Thursday, January 11, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Doubleheader

I played another game with MINIATURES!! 

Earlier this week on Monday evening my friend Orion came over to play some more Warhammer Underworlds! Not a full blow-by-blow, activation-by-activation game report like I've done in the past... but here's how the games went down. 

For our first game Orion took Khagra's Ravagers and I took The Wurmspat. WE played in Beastgrave! 

I think on Orion's first turn, Dour Cragan here was teleported across the table to park on an objective in our rear... In the Power Step my sorcerer, Fecula Flyblown, successfully cast a Ploy spell that buffed... something... and then on  my first activation she successfully cast her Stream of Corruption spell attack, dealing a single wound to Dour Cragan and scoring my first Objective card - requiring successfully casting two spells in one Attack Phase (though I don't think it was a surge, I scorred it in the End Phase...? 

Next Zarshia Bittersoul stepped onto an objective location and desecrated it...  

Some fighting happened... Khagra one-shotted poor Ghullogh, there, and gained the Primacy Token! 

More smashy-fighty going on... 

This might be round two now... I did not take notes... memory fades quickly these days... 

I took out Razek Godblessed... but Khagra took out Fecula... and then it was three on one for the whole second half of the game... 

But that turned out okay... we were playing with the new rules from Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge, which has some significant changes to activations and movement and who can be activated and when... a movement token doesn't prevent you from moving again... and, indeed, a charge token doesn't even prevent you from activating again if you're the only one left or everyone else in your warband has a Charge token.

(Okay, the rule says you cannot select a fighter with a charge token to activate unless all other surviving members of the warband also had a charge token... and we took that to mean that a single surviving fighter in a warband with a charge token counted as everyone having a charge token and allowed him to activate! 

Sepsimus happened to take out BOTH Zarshia and Khagra and in the Third Round took out Dour Cragan!? BOOM!

Despite tabling the opposing warband, we ended up tied at 9 points!? 

This was playing The Wurmspat with their basic deck of cards versus Khagra's Ravagers which, I think, had a somewhat edited "Relic" deck


This time Orion played the Sepulchral Guard and I played the Dread Pageant. 

The first turn I slunk around in the back holding two objectives to score an objective and plinked away at the Skeletons trying to do only ONE damage to each (as two would take most of them out, and I had to have SIX damage tokens on fighter cards to inspire my warband - which COULD be my own... but that seems a little reckless, even for Chaos!) 

I scored the Objective and either by the end of the first round or just after the beginning of the second I had inspired my warband! 

During the second round I swarmed into the enemy territory as, again, had an objective requring all of my warband be in the enemies territory... I managed to do that... but kind of got swarmed by all the little skeletons. They're easy enough to smash... but then the leader just brings them back... and once he's done that twice, he inspires... and the skeletons inspire when they are returned to the table... so it's in the skeletons players interested to GET smashed, at the loss of a Glory Point, to come back as a better warrior. 

The Sepulchral Warden gets in on the action attacking Slakeslash the Slaangor. I think by the end of the third round all but one (Glisette...? Hadzu...? one of the weaker ones) were taken out... Or maybe it was just Slakeslash and Vasillac that were taken out and Glisette and Hadzu were just running around the edges trying to avoid the skeletons...? Clearly I did not take enough notes or pictures?! 

I really like the Dread Pageant. With the right cards (lots of "ping damage" plot cards) they can inspire pretty quickly and then they are FAST!!! Like all of them have FIVE MOVEMENT once they inspire! and both Slakeslash and Vasillac have this ability that when they deal damage, they can either deal one extra to the enemy, or HEAL one! Both of which can be SUPER useful. Their deck has been heavily edited, which is fine for playing Relic style (where you can use ANY generic cards). I'm pretty sure they would suck using their own deck of cards as a Rival deck. Not sure what other Rival decks would work for them as a Rival deck or to mix with their base cards for a Nemesis style play?

It's been super fun to play against Orion and try playing against DIFFERENT warbands. I love playing with Amanda... but playing against Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven ALL THE TIME gets a little... tiring... I mean, I get it... If I COULD, I'd like to stick to one warband and get to know how it works really well... but if someone didn't change something, our games together would get REALLY BORING (since we've not been playing against different opponents!). Hopefully we'll be able to tempt Orion's partner, Nic, to join us and add some more variety to our games! 

Currently working on The Thricefold Discord - a warband of Slaanesh Daemons that looks like a lot of fun! After that...? Might be Domitan's Stormcoven - just because Stormcast are so easy to knock off... but I also really love the look of Ephilim's Pandaemonium! (though I do have some Tallarn Armour that needs some immediate attention!) 

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