Sunday, January 21, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge

Friday evening, Amanda and I tried out Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge. The last few times I played with Orion we used most of the Deathgorge rules. This evening Amanda and I tried using them all - and the Deathgorge boards and tokens and everything.

Amanda played Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven (as per usual) and I tried out the freshly painted Thricefold Discord

I won the roll-off for board placement and let Amanda chose first. She picked the Glacial Tomb board, and I chose The Iceswirl Maw! 


I set up close to the enemy board. I wasn't sure how to play them, I hadn't really even looked at the cards much... so I figured I'd just go try kill things... or tempt them to come and fight me!? 

I did not take any notes and my memory is fading quickly, so I don't remember all the cards that were played - other than a few that made a huge impact. 


Amand moved Kyrssa on to an objective token to start things off and then I charged Kyrae with Lascivyr the Bladed Blessing... I don't think anything came of it...?  

Not sure if anything happened here.... probably just a picture of the same thing... ?

Khamyss, the Sisters of Slaughter, seized an objective and Vashtiss slithered across to another one... and shot a magic attack at Khamyss... which may have taken her out because I think she'd previously been dealt one damage by... some plot card...? 

I think Morgwaeth charged Lascivyr for their third action, wounding her severly! Then Vexmor charged and attacked Morgwaeth... 

THEN... because all of my fighters had a charge token, I was able to activate one of them and did so with Vashtiss. I'd equipped her with a spell upgrade, the Icon of Excess, casting it dealt her a damage point and allowed EACH surviving friendly fighter to do a move action or attack action!? 

Vashtiss moved back across the table, adjacent to Morgwaeth and providing support for when both Vexmor and Lascivyr attacked. I think it was Lascivyr that hit, because I know Morgwaeth had two wounds at the end of the round! 


I went first and I figured Lascivyr, with only one wound left wasn't going to survive long, so I better use her first and charged Kyrssa, off to one side, so she wouldn't get any assistance 

Sure enough, Kyrae charged and that was the end of Lascivyr... but her demise inspired Vashtiss. 

Not 100% sure what was going on here... 

Morgwaeth ran over to an objective. Now that Vashtiss was inspired, her spell attack had range 4 and was able to blast Morgwaeth. Because I'd upgraded Vashtiss with Sadistic Epitome, she added +1 damage (to an attack against an enemy that already had wound counters) and that finished off Morgwaeth. 

Lethyr went tearing across the table with two moves and ended up at an objective token deep in my own territory... so Vexmor shuffled over and stabbed her... and then there was just ONE left in the Blade-Coven... 


Amanda started breaking the upgrade... playing upgrades

I played Soulslice Shards... what a time to roll two criticals!? (two or more criticals when casting a spell means the caster takes a damage from blacklash - dealing Vashtiss another wound) 

Amanda heaped up a bunch of upgrades onto Kyrae... so I gave her a False Gift - and upgrade card I'm allowed to give to other players and often it does something good for them, but also something BAD for them. The one I gave them, was a really good range one attack action, but while they had it, they could not use ANY OTHER upgrade card! 

I think I spent the final round just plinking Kyrae with Spell attacks, hoping to fail a few (which might inspire Vexmor?) and if I cast four spells I had another objective I could score... I think Kyrae died before I cast four spells though... 

Totally tabled the Daughters of Khaine! Lost only one of my daemonses. I feel like the Thricefold discord is going to be just nasty, once I figure out how to play them better... and maybe make a nemesis deck, deleting some of the less useful cards in the current deck and replacing them with something... well.. better...?

I have to admit, I am not fond of the way that boardgamegeek relates to these games. There isn't really a CORE game: Warhammer Underworlds that you can record all games of Warhammer Underworlds... Each core box (there are ELEVEN of them now Shadespire, Nightvault, Beastgrave, Direchasm, Harrowdeep, Nethermaze, Gnarlwood, Wyrdhollow, and Deathgorge - and TWO different 2-player Starter Sets) is a separate game entry... which makes it hard to determine with a simple search how many games I've played of Warhammer Underworlds... indeed it's hard to know which of those to RECORD a game play under... In any given game, I could be using elements of five (or MORE) different sets (if both warbands were used from different core sets, and each players boards were also from a different core boxes - and all of them WEREN'T Deathgorge... but we were using the rules from Deathgorge - as they are the latest and there are significant changes... Nevermind which set cards came from!?) I think from now on I'll just record them under the most recent set I have (so, probably Deathgorge for this year) .

In RPGGeek, there are Systems and Items (D&D5E is a system, the Dungeon Masters Guide and Players Handbook and assorted adventure modules are all items) so you can recored you games in the SYSTEM and regardless of which books you've used, you can just look at the system and know how many games of D&D you've played... and it would be ideal if there were something like that... but it really isn't relevant for MOST board games... so.... 

Anyway, I'll record them as games of Deathgorge for this year... (although one was already recorded under Harrowdeep... Oh and maybe one in Direchasm... I guess I could delete those games and add additional plays to Deathgorge....? Yeah, maybe I'll do that...   That way all the plays for THIS year will at least all be in one place. 

I played another THREE games on Saturday... stay tuned for pics and a brief report of each of those games in the next day or two! 

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