Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 2 October 2024

 It's Wednesday.... so here is what is haunting my workbench at the beginning of the "scary" month!

Still a bunch of Sylvaneth on the workbench... I'd been trying to work these up along side all the others... but then in the push to finish the Spearhead Army for the Game on Sunday... I set these aside to finish up later... It is now later... 

Ylthari's Guardians - Warhammer Underworlds warband... but still usable as "legends" in an Age of Sigmar Sylvaneth army. 

Five more Tree-Revenants. I did not build a Champion, Musician, or Standard Bearer... so these are pretty much decicated to reinforcing the unit I already have, bringing it up to 10. Not sure if that's a smart thing to do in the game... but no one has ever accused me of being a canny player... 


I've assembled and primed the Awakened Wyldwood I picked up at the Dragon's Den Anniversary Sale... Seems like an essential bit of faction terrain for the Sylvaneth... but also, just a nice little copse of trees for anyone else. I'd been thinking about getting some of these for a LONG time - way before I ever considered the possibility of playing Sylvaneth! 

I was still pretty stoked about the Sylvaneth a few days ago...!?!

Most of my thinking and focus has shifted to Path to Glory - as that it what is happening next at the Warhammer store - a Path to Glory campaign!

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what army to do - because I really should just FOCUS ON ONE for now... and that COULD be Sylvaneth... and if I finish up everything above I'd have 1050 points. If I dug out Skaeth's Wild Hunt and painted them up as well, and substituted them in for Ylthari's Guardians, I'd have EXACTLY 1000 points... (and Ylthari's to bring in as reinforcements, when I gained enough Reknown!). That army would look like this:

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points 
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points 
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points

Total: 790

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points

Total: 210

Army Total: 1000

The only problem is... that's IT!? I don't HAVE any more Sylvaneth... If the army expanded beyond 1140 points (and that's kind of the idea of the Path to Glory campaign, is you start with 1000 points and slowly build up the army...). So I'd have to go out and BUY MORE STUFF... and I'm not super excited about doing that right now... Especially when I have SO MUCH OTHER STUFF I could paint for SO MANY OTHER FACTIONS!? 

So... what faction to use...? 

I have two that I could cobble together something close to 1000 point and just play tomorrow - Blades of Khorne and Hedonites of Slaanesh. Both have LOADS of stuff that could be used to expand the army - stuff that's already painted and more that could be painted! 

Because you can only buy complete units and most of them start at 100 points (but more are NOT nice even numbers like 100 or 150... there are loads of units that are 110, or 130, or 140, or 179, etc)... it's often difficult to get a force that is exactly 1000 points. Also, with the regimental limitations, you can't always add a unit that you have to a regiment that would make a nice even 1000 points because it's a type that just won't go in the Regiment lead by a hero of a particular type - this is especially true for most Chaos armies. There are Daemon units and then there are mortal units (Bloodbound for Khorne, Sybarites for Slaanesh) and lesser leaders of one type or another can only have units of the same type... so... tricky. 

In both Hedonites and the Blades of Khorne I have forces I have a few options for 1000 point starting armies but often they end up being 890-930 points and I don't have any units that are exactly (or less than) the number of points needed to get to 1000... In a few I could do it if I painted ONE MORE UNIT (but in some cases, I'd have to BUY said unit!?) 

One of the Khorne option only needed one units of Blood Warriors... 

So the second unit of Blood Warriors is back on the workbench and finally getting rebased! An additional unit of Blood warriors would make this 930! 

This option would look like... 

Slaughterpriest General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 930

This is basically the Spearhead Army, plus one additional unit of Blood Warriors. 

The Khorgorath never left the table... it's been sitting in a state of SO CLOSE to being done I just couldn't bear to remove it from the table... also, I noted while I was tinkering around last night, that if I dropped the Bloodreavers, and added the Khorgorath to the above army, I'd be even CLOSER to 1000 points!

Slaughterpriest General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 150 (-20) - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 980

While I was looking at all the Khorne stuff I brought these Skullreapers to rebase and prime over. I have no immediate plan for them, they just look fun and if I've got the red and brass out, I might as well try and knock these out as well!?

The Mighty Lord of Khorne and Bloodsecrator have also been haunting the workbench since I was working on the Spearhead army... the Bloodstoker was brought up to rebase and prime with the Skullreapers... I had a couple ideas of forces that could include one or more of these... but then I wouldn't have a priest... and I'm not sure how fucked I'd be without one in this edition (I know in cerain editions of Warhammer Fantasty that I fielded an army without wizards against an army WITH wizards, I was doomed from the get-go!). I have to admit, I haven't really read any of the advanced rules about magic or manifestations or priests or anything, as I've been mostly focused on Spearhead for the last few months, which has it's own rules to cover these things... 

I also have an option for an ALL DAEMON Khorne army, that seems like it would be fun... but that would require buying one more box of Flesh hounds... 

Bloodmaster General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Unit - Bloodcrushers (3) 200
  • Unit - Bloodletters (10) 200
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (10) 220
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (10) 220

Total: 990...? 

and I think that's the closest I get to 1000 points with a Blades of Khorne army. 

Not having exactly 1000 points isn't THAT big of a deal... if you start with 50 points less than the agreed upon point level of the game (i.e. if you're playing a 1000 point game and you have 950 or less) you get a bonus Command Point to start the game...? 

Still a lot of Nighthaunt haunting the workbench... I should really box these up as they haven't been worked on for weeks... or... months maybe... 

I DO have enough of these that THEY could potentially be used in a Path to Glory campaign - IF I finished up the Sriptor Mortis, the Myrmourn Banshees and the Craventhrone Guard... 

Scriptor Mortis General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Scriptor Mortis (1) 120 - 0-1 Black Coach, Any Infantry 
  • Unit - Bladegheist Revenants (10) 160 - Infantry
  • Unit - Craventhrone Guard (5) 100 - Infantry
  • Unit - Glaivewraith Stalkers (4) 80 - Infantry

Total: 460

Spirit Torment's Regiment 

  • Hero - Spirit Torment (1) 130 - 0-1 Black Coach, Any Infantry
  • Unit - Chainghasts (2) 100 - Infantry
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120 - Infantry
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120 - Infantry

Total: 470

Army Total: 930

But I'm kind of just not feeling it right now... Also, these are pretty much in the same situation as the Sylvaneth... I'd HAVE to buy more stuff to expand this army any... 

Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed and a unit of Darkoath Fellriders (actually old Chaos Marauder Horse... but basically the same thing...).

Also under consideration are the Slaves to Darkness... This army would need the most stuff assembled and painted - though I already HAVE the stuff... and maybe that should be the point of this campaign - motivation to GET STUFF DONE... one option involves a bunch of Darkoath Riders... 

Darkoath Chieftain General’s Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 160
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150

Points 460

Ogroid Myrmidon's Regiment (Hargax's Pit Beasts!) 

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 170
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 140
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Points 480

Army Total: 940

Instead of Fomoroid Crusher, could take Darkoath Wilderfiend (1) 170  - for a total of 970

Need to assemble and paint Darkoath Chieftain and 10x Fellriders (and the Wilderfiend…). 

Mind you, again, that option has no wizards... 

Another Option for Slaves to Darkness includes a Chaos Sorcerer Lord and Chaos Knights...

Chaos Sorcerer Lord Generals Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 170
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Total: 960

This would require assembling and painting the Chaos Sorcerer Lord and the ten Knights... but it would be pretty cool... 

I could ditch the (ALREADY PAINTED) monsters and build something COMPLETELY NEW!?

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250

Total: 370

Darkoath Chieftain's Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 160
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150

Total: 610

Army Total: 980

All that cavalry... I mean, I wouldn't have to buy a thing and I'd have piles of stuff to ADD to the army... but Id have to assemble AND paint ALL of it (except for the Chieftan and five of the riders... they're already assembled!) 

I just don't know... so many cool ideas... 

I finally got around to assembling/basing/priming Brakky the Guilded Key/Auric Runesmiter miniature... 

Also the Saviours of Cinderfall are still lurking on the desk... 

So, yeah, I'm really tornabout what faction to focus on for and Age of Sigmar Path to Glory campaign... 

Do I just go with something that's nearly already done - like Blades of Khorne or Hedonites of Slaanesh... (and have time to work on stuff for or play Five Men in Normandy or Devilry Afoot...!?) 

Or do I do something that is NEARLY done, and would finish up ALL the stuff I have for it - like Sylvaneth or Nighthaunt... But then also would need MORE STUFF once the campaign gets going and the army builds reknown and starts to expand... 

OR Something that gets a BUNCH of new stuff done... Like Slaves to Darkness - or Daughters of Khaine!!

I easily have over a thousand points of Stormcast, but I'm not really even thinking about those... I could probably do Skaven too... ugggghhhh... 


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