Friday, April 5, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Sons of Velmorn

 Another Week, Another Warband...

(Although, I'm not sure I finished one last week, technically... but one of these weeks I'm sure to finish up two, as i'm working on a few simultaneously at any given moment) 

The Sons of Velmorn

(Well, it's actually Velmorn and his sons... )

King Morlak Velmorn

Sir Jedrean Falseborn (Velmorn's illegitimate son and bodyguard)

Marshal Faulk Velmorn (The Eldest of Velmorn's sons, heir to the throne and commander of the armies) 

Thain, Fourth-and-Last (the Youngest of Velmorn's Sons) 

Helmar the Hewer

I think these look really cool. I like the fluff.... but, for some reason, I'm not as jazzed to play these as some of the others. I'm sure I'll play them at least once within the next week... but then I'm pretty sure I want to play more with Skabbik! 

They're a nice addition to my Soulblight forces (including Sepulchral Guard and Crimson Court and ALL THE CURSED CITY stuff!).... Lots for a Warcry warband (or, ANY skirmish game!) or for baddies in a role-playing game... What I'm NOT going to do is start building an Age of Sigmar army!!


  1. Excellent painting!
    (I don't know how you keep track of all of these warbands! ha ha)

    1. Thanks!
      Keeping track of the cards in their respective decks and how they play that is the trouble!! Once I get them all painted, I think I need to just pick a few 2-3 and try to really figure out how to play them WELL!
