Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 9 October 2024

 Well I had another idea... and so that landscape of the workbench has shifted again!

For this upcoming Path to Glory Campaign, I'd decided I would use the Hedonites of Slaanesh - because I could field a force that didn't require ANYTHING to be painted... And then have time to leisurely paint up... other things... Like a unit of Blood Warriors to finish up 1000points of Blades of Khorne. And the last few units of Sylvaneth so they're ALL DONE... AND I have a 1000 points of those as well! 

The point of having three armies at 1000 points, was that I could just play with here at home to actually learn the rules and get a feel for how they play... 

But, nah, that was too simple of a play. Instead I decided I needed to dig out from storage and assemble TEN Hellstriders and paint those up, along with five (or ten) more Seekers?! 

This kind of came about because I started reading through the fluff in the 3rd Edition Hedonites of Slaanesh battletome... and I was reminded of Godseekers... one of the three main sub-factions among the Hedonites and their insane NEED FOR SPEED... and I was also reveiwing the actual RULES for the units as well as trying to sort out what Battle formations and Spells and such I would choose to start with for the Campaign... and i decided to scrap the original plan, because now I NEEDED an all-mounted force!!! 

So the new force is going to look like this:

Shardspeaker of Slaanesh General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 190 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Hellstriders (5) 150 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Hellstriders (5) 150 - Sybarite, Cavalry

Total: 620

Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh's Regiment 

  • Hero - Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 100 - Any Daemon
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry

Total: 380 

Army Total: 1000! 

Now... I might make the Seekers and Hellstriders single units of 10, rather than two units of five... but that's the general idea... ALL MOUNTED... except the heroes... because there AREN'T really any mounted heroes in the Hedonites of Slaanesh army... 

I mean, there IS the Bladebringer, Herald of Slaanesh on Exalted Chariot... But the other thing they'll allow in their regiments are other "War Machines" (more Seeker Chariots and Hellflayers!?). 

Also, I had to ditch Howlthrob, the Quivering Doomsnare, Herald of Slaanesh as the leader. I'd replaced them with an Infernal Enrapturess and decided that the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh would be the leader afterall.. 

So... the Workbench...

I have a BUNCH of Hellstriders I've assembled and an planning to try and paint this week... 

I also have ten Seekers that were previously assembled and primed that I'd like to finish painting up... or... at least five of them - that I'll need for the Path to Glory force. 

I'm kind of torn about how to paint each of these units... 

Do I go with the scheme I'd previoulsy used for Seekers and Daemons - with washes and contrast Paints... 

Or do I try to do a better djob , like i did wih the Slickblade Seekers?!

Kind of leaning toward the latter!! 

The Hedonites Lord of Pain is still lurking on the workbench. Won't need him anytine soon... but he's SO CLOSE... I even painted a bit on him this week... 

A bunch of Slaves to Darkness mounted troops are still hanging around... 

This past week I dug this old trio from a Chaos Ogre Command and rebased them and started painting them, thinking I could potentially field them as Ogroid Theradons - in a regiment led by my Ogroid Myrmidon in a Slaves to Darkness Army! 

I did assemble, base, prime and start painting the Free Miniatures-of-the-Month for October - a Chaos Warrior that I decided I would try to paint up the same as I did Khagra's Ravagers. I brought the Ravagers up for reference! 

Assorted Khorne forces... besides the 10 Blood Warriors I need for a 1000 point army, there are also some Skullreapers, a Mighty Lord of Khorne, a Bloodsecrator, a Bloodstoker, and the Khorgorath... 

The last of the Sylvaneth are also still lurking on the table... but I might move them off for now... CHAOS seems to be the order of the day (or... week...). Maybe once I'm done the Seekers and Hellstriders and a few of the Khorne forces, I'll return to these to finish up a 1000 point army! 

Also lurking in the shadows are the Saviours of Cinderfall (Calis and Toll and friends) along with the Fyreslayers Auric Runesmiter... (I need to stop referring to the model as Brakky, the Guilded Key, or I'm going to get it in my head that the model is a NAMED CHARATER - which it kind of is - and not be able to let go of that and just use it as a generic Auric Runsmiter!?) 

Today's task will be priming those Hellstriders... I'm already regretting doing half of them with the flensing whips... they are so brittle and flimsy... I alreay broke one just assembling them!? I may just have to tear them off and replace them with Spearclaws like the others! 



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