It has been just over two and a half months since we last played Warhammer Quest...

Wednesday evening Amanda, Finnegan and I sat down to finish working our way through the last few dungeons of Shadows Over Hammerhal.
Finnegan played the Cogsmith, Golnir Coalbeard, which he'd originally been playing, and took over Arvios Sunhelm - Lord-Castellant of the Hammers of Sigmar. Amanda played Vizrin Kyre - Black Ark Fleetmaster -as she has throughout the campaign, and also took on Alnaryn, the Aelven Loremaster.
Because it's been so long I kind of forgot.. a LOT of things... a lot of rules... and even what had been happening in the previous session!? I did have notes... but I missed things (and didn't THINK to read the previous session's battle report!) I assumed they had FINISHED the Halls of Blood, which Amanda, John and Maygan had been playing through... but looking back now, I've realized they'd had to stop part way through the last battle and had NOT finished fighting the Flesh-Hounds in the last room... They hadn't really NEEDED to go back to that last room, they'd found another way down... also, I'd put four or five Flesh-Hounds in there instead of the silly trap that was supposed to be in there... and... the Flesh-Hounds were a bit much...
So this session we just started back in Cinderfall. Vizrin Kyre visited the Rift Market, along with Alnaryn. Kyre acquired a Twisted Charm, but Alnaryn did not find anything. Golnir Coalbeard had little money to spend, so he went gambling, hoping to make that money into MORE money... instead he walked away with a magical Heartseeker Ring! Lord-Castellant Arvios Sunhelm went to the Guild of Certified Thaumaturgists and bought himself a Seer's Philtre.
Having stocked up and rested, the four returned to the dark dungeons below Hammerhal - only to find their way blocked by a house collapsing on the entry way they'd intended to use! The Lord Castellant quickly conamdeered some workers to clear the rubble away! This would take some time, so the bunch of them had some more time to look for supplies that might aid in their exploration.
This time Vizrin Kyre and the Loremaster visited Bougren's Bountiful Bazaar. This time it was Alnaryn that walked away with an Excavation Charge and Kyre walked away empty-handed. Golnir Coalbeard found himself engaged in a drinking contest... and passed out drunk after the first pint!?
Eventually enough rubble was cleared away, they were able to return to the tunnels and chambers beneath Hammerhal...
Returning to a section they'd noted two expeditions ago, the area smelled of rot and putrefication. the wall were covered with a thick layer of pustulent ooze and the floor writhed with giant, bloated maggots. The air was filled with fat buzzing brownish-yellow flies...
The first two rooms they entered were empty, but in the second the discovered a secret passage that led to the lair of a Rotbringer Sorceress!
The two aelves took down the Sorceress' Blightking bodyguard!
The Rotbringer Sorceress herself was a deadly foe, though... the Fleetmaster was overpowered by her noxious emissions!
the Lord-Castellant joined the Loremaster in the Rotbringers sanctum and purged the putrid servand of Nurgle... but before she could be struck down, she called out for aid!
Three MORE Putrid Blightkings rushed out of the next room. They were too late to aid the Sorceress, so they were determined to avenger her!
They were as vicious as they were vile and har to take down.
It took all the group to take them down!
After finishing them off, the four investigated the two rooms; the Rotbringers workshop and the room the other Blightkings had come from. In the latter they discovered a hideous, rotting alter to Nurgle. The Lord-Castellant decided it needed to be destroyed! In the process they all contracted the Rawblight (counting as a Grievous wound, blocking one of their action slots!), but also in doing so, discovered and aritifact of Ghyran - the Seeds of the Everroot - which had magical restoritive powers!
Down at the other end of the dungeon they discovered more Blightkings in a room with fleshy walls!
The three charged Alnaryn, nearly overpowering her!
She held them briefly at the doorway while the Lord CAstellant shouted orders for all to fall back around him.
They drew the Blightkings out into the hall where the Fleetmaster and the Lord-Castellant could engage them in melee, while the Loremaster and Coalbeard could stand behind blasting them with firearms and arcane bolts!
Eventually they took them down, one-by-one!
The final room on this level was the worst yet! They found two more Blightkings sloshing around in a room absoloutely FULL of bodies and part of bodies or both man and beast in varrying degress of rot and putrefaction!
The Lord Castellant initially held them at the door
Until Kyre was able to slip in and finish off the last of them.
At that point the four heroes, once again, retired to the surface streets of Cinderfal. They visited their good friend Brother Bargo of the Chapel of the Shattered Blade and he was able to cure them of the Rawblight.
Afterwards Golnir returned to the gambling dens, only to lose his money. Alnaryn returned to Baugren's and acquired an Amulet of Mist. Vizrin Kyre visited REd Yugol's Reverie, but was unable to learn anything of their future from the enigmatic soothsayer. Sunhelm visited the House of Venargo and found an interesting item - the Spectral Eye!
At this point we called it a night, but are determined to forge ahead next week on Tuesday or Wednesday - on of those evenings we will play, the other we will watch some more of the new season of the Legend of Vox Machina!
There are really only two (maybe two and a half?) sections to explore.
Oooh! I should try and finish Tzarketh, Bane of Law, to use as the Chaos Sorcerer behind all this corruption and chaos beneath Hammerhal!
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