Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 16 October 2024

 I felt like I didn't do much this past week - probably because there was a number of days that I didn't do anything at all!? But there were two or three days that I did do a LOT of work on various projects, so, in all, it's been a moderately productive week, even if I haven't finished much up!

What I was MOSTLY working on was assorted Chaos Cavalry!

Among those were... 

Ten Hellstriders... I did half with the clawspear and half with the Claw-Spear and half with the Hellscourge-flail-whip-thing... I feel like in previous editions there were different stat profiles for these two weapons... and I feel like I'd been thinking I'd go with the Hellscourge...? But now their weapons are listed as "Claw-Spear or Hellscourge" - all one stat line... for variety I thought I'd do half and half... but now I want to tear off all the Hellscourges... they are the WORST... I broke one or two while assembling - luckily I had extras and repaced it right away... I've broken another while trying to paint... they are so dainty and delicate and they just catch on EVERYTHING!? The may all soon be replaced with Claw-Spears!

There are also ten Seekers. I only really NEED to paint five of these... but I'll probably just do all ten while I'm at it... also this will look more consistent as a unit as the five I've painted previously look quite different... I may end up replacing those bases. These are currently on "Broken Realms" bases - as are the ones I painted previously... but I might switch these, and the others, over to the flagstone ruins bases I've been doing all the other Age of Sigmar forces in (except the Sylvaneth!) 

While working on the Hedonite Cavalry, I started working on these Slaves to Darkness riders as well! They are the old Mounted Chaos Marauders, which I'll be using as the Darkoath Fellriders that replaced them in the Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness army. 

My Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed. 

I've done a bit of work on these old Chaos Ogres that I could potentially use as Ogroid Therodons in my Slaves to Darkness army. 

I did a bit of work on the Slaves to Darkness Chaos Warrior Free Miniature-of-the-Month. 

Assembling and priming the Endless Spells for the Hedonites of Slaanesh... Kind of wishing I'd tracked down the ones for Slaves to Darkness... Ah, well... 

And I did start working on the Starblood Stalkers. 

I was a little surprised to NOT see the new Warhammer Underworlds listed in this past Sunday's Pre-order Preview. If it'd been in the Pre-Order Preview this week, it'd be available for pre-order this Saturday and released on 2 November 2024 - giving those going to the World Championships two and a half weeks to assemble and paint any minis they might want to use and practice playing with the new game - as it HAS been announced that they will be using the NEW EDITION at the Warhammer World Championships at the end of November!? I thought it was nuts, as any later, and they'd have less than two weeks to prepare!? 

Someone had suggested that everyone that's recieved a golden ticket and registered for the World Championships already HAVE copies (and are under a STRICT NDA!). If that's the case, I'm wondering if they official release date may be the weekend of the World Championships!?

I'm probably going to push to finish up the Hellstriders and Seekers (and Endless Spells) and try out an ALL CAVALRY Hedonites of Slaanesh army for the Path to Glory campaign... well... all the UNITS will be cavalry... there aren't really any mounted HEROES for the Hedonites of Slaanesh. 

I will try really hard NOT to be totally distracted by the Scouts and Genestealers from the Lost Patrol!?

(I am TOTALLY  going to be COMPLETELY distracted by the Scouts and Genestealers from the Lost Patrol!?) 


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