Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Lich and the Duelist

First miniatures painted in 2024... 

A Lich and a Duelist. I am relatively certain that both of these are older Games Workshop/Citadel Miniatures... but I'm not sure how old they are....? They're metal, I guess, so not THAT recent! 

The Duelist I know I picked up at my FLGS (Dragon's Den Games in Saskatoon!). He was in a pack of two duelists (the other one has pistols) that had just been on the wall-o-minis for ages... 

 No idea where the lich came from. 

I have no immediate use for either (though I suppose I could use the Lich as a Wight King in a Soulblight Gravelords Warcry warband...?) 

Why, then, did I paint THESE and not one of the MANY Warhammer Underworlds warbands I have to paint... The game I've actually been PLAYING recently!? (which reminds me, I have a game reports sitting in the drafts that I apparently never finished up! Stay tuned for that!) OR the Tallarn armour I need to paint up for the tournament I've signed up for that's just over a month away...!? I have no idea. They kind of ended up on the workbench as I was emptying out boxes of stuff that had cluttered the previous workbench, in an attempt to organize all the stuff and put it away somewhere more organized... Seemed like the thing to do at the time...? 

I'll get to those next... 



  1. Nice work!
    Sometimes you just have to paint whatever you feel like painting in the moment. :)
