Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 22 October 2024

 Kind of been ALL OVER THE PLACE this past week... vacilating between wanting to finish up a Hedonites of Slaanesh Daemonic Cavalry Horde... or dropping everything and doing a Slaves to Darkness Cavalry Horde. Before sliding into an indecision spiral, I decided to start on a small batch of miniatures needed to play a new (to me) game... and then feeling overwhelmed by all the boxes of stuff on the shelves SURROUNDING my workbench, I decided to finish off a massive re-basing project to clear at least ONE THING out of the room! 

Over 100 anceint/mythical Greeks rebased. Some had been individually based on washers, others had been on multi-figure bases for DBA, which I realized I was just never going to get to... (though after watching the finale of Dimension 20's Crown of Candy - where they were using itty-bitty almost micro-scale miniatures to play out a large battle... I wasted an entire afternoon researching 1/200 scale ancients and trying to figure out how much it would cost to put together a few DBA armies with that!? Aye-yi-yi....) 

So then I started another batch of Greeks (and AMAZONS!) that I needed to finish rebasing... and then there are many hundreds more that could be based and painted...

For now I'll try to finish these up in the coming weeks, just to have a thing that is DONE FOR NOW (the painted ones) and maybe have a few that are based and primed and ready to go, should I feel like I NEED TO PAINT ANCIENT/MYTHICAL GREEKS NOW!!! 

(it happens)

I might actually paint a few individuals, just to complete a few units (for Dragon Rampant!) 

There are also a few WW2 figures in that batch - for Five Men in Normandy - which I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT!?

What is actually ON the workbench this week...?

Marines and Genestealers for the Lost Patrol - the infestation tokens are actually DONE, but I thought I'd wait until the rest are done and post pictures of them all together! This will probably be my top priority for the week... because it's a limited number of things that are mostly done and I'll have a whole new game that I can theoretically play... and a SHORT, fairly EASY game that can be set up and played very quickly! 

My very nearly painted Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount made her way back onto the workbench to join Tzarketh... to further tempt me back to working on Slaves to Darkness.... 

The Slaves to Darkness Darkoath riders and Chieftan are still there... not a lot of work was done on them this week... 

Slowly plinking away at bits of the Chaos Ogors.

Still three Warhammer Underworlds wartbands hanging out... waiting to be finished... 

Two of the three Hedonites of Slaanesh Endless Spells... 

Two Chaos beasties... Khorne Khorgorath and Darkoath Wilderfiend

Uggggghhh... So much Blades of Khorne stuff... taking up so much real estate on the workbench and NOT being worked on... I think it might be time to move these off... 

I did start working on a new terrain piece... the base, at least... 

I've also been working on some markers for the Hedonites of Slaanesh army - some of them will be control markers. Others will be markers to denote which units are "Euphoric" and which are under certain spell effects... Probably don't need QUITE this many... I'd misunderstood how the Euphoic thing worked and realized that only THREE units can be Euphoric at any time... 

As I mentioned, I'll probably puch to finish the Marines and Genestealers... then...? I think maybe the Ogors, because they're so close to being done and kind of fun...?

I have a feeling as excited as I am about Slaves to Darkness, I may be resigning myself to sticking to Hedonites of Slaanesh for this round of Path to Glory and all the Seekers and Hellstriders may be back on teh workbench presently! 



  1. Still working on the Vespid myself, got really busy this last week and weekend, so I only got a couple moved along in the process. I am using contrast paint for the first time, and discovered after I bought it and started using it, that the one I got was more "ink" than "contrast" as it did NOT do the insta-highlight/shade that I was hoping for (it did color very well though!) [and some quick internet research suggested that this was expected, so I should have checked first!] So I will have to shade as normal, and probably some highlights I was not anticipating.

    As for your huge pile(s), it is all looking very good, although I wondered for whatever reason what you do with bitz? You must have a ton of them...

    1. I used to have all the bitz very organized into organizer boxes... it's been a while since I've done some organizing... so I have a LOT of them that have just been shoved off to the sides of the workbench waiting for a tidy-up-and-organize-things day... which will have to be soon as it's getting to be a bit much!!
