regular Game Night going on this Quarter - on alternating Friday Nights! We played some games! Yay!
The downside of alternating Fridays, is, if people bail on you one weekend, it's suddenly once a month...
Miniature Games
I was still hoping I might get in a game or two of Warcry... That did not happen...
I briefly consider a few games like Dragon Rampant or similar... but that didn't happen either.
The only miniature-like game I played in Q2 was Warhammer Underworlds... and that's got it's own category below.
Warhammer Underworlds
I'm still playing a LOT of Warhammer Underworlds! I've played 35 GAMES this past Quarter!? and 71 so far this year!? Which just blows everything else out of the water. By the end of this year, I'll have played more than all other previous years combined (If that hasn't already!?)
The one challenge I considered setting out was to play five different warbands five different times - and maybe shoot for playing ten different warbands ten times by the end of the year. I has guessed that the five in Q2 could potentially be Thricefold Discord, Grinkrak's Looncourt, Mollog's Mob, Skabbik's Plaguepack, and... Maybe Ephilim's...? Or Hrothgorn...? Or the Dread Pageant!?
This past Quarter I played the following warbands:
- Skabbik’s Plague pack x13
- Zondara’s Gravebreakers x5
- Thundrick’s Profiteers x4
- Threefold Discord x3
- Grinkrack’s Looncourt x3
- Magore’s Fiends x2
- Wurmspat x2
- Sons of Velmorn x1
- Grombrindal x1
- Dread Pageant x1
So far this year I've played:
- Wurmspat x16
- Skabbik's Plaguepack x15
- Thricefold Discord x9
- Grinkrak's Looncourt x6
- Zondara’s Gravebreakers x5
- Blackpowder's Buccaneers x4
- Thundrik’s Profiteers x4
- Magore's Fiends x3
- Mollog's Mob x2
- Dread Pageant x2
- Cyreni's Razors x1
- Hrothgorn's Mantrappers x1
- Ephilim's Pandemonium x1
- Sons of Velmorn x 1
- Grombrindal x1
I don't know if this PLAY TEN WARBANDS TEN TIMES thing is going to work out... I kind of want to play Wurmspat more - especially with some of the newer decks. I do want to try out more warbands - and play them each enough that I really feel like I'm getting to know them (Which is partly why I've slowed down on the painting of new warbands - see below)
Another idea I'd had was to play each of the warbands I have painted at least once this year... but that seems at odds with the idea of playing a few and getting to know them and figure out how to play them...
Despite having sworn off conventions and miniatures and other larger public events... I went to a tournament earlier this year (the Strange Bedfellows Team Tournament in February) and more recently the much smaller event at the Warhammer Store.
I also briefly considered going to one or two Warhammer Underworlds events in Calgary and/or Edmonton in May and June!? Neither of those happened though... There was just too much other stuff going on with Keiran finishing up high school and dance recitals and Musical performances... it just didn't work out... But I AM thinking maybe I could go to some of those next year (assuming I'm still playing Warhammer Underworlds)! There is even an event in Ottawa I might attend next year (because Amanda and I both have friends that live there and it would be an opportunity to just visit the city and friends!)
The Plan was to paint Warhammer Underworlds warbands. I did some of those. The plan was to paint ONE WARBAND PER WEEK and get them ALL done by September... that did NOT happen... but I did paint some other stuff as well!
Part of the reason I gave up on the idea of painting a warband each week was that every time I finish a warband I want to play it! Ideally I'd like to play it at least a few times, maybe four or five times! Painting one a week did not give me time to play each warband enough - let along have time to linger on ones that I was actually interested in or enjoying! So I tried mixing in the Warhammer Quest miniatures I had planned to paint later in the year - because that kept the focus on Age of Sigmar (and got me excited about playing Warhammer Quest and Soulbound - which might lead me to playing THOSE games earlier than I'd expected!)
Here is what I DID get to painting this past Quarter:
- 5x Sons of Velmorn
- 1x Deathwing Knight
- 1x Radukar the Wolf
- 2x Kosargi Guard
- 5x The Skinnerkin
- 1x Ghoul (February FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Other random metal Ghoul
- 5x Zondara's Gravebreakers
- 6x Cursed City Bat Swarms
- 4x Warhammer Quest Heroes
- 1x Wizard/Painter
- 7x Kairic Acoloytes
- 1x Tzangor
- 4x Picts
- 1x Glaurio Ven Alten III
- 1x Grombrindal
- 1x Chaos Sorcerer Lord
- 2x Familiars
- 4x Chosen Axes
- 5x Thudrik's Profiteers
- 1x Cado Ezechiar
- 11x Kairic Acolytes
- 3x Gryph-hounds
- 1x Chaos Sorcerer
- 2x Warhammer Quest Heroes
- 1x Heroscape Giant/Stand-In Chaos Gargant
- 3x Soul Refractors
- 2x Mysterious Object models for Cursed City
- 1x Beastgrave Tentacle Terrain Bit
So... thar's Five Warhammer Underworlds warbands (totalling 24 minatures)... and a few other things for Warhammmer Underworlds (Grombrindal, Gargants, Terrain)... and 40 miniatures for assorted Warhammer Quest games
Miniature painting production definitely picked up this quarter! In the first quarter I only managed to paint 28x28mm Foot Figures (Mind you, I also painted five vehicles and a handful of tokens and terrain bits and bobs in Q1). This Quarter I managed to paint 76 x28mm Foot Minatures (and the Gargant, and a few bits and bobs for Warhammer Underworlds and Warhamer Quest games)!! The annual total so far is 114 x28mm Foot Minatures - which is more than I painted all of last year!!
As planned most of the Aquisitions were for Warhammer Underworlds and a few Free Miniature-of-the-Month from the Warhammer Store...
A few other things, while still under the category of "Age of Sigmar Related", were NOT expected at the beginning of the Quarter (Grombrindal, Gargant, Chosen Axes, Cado Exechiar, Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Box)
In total I acquired:
- 1x Deathwing Knight (April FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 5x Brethren of the Bolt
- 5x The Skinnerkin
- 1x Steelhelm (May FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Grombrindal, the White Dwarf
- 4x Chosen Axes
- 1x Cado Ezechiar
- 2x Darkoath Warrior (June FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh
- 3x Slaangor Fiendbloods
- 10x Blissbarb Archers
- 1x Blissbrew Homonculus
- 1x Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia
- 3x Fell Bats
- 10x Dire Wolves
Total: 49 x28mm miniatures and one Big Beastie! So, less than I bought in Q1.... the pick up in painting hasn't entirely put me "in the black" (I was, briefly, for a week or two... but then I bought that Dawnbringers: Fangs of the Blood Queen box on Saturday..
I actually got rid of a few things this past Quarter. First, Other Tim was looking for some elves for an Oathmark army he is building and I happily gave away a few old plastic Sea Guard and a handful of metal elf archers. Later I gave away the Old Karanak model and one of the copies of Garrek's Reavers I had! Finally, I decided to get rid of the pile of mantic Marines I picked up YEARS ago to use as stand-in guard or some kind of Generic Sci-Fi Troopers.
Kind of felt good to get rid of a few things. I'd like to get rid of more... but not sure where to start or how I'd even DO that... I have no desire to deal with listing things on ebay or other online market places and dealing with online sales and such... but I don't think there are that many people locally that will be interested in the stuff that I've got...
GAME PLAN 2024 - Q3
Warhammer Underworlds
I don't forsee much slowing down of the Warhammer Underworlds. I like playing on Fridays at the Warhammer Store and will probably continue to do that. I really enjoy the Sunday games with Orion and Nic, I hope we continue to do that. I wouldn't mind playing an additional game or two a week if I could arrange it!
Unless I get a LOT of games of Warhammer Quest going on...
Solo/Co-op Games
I've kind of completely given up on the idea of playing Five Parsecs from Home (or similar) for now... Though I did BUY the hardcover rulebook a week or so ago (I'd only previously had the PDF!) because I definitely DO want to explore that game more in the future... maybe when the Age of Sigmar obsession runs its course!
But I'm definitely hoping this Quarter we will start playing Warhammer Quest!

Initially I thought I'd like to play through Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower this summer and Warhammer Quest: Shadow Over Hammerhal through the fall... but then realized I was WAY CLOSER to finishing up the miniatures for Shadows Over Hammerhal, so I'll probably play that over the summer, while finishing up the last of the Silver Tower miniatures!
With any luck, by the end of Q3 we'll be starting Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower!
Further off... (like in Q4) I'm hoping to finally play through Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. It might be fun to play over the Winter Holidaze at the end of the year! And then follow up with Night Wars...? Maybe in the new year?!
Other Board Games
We have got a Board Game Night on alternating Fridays started... hopefully we can keep that going! Maybe we could just make it most Fridays, but know that Kevin and Shannon would only make it on the alternating Fridays...?
Starting AFTER I get home from Skirmish "Night" at the Warhammer Store has worked out okay, so far...
It'd be nice to get in some longer games on Saturday afternoons, as well... maybe once or twice a month...?
Other Miniature Games
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
I have picked up a Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box to play the new Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - in Spearhead format, at least... to start... will I get beyond that? Maybe...? Maybe not...? Probably not going to run out and start playing in tournaments... I am planning to play in the Spearhead League at the Warhammer store through the summer.
I COULD see myself getting in on a Path to Glory campaign, if there were others interested - either amongst friends, or just players at the Warhammer Store after the Spearhead league wraps up!
Role-Playing Games
Would STILL love to get a role-playing game going. Soulbound is really the only one I'm even thinking about at all... Maybe playing through the Warhammer Quest games will lead into some kind of role-playing campaign... So this might not happen THIS Quarter... maybe in the fall...? Or after we finish up Cursed City...?
There are SO MANY I'd love to play... someday... (the new Twilight: 2000, Bladerunner, Hellboy being the top of the list, still!) but I'm trying to keep focused on Age of Sigmar related games right now.
There aren't any conventions or tournaments on the horizon that I'm thinking about attending... Though John at the Warhammer Store has suggested about arranging a more smaller, one-day Warhammer Underworlds events at some point... so maybe there will be that!
Game Weekend
The idea of hosting a game weekend has been floating around in my head again... but I haven't really done much planning or organizing for it... But as I'm getting these Warhammer Quest minis done, I thought I could host a weekend of Warhammer Quest. That might be more of a Fall thing - at the end of this Quarter (September) or into Q4 (October).
To kick off the Quarter, I really want to finish painting the Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box, so I'm ready to start playing some Spearhead games when Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Fourth Edition is released in two weeks!
After that, the plan is to just carry on painting up Warhammer Underworlds warbands and Warhammer Quest stuff - and probably mix in some more of the other Warhammer Age of Sigmar models that I have (mostly the Daemons of Slaanesh... but also Daughters of Khaine and maybe a few Goblins and Ogors....?)
I would have LOVED to finish painting ALL the Warhammer Underworlds warbands by the end of the year, but I'm thinking that might be a bit unrealistic, given the aforementioned desire to play each at least a few times as I finish them... but I would still like to knock off at least five or six in Q3 and at least a dozen by the end of the year... Which would leave me with only about six left to paint (not including the warbands that I have a second copy of!)... (This also doesn't include the 2-5 warbands that will probably be released this year that I could potentially end up buying...)
I might need some TERRAIN for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar...
I do have this old Temple of Skulls... which is maybe more apropos for Khorne Daemons, but could probably be used as a centrepiece for battles involving Hedonites of Slaanesh!!
I also have this Warscryer Citadel I could finally get around to assebling and painting as well... Could this be the lair of a Shardspeaker of Slaanesh...? Seems more Gothic Horror and appropriate for a Soulblight Vampire Lord!?
There will likely be a few new things for Warhammer Underworlds. If the pattern of the last few years is any indication, there should be two expansion warbands for Wintermaw and a pair of rivals decks this Quarter. I may or may not pick the warbands up. I will probably pick up the decks.
The new starter box (which will be in a whole new setting - Mosscairn, in Gyran - if the rumours are to be believed!) is not likely to arrive until October (Q4).
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
I will be picking up Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Fourth Edition in two weeks... (and it seems like maybe there might be some cards needed to play Spearhead games...?)
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
Possibly a board/terrain set assuming it's sold separately - so I have some scatter terrain and a board to play Spearhead Games on.
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
I am tempted even to buy the Skaventide box... and sell off all the Stormcast and Skaven!? It would probably be a cheaper way to get the rules and cards and board...
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
IF I did get the Hedonites box painted and DID end up playing a LOT of AoS4E Spearhead, I could conceivably see myself picking up a second Vanguard Box (Soulblight Gravelords). But that would be later in the Quarter, or might not be until Q4 (if at all...)
Also, at some point this year, I will probably pick up some of the minis needed to play Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars... but that also probably won't be until Q4...
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