Friday, October 4, 2024

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Path to Glory Army Options

Now that the Spearhead league at the Warhammer Store has wrapped up, there’s talk of a Path to Glory campaign starting! I’m pretty excited about the idea. I know I’ve complained about the lack of… well… everything in this edition’s version of Path to Glory… I’m trying to let that shit go and roll with what we’ve got. I COULD organize my own campaign and use elements of previous editions campaign rules… but I don’t have the time or energy for that right now and if John at the Warhammer store is willing to organize stuff, I’m just going to be happy to play games and shut up about it and build up with a fun narrative for my army as we go… 

But.. What army will that BE!? 

THIS is the question that I’ve been tormenting myself about for the last week and gone back and forth numerous times. At moments being so certain I’d do one or the other, I started assembling or priming or otherwise prepping entire units of stuff… only to just drop them, when I had another idea?! 

(buckle in, it gets a little rambley!) 

(See if you can guess which one I'll settle on by the end!?) 

So certain was I, at one point, that it would for sure by either the Blades of Khorne or the Hedonites of Slaanesh, that, on the last day of the Dragon’s Den Games 30th Anniversary Sale, I went back and bought the Faction pack for each of those… (but also, they didn’t HAVE the Sylvaneth pack… and the Soulbight Graveyards one cost a bit more $30 vs $24 for these… not sure if they had Nighthaunt, but I wasn’t really considering it at the time…) 

As absurd as this may be, I have NINE different factions that I COULD potentially field a 1000-point Path to Glory starting army!? Some I could just start playing with tomorrow, others I would have to assemble and paint the entire thing… Part of me feels like I should go with something I’m ready (or nearly ready) to go with NOW… Part of me feels like I should pick one of those armies that need a LOT of work and use the carrot of playing in the league as inspiration to bang out an army!? 

Some other considerations... 


in this edition forces need to be organized into Regiments - or fielded as Auxiliary troops (Units you could not fit into a Regiment) . There are benefits to having less of each. The Heroes and Units of a regiment are deployed at once (i.e. when it’s your turn to deploy a thing, you can deploy a single Auxiliary unit… or all the Units of a Regiment… then it’s your opponents turn to deploy a thing). The first player to finish deployment usually gets to pick who goes first in the first round. Also, if you have the same number of units/regiments to deploy, this comes down to a dice roll at the beginning of the game… Also, if one player has more Auxiliary troops than their opponent, said opponent starts the game with a bonus command point. 

So it seems most people are probably going to try and have single regiment forces… 

For some armies this is easier than other armies. Each Hero has a list of units (by keyword) that can be included in their regiment. For some, like Soulblight Graveyards, this is super easy as Vampire Lords (which will likely be the most common General in a Path to Glory army) are listed as being able to include “Any Soulblight” meaning ANY of the units from the Soulblight Graveyards faction can be included in their Regiments. 

Other armies, this is less easy as the Heroes are a bit more picky about who they will lead in their units… For The Hednoites, for example, only names characters (which cannot be Generals in a Path to Glory armies) Or Keepers of Secrets (Greater Daemons of Slaanesh that, at 440 points, can also not be used as Generals in a Path to Glory army) have “Any Hedonites of Slaanesh” listed in their regiment options. All others have either “Any Daemon” or “Any Sybarite” (mortal servants of Slaanesh)… So if I want to have a ONE Regiment army, my options are much more limited… 

Is this really that big of a deal…? I don’t know. Command points can be pretty powerful. Going first…? To be honest, reading through how Temptation Dice work in regular Age of Sigmar (very different from Spearhead!!) its probably BETTER for the Hedonites to go second each round… of course if one had a canny opponent, they might MAKE a Hedonites player go first!?


I still have nightmares about playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd edition and just having my ASS handed to me when I showed up with armies without wizards or and faced an opponent that did. Having a wizard (or priest) not only means being able to cast spells (and summon manifestations of Endless Spells) you can potentially BLOCK wizards from casting spells and banish Endless Spells that have been summoned… 

So… do I need a wizard or Priest in every army!? Am I just going to be rolled over without one?! 

Also the aforementioned Endless Spells have been a thing in Age of Sigmar from just about the beginning… they are spells that can be summoned and have models and stay on the table until banished or otherwise destroyed. I never really paid much attention to them as they aren’t cheap, and you had to pay points to have them in previous editions and they didn’t seem all that useful. In this NEW edition, they seem pretty bad ass… and there is NO POINT COST to having them.. if you have a wizard (or priest)… you can just summon your faction's Endless Spells (or “invocations” for the Blades of Khorne)… 

So… probably a pretty good thing to have? (as everyone else is going to have them!) 

I do not have ANY of the endless spells… so that’s a thing I’m probably going to breakdown and buy… regardless of which faction I play… 

Faction Terrain

Most factions have “Faction Terrain” a piece of terrain you can often (depending on the scenario) can be deployed in your territory at the beginning of the game - or, in some cases, summon onto the table DURING the game… (Sylvaneth!) 

Some this seems silly… there are some scenarios where both armies can have faction terrain… how is it battles would take place where both factions just happened to have some of their special terrain built!? Or is it just assumed that it’s there BECAUSE MAGIC… the BECAUSE MAGIC excuse for so many things wears pretty thin after a while… 

Alas, like the endless spells, this costs nothing (in terms of the army point limit) to include in a battle. If you have the model and the scenario allows it, you just put it on the table. Some are more useful than others. The Skull Alter for the Blades of Khorne seems really good… as does the Awakened Wyldwood for the Sylvaneth… I’m pretty MEH” about the Fane of Slaanesh… it looks silly and it doesn’t do a whole lot (you have to DEAL D3 WOUNDS to a friendly unit within 12”… then that unit gets a bonus to wound rolls or run rolls or casting rolls…) 

Anyway… My brain has been so focused on this it completely overshadowed all other game considerations and I just need to settle on something so I can get to work on finishing up whatever I need to finish up and, in the meantime, PLAY some other games (like Devilry Afoot or Five Men in Normandy, or whatever!?) 

A LOT of these options are basically the Spearhead Army Plus (a few other things) 


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne

I have a BUNCH of options and a lot of them require little to paint. The first two are Spearhead+ armies (the spearhead army I already have, plus another unit).

My first thought was just to paint up a second unit of Blood Warriors (that I already have) and add them to the Spearhead army 


Slaughterpriest General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 930

Alternatively I could field the Bloodwarriors as a single, reinforced unit of 20 (which I think is what the original owner did, as there is only one standard and one musician among the lot of them). I’m not sure how useful that is though… as games are most often won by holding objectives, there doesn’t seem to be much advantage in a smaller number of bigger units… a larger number of smaller, more maneuverable units seems more useful…

This army has a priest… could add invocations AND a Skull alter… 

THEN, noting that there was 70 points unused… I wondered if there was something else I could substitute in for the Bloodreavers (100 points) that could be up to 170 points… and that brought me to Option #2


Slaughterpriest General's Regiment  

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 150  - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 980

The Korgorath! So option number two is much the same as option #1… but I don’t have a screen of cheap Bloodreavers and instead need to finally finish painting that Korgorath!! 

Then I got the idea that the Path to Glory warband cold just be a manifestation of Daemons on the Mortal Realms, just going on a RAMPAGE of SLAUGHTER


Bloodmaster General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Unit - Bloodcrushers (3) 200
  • Unit - Bloodletters (10) 200
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (10) 220
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (10) 220

Total: 990! 

This would be super fun to play... BUT, I would need to finish Bloodcrushers AND BUY, assemble, and paint 5x Flesh Hounds to field this army… (but flesh hounds are super easy and quick to paint!) 

The Bloodmaster is a Priest (1)… so I can banish spells and manifest invocations with it… Stand on a Skull Altar..


Back to mortal options… I have a Mighty Lord of Khorne and thought it might be fun to have one of those in my army… I COULD start with Option #1 or #1 above and ADD a Mighty Lord of Khorne afterwards… but it feels a little weird ADDING a Mighty Lord of Khorne to this army afterwards… as a subordinate to the Slaughter Priest…  Mind you, the Mighty Lord of Khorne is fewer points… 


Mighty Lord of Khorne General's Regiment 

  • Hero -  Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 140 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Blades of Khorne
  • Hero - Bloodsecrator (1) 150 - Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 960

Would need to finish Mighty Lord of Khorne, Bloodsecrator, and ten Blood Warriors. The Mighty Lord of Khorne is not a priest.. but I COULD give him the Firebrand trait and MAKE him a priest!?

Another option is to start with BOTH the Mighty Lord of Khorne AND a Slaughterpriest… but neither can be in each other’s regiments… so that would necessitate taking two Regiments… 


Mighty Lord of Khorne General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 140 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Blades of Khorne
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 560

Slaughterpriest's Regiment 

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 150  - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 410

Army Total: 970

Would need to finish Mighty Lord of Khorne, the Khorgorath, and ten Blood Warriors. 

Alternatively, I could take a unit of Instead of Mighty Skullcrushers instead of the Khorgorath and Bloodreavers…?

So... Blades of Khorne... 


  • Most options require little to paint up before being able to use
  • Simple and straightforward army
  • I have lots of options for things I can add to the force as it gains glory and grows


  • Faction terrain (Skull Altar $63.00CAD) and Endless Spells/Invocations (Judgements of Khorne $50.00CAD) both seem super useful and would probably be silly to play without… 
  • Cool Characters I’d like to add to the force… Aspiring Deathbringers ($42.50CAD), Skullgrinder ($42.50CAD) 


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Hedonites of Slaanesh

I have a few options for the Hedonites of Slaanesh...

 The Hedonites were the FIRST army I thought I’d build for Age of Sigmar… and while I had small elements of Khorne Daemons and Daughters of Khaine and Stormcast (just from all the Warhammer Underworlds warbqands!?) THIS was going to be MY ARMY… of ALL the forces I have, this is the only one that I’ve NAMED characters for (though not ALL the characters are named, just yet…) 

For the first option, I don’t need to paint a single thing!! It’s ALL DONE… just need to name a few more characters and units and dream up some background, and I’m good… the first option has TWO Wizards in it (as both the Shardspeaker and Viceleader are wizards) 


Shardspeaker of Slaanesh General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (10) 150 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 190 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Slaangor Fiendbloods (3) 130 - Sybarite, Infantry

Total: 600

Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh's Regiment 

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon - LEGENDS
  • Unit - Daemonettes (10)  110 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry

Total: 390 

Army Total: 990

Not sure why I've made the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh the General here... It could be either the Shardspeaker or the Viceleader... I guess it could be the Shardspeaker summoned the Viceleader from the Realms of Chaos to do her bidding... OR... It could be the Viceleader that has seduced all of these warriors to do Slaanesh's bidding..?

I might switch that around.. 


Viceleader General's Regiment

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unti - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  180 - Daemon, War Machine

Total: 980

This would also be crazy fun to play... just a FLOOD of Daemonettes swarming the table!

I would need to finish off a LOT of Daemonettes (Like, ALL the Daemonettes I own!?)… but they’re pretty quick to paint, so… 

I have a second Hellflayer … I don’t think that unit can be reinforced though…? I guess if I expanded his force, I’d have to start a second Regiment anyway, so… I could start with a Shard speaker and just keep adding Sybarite units OR roll out the Infernal Enrapturess!!


  • I can play without painting a thing
  • If I do buy endless spells… it’s one of the cheaper sets at $55.00CAD… and with two wizards, I can cast a spell with one and summon the Endless spell with the other. AND of the endless spells out there, one of theirs is the one of the coolest looking ones.. 
  • Don’t care about at the Faction Terrain… 
  • Have LOADS of stuff I can add to the force when it expands - including loads more I don’t even have to paint…!? 

  • CONS
  • Buying Endless Spells - but I'll probably have to do that for ALL the armies... and this is one of the least expensive... and I don't care at all about the Faction Terrain! 
  • Might be more of a “finesse” army… and “finesse” in not something I excel at… 


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Slaves to Darkness

It's not a lot right now... 

Slaves to Darkness is to be the first Battletome released after the Stormcast… So part of me wants to focus on Slaves to Darkness for the next bit… but the Battletome might not be until November - when we’re well into the campaign… 

The big downside is SO MUCH would need to be painted… the only stuff I have currently painted are Hargraxls Pit Beasts: the Ogroid Myrmidon, Fomoroid Crusher, and Minsdtealer Sphiranx… which are fun… but do I need all of those in a Path to Glory army….? Maybe…?

My initial intention for this was to be an entirely mounted army - MOST of the stuff I have are a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Steed, Chaos Knights and Darkoath Fellriders (which were originally Chaos Marauder Horse) - Even the Sorcerer Lord I had was an old mounted model… which is would just use AS a regular Sorcerer Lord and say the old horse just don’t move around all that fast… I do have a few foot Marauders now… but… the IDEA was FAST_MOVING RAIDERS!!

I do have some background fluff worked out for these, which I like, but I have not named any of the characters yet… 


Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 170
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Total: 960

Need to paint SO MUCH - Sorcerer Lord and 10x Chaos Knights… Sorcerer lord still needs some converting work… I mean, it's only 11 models... but they are very BIG and very detailed...


Darkoath Chieftain General’s Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 160
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Marauders (10) 100

Points 410

Ogroid Myrmidon's Regiment

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 170
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 140
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Points 580

Army Total: 990

Two Regiments… And moving away from the theme of EVERYTHING IS MOUNTED… but I wouldn’t have to paint one regiment as the one with beasts is all done… AND I'd get to PLAY with all those crazy big beasties... but still need to paint Chieftain and five Fellriders and ten Marauders… but also no wizard… (so… I wouldn’t need the Endless Spells…?)


Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250

Total: 370

Darkoath Chieftain’s Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 160
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150

Total: 610

Army Total: 980

Not sure why I’m considering this… that would be SO MUCH to paint… but it’s a return to the EVERYTHING IS MOUNTED theme, I guess… and that WOULD be cool! 


  • Ummm… 
  • There is a Battletome coming out for it…?
  • I really LIKE this army and the models… ?
  • It would be a good excuse to GET THINGS DONE


  • Pretty much EVERYTHING would need to be assembled and painted.
  • The Battletome might not really come out soon enough for it to matter for this campaign… 
  • Both the Faction Terrain (Nexus Chaotica $70.00CAD!?) and Endless Spells (Endless Spells: Slaves to Darkness $63.00CAD) look pretty rad AND some of the Endless spells look fun (and potentially devastating!?), so I’d probably have to buy those… 
  • Some options are two regiments… 


I DON’T have a Gallery page for this one just yet.. I wasn’t really considering using the metal minis for playing Age of Sigmar, I’d thought I’d just use them for Warcry If I ever got around to playing that) or other games… But it turns out I do have enough to field a Path to Glory army (above!)… so… 

Rats are popular… Rats like fighting rats… 


Arch-Warlock General’s Regiment 

  • Hero - Arch-Warlock (1) 170 0-1 Clanrats, Any Skryre 
  • Unit - Acolyte Globadiers (5) 130 - Skryre, Infantry, Weapon Team
  • Unit - Warplock Jezzails (3) 150 - Skryre, Infantry

Total: 450

Grey Seer's Regiment 

  • Hero - Grey Seer (1) 120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Clawlord (1) 100 - Skaven Overclaw
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 150 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (3) 160 - Moulder, Infantry

Total: 530

Army Total: 980

I could easily flip it and make the Grey Seer the General… I like the old Grey Seer… 

Need to paint: Arch-Warlock, rest of Globadiers (though they are at least half done), and a Rat Ogor… and a few clanrats? And would need to strip and paint a Jezzail team… 


Grey Seer General’s Regiment 

  • Hero - Grey Seer (1) 120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Clawlord (1) 100 - Skaven Overclaw
  • Unit - Acolyte Globadiers (5) 130 - Skryre, Infantry, Weapon Team
  • Unit - Warplock Jezzails (6)300 - Skryre, Infantry
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (6) 320 - Moulder, Infantry

Total: 970 

Ha-ha… this would be nuts… and I’d need another Rat Ogor (The Dragon’s Den DOES have one or two of the older metal ones still on the shelf) … and would need to strip and repaint FOUR Jezzail teams… and paint FOUR Rat Ogors… and the Acolyte Globadiers

NO CLANRATS! I suppose with my first 150 Glory Points I could buy one unit of Clanrats and start fielding a second regiment commander by the Clawlord... 


  • Bunch of it is painted
  • Classic Minis
  • I do have things I can add to the force… especially if I want to start looking at LEGENDS!! 


  • Still some to paint… 
  • Battletome = $70CAD!? 
  • Endless Spells and Faction terrain!? (Skaven Gnawholes $75.00!? Endless Spells: Skaven $55.00!) but maybe I could scratch-build something…? 
  • The Better Option is two regiments… 


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Nighthaunt

I wasn’t really considering these… But maybe I should… I’m so close to having EVERYTHING DONE and that’s a good feeling.. and using this would be motivation to GET them all done… 

Scriptor Mortis General's Regiment

  • Hero - Scriptor Mortis (1) 120 
  • Unit - Bladegheist Revenants (10) 160 
  • Unit - Craventhrone Guard (5) 100 
  • Unit - Glaivewraith Stalkers (4) 80 

Total: 460

Spirit Torment's Regiment 

  • Hero - Spirit Torment (1) 130 
  • Unit - Chainghasts (2) 100 
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120 
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120 

Total: 470

Army Total: 930

I didn’t put and option and number by this one as it is the ONLY option… this is EVERYTHING I HAVE… except for a couple of Warhammer Underworlds Warbands (Thorns of the Briar Queen and Headsman’s Curse - the other Warhammer Underworlds warbands are already included in those listed above!?) beyond those… I’d have to BUY more stuff to add to the force… and I’m not sure if I care about them enough to do that… 

I like having these as an opposing force to play with someone that doesn’t have an army… They’ll be super fun to use in Soulbound (when I ever get to running a game of that!?)… buuuut… 

Doing this WOULD be motivation to finish up the rest of what I have (Scriptor Mortis, Craventrhone Guard, the second unit of Myrmourn Bansees, Headsman’s Curse…) 


  • Almost Done!
  • It’s October and they’re spooky! 


  • Don’t really have other stuff to ADD… would need to BUY MORE when the army expands… 
  • Endless Spells: Nighthaunt $55


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Daughters of Khaine 

Melusai Ironscale General’s Regiment 

  • Hero - Melusai Ironscale (1) 160 
  • Unit - Blood Sisters (5) 140 
  • Unit - Blood Stalkers  (5) 140 
  • Unit - Khinerai Heartrenders (5) 110 

Total: 550

High Gladiatrix’s Regiment 

  • Hero - High Gladiatrix (1) 130 
  • Unit - Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (10) 110 
  • Unit - Doomfire Warlocks (5) 150 

Total: 390



  • Motivation to actually get some of these DONE
  • This is the sort of army that could get Amanda to play!!




You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth

I'm pretty excited about Sylvaneth right now... 

There really is just the one option... 

Treelord  General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points - Any Sylvaneth
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points - Kurnothi, Infantry
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points -  Infantry
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points - Infantry

Total: 790

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points - Any Infantry
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points - Unique, Infantry

Total: 210

Army Total: 1000

Wow! Exactly 1000 points! 

I only have to finish painting rive Tree-Revenants and five Spite-Revenants (and they are so close to being done!) and Skaeth’s Wild Hunt… 

The only other thing I have to add to this is Ylthari’s Guardians… after that I’d have to BUY things. The only things I’d really be interested in adding to this force would be another Treelord (or Ancient, or the other option you can build with the kit…) and/or a second unit of Kurnothi. The weird thing is buying a second Spearhead army box is only $5 more than buying those two units on their own… and I would get me another Branchwych and five MORE Revenants (which could be built as Tree Revenants OR Spite-Revenants!?) - or even less - as a lot of stores sell those Spearhead boxes at a discount!?

Not sure I want to be buying another Spearhead box right now, tho... (or even in a month when I need it!?) 


  • SO CLOSE to being done
  • Kind of obsessing about these right now!
  • Already HAVE Faction Terrain! 


  • Don’t really have ANYTHING to add to this when the force ultimately grows… 
  • Endless Spells: Sylvaneth $63CAD!? But they do look cool!! 
  • Yes, I HAVE an Awakened Wyldwoold… but I’d kind of like a second set!!


You can see all the stuff I currently have painted on the gallery page:

Age of Sigmar: Soulblight Gravelords

I have a bunch done for the Soulblight Gravelords... but some are named characters that can't be used for a Path to Glory General... Others are Warhammer Underworlds warbands - which are unique units and cannot gain reknown... So I'd be pretty limited in what I could use - of the stuff I have completed so far... 


Vampire Lord General’s Regiment 

  • Hero - Vampire Lord (1) 160 
  • Unit - Deathrattle Skeletons (20) 200 
  • Unit - Blood Knights (5) 230 
  • Unit - Vargheists (3) 160 
  • Unit - Vargskyr (1) 180 

Total: 930

This is basically the Spearhead Army plus a Vargskyr from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. It’s probably the easiest thing to do… I DO want to play Cursed City at some point, so… the Vargskyr and Deathrattle Skeletons would be handy for that. I’m sure there are other options I could put together with the assorted other stuff that I have… but this seems the quickest and easiest.. and finishing those also means I could use it to play Spearhead… 

The Deathrattle Skeletons are reinforced.. they COULD be fielded as units of 10… but then I’d need to have another regiment… and another hero to lead it… 

Maybe THIS should be THE ONE!? No faction terrain that I’d feel compelled to pick up … There are some Endless Spells options - from the Universal sets - but… 


  • I DO REALLY want to get a bunch of this done for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
  • It IS October!
  • I have been listening to a few Soulblight Audiobooks and am pretty fired up about it..  
  • I have LOADS of stuff that could be added to the force - though almost all of it would also need to be painted… 


  • Pretty much have to assemble and paint ALL OF IT!!
  • Endless Spell options are only in Forbidden Power ($63CAD) OR Malign Sorcery ($100CAD) - (both of which are sets of UNIVERSAL Endless spells that ANY army could use… and there would be LOTS of options from the Malign Sorcery box!! Also the Suffocating Gravetide is something that could be used in Cursed City as well) 


This IS am option… just not one I’m really considering… 

Not really all that interested in playing these… largely because they WILL probably be another Stormcast player and possibly a Cities of Sigmar player and…. When were playing a NARRATIVE campaign, it makes NO SENSE for these factions to be fighting each other (oh, sure, Cities of Sigmar could be “corrupted” or whatever… but also the two players that would have these are the ones I’d most like to play… so… 

Also… just don’t find them all THAT interesting… I mean, I’ve warmed up to them after listening to a few Black Library audiobooks… 


I don’t know… I was really hoping as I typed all this out, an obvious choice would become clear… Sometimes I need to write (type) things out to process them… 

I feel like maybe NOT Nighthaunt… mostly because I’d just not feeling it.. the General is kind of your “Player Character” and I just don’t care enough (or know enough, or interested enough…?) to play a Scriptor  Mortis (or Spirit Torment, there’s no reason they couldn’t be the General). I mean, I could see myself potentially getting into it… but I’m just NOT as excited about like I am with MOST of the others. I feel like I probably didn’t need to include it here… 

In terms of stuff I’d probably buy to play… 

  • Blades of Khorne: Skull Altar ($63) and Judgements of Khorne ($50) = $113 (and maybe Flesh Hounds +$75= $188)
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh: Endless Spells ($55) = $55
  • Slaves to Darkness: Nexus Chaotica ($70) and Endless Spells: Slaves to Darkness ($63) = $133 
  • Skaven:  Gnawholes ($75), Endless Spells: Skaven ($55), Skaven Battletome ($70) = $200
  • Nighthaunt: Endless Spells: Nighthaunt ($55), Faction Pack ($25) = $80 (PLUS NEW UNITS!?) 
  • Daughters of Khaine: Endless Spells: Daughters of Khaine ($55), Faction Pack ($20) = $75
  • Sylvaneth; Endless Spells: Sylvaneth ($63), Faction Pack ($20) = $83 (PLUS NEW UNITS!?) 
  • Soulblight Gravelords: Faction Pack ($30) Malign Sorcery ($100) = $133

In terms of things the minimum I’d need to paint, just to start… 

  • Blades of Khorne: 5 -12 Foot 
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh: NOTHING! 
  • Slaves to Darkness: 11 Assorted Mounted (or 22 mounted, if not using beasties) 
  • Skaven:  about 15 Assorted Foot
  • Nighthaunt: 10 Foot
  • Daughters of Khaine: 26 Foot, 5 mounted 
  • Sylvaneth; 15 Foot (though 10 are almost finished…) 
  • Soulblight Gravelords: 21 foot, 9 Mounted (or LARGER  foot!) 

Okay… I’m starting to feel like maybe Hedonites of Slaanesh might be the answer…

 (Even though it’s a two-regiment option!) 

(Unless I want to paint a LOT of Daemonettes in the next few weeks) 

(I really DON’T!) 

But Maybe… since I don’t HAVE to paint anything for it… I should come up with a list of things I COULD do… 

#1 - obtain Hedonites of Slaanesh Endless Spells… paint one… 

#2 - Paint the 10 Blood Warriors (and maybe Khorgorath…? and maybe Mighty Lord of Khorne) so I have a second 1000 point army (with OPTIONS) that I could play a few practice games with… maybe I could get Amanda to play them…? 

#3- Finish off those Sylvaneth - just so they are DONE!! (And I’ll have a second extra 1000 point army to practice with - maybe Amanda would dig playing those..?!) 

#4 Finish of the Nighthaunt  - just so they are DONE!! (And I’ll have a THIRD extra 1000 point army to practice with!)

#5 Either:

Get working on Soublight Gravelords and finish off stuff needed for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City… 


Work on Daughters of Khaine Path to Glory option - if Amanda’s showing any interest!! 

(and THEN maybe get to work on Slaves to Darkness...?)

Did anyone read all the way to the end!?

Which did you think I was going to settle on!?

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