Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Endless Spells, Objective Markers and Pretty Flowers...

 I placed another order with Fenris Games a week or so ago... and it arrived earlier today....

Endless Spells for the Hedonites of Slaanesh, a bunch of alien tufts (oh, not actually flowers, I guess...) and some objective markers for Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40K.. 

After my game yesterday, I'm starting to wonder if the Hedonites of Slaanesh Endless Spells were really the ones to get...

I could have just gotten ONE set... but it was easier to get to the FREE SHIPPING zone with two... (rather than buy MORE faction terrain or endless spells!?) 

The objective markers ARE handy. In both games objectives are meant to be on 40mm bases, and control of them is detremined by the total Objective Control rating of each model within 3" (Combat Range). These objective markers show clearly that area. If the miniature is on the circle, it's within range of the Objective in the middle - no fussing about measuring to see which models are in or not. They're either on the matt or they aren't. 

The matts themselves are 44"x30" - the recomended size for 1000-1500 point games in Age of Sigmar (and, I THINK, 40K?) 

Green Grassy objectives for the Green Grassy matt... 

And some CHAOS objectives for the Cobblestones...

...and the desert... 

I could have used the Chaos Objectives for the grass as well... but... 

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