Monday, January 22, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: TRIPLE-header! (Part Two)

 After playing a standard two-player game of Warhammer Underworlds with Orion on Saturday afternoon, Amanda joined us for a THREE-PLAYER game of Warhammer Underworlds! 

As with the PREVIOUS POST, I'm trying to piece together what happened from the pics I took during the game and my rapidy fading memory of what when down... 

For this Amanda played Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven, Orion played the Sepulchral Guard and I played the Thricefold Discord again... 

Amanda lost the first roll-off and chose the Glacial Tomb board from Deathgorge. Orion lost the next roll-off and chose the Ultimate Engines from Harrowdeep (because it had three hazardous hexes that Skeletons could get knocked into... or just wander into no their own to take damage and potentially get taken out - because being taken out and brought back is now they inspire!?). Finally I selected the Root-Hall Bleed board from Wrydhollow to make a truly pandiensional madhouse of a board. 

I was happy to see that the rules for Three-Player Game set-up has changed in Deathgorge and in all three player games boards are to be oriented thusly... rather than willy nilly with one player potentially being trapped between the other two (as happened to ME in the one other three-player game I've played!). 

Cards were drawn, roll-offs made and warbands set up and we were ready to go! 

And I think Orion started things off with a multi-move of skeletons shambling in the general direction of the living warbands... Amanda had Khamyss take an objective... 

And then Lascvyr charged in and started attacking... 

I don't recall the attack being all that successful... but it seems the reaper was pushed back...? so.. maybe a tie...? Or I deal two damage and that's one of the skeletons that actually have three wounds...? 

The Champion shambled up to Lascvyr... but didn't attack!? Maybe it was part of another multi-move action and it COULDN'T charge...?

I feel like maybe Vashtiss took a zap at the Champion with a spell attack...? 

Then, apparently, Vexmor went barrelling off into the Blade-Coven's Territory, presumably stabbing at Kyrssa (the weak one, standing on the Objective) hoping to either get lucky and take her out with one shot, or fail to roll ANY successes and inspire Lascvyr... I'm pretty sure he did neither, as I rolled a success and Amanda probably rolled a Crit defence... 

Morgwaeth seems to have seized an objective in the Guard's territory and gained the attention of The Champion (I feel like maybe The Champion was taken out by one of my Daemons and then brought back on a starting space next to Morgwaeth... this much be getting into Round Two...? 

Vexmor still trying to stab the annoyingly flexible and acrobatic Witch Aelf... 

The champion and Khamyss going toe do toe-bone

Lascvyr attacking Morgwaeth. Pretty sure she was taken out! 

Daughters of Khaine on the attack - trying to avenge their leader. 

So many fun cards that give my opponent a choice... in this case, though, it was take a wound or get pushed into a hazardous hex and take a wound... I think the targetted Skeleton took the wound...and the STEPPED INTO the hazardous hex, which killed it (denying a Glory Point to either opponents) and was quickly brought back inspired! 

The Harvester, with the Scythe, I thought would be funny to give one of the False Gifts I can equip enemy with - It improves either defence or wounds...? but also gives them -2 movement - which effectively meant that skeleton would not be able to move at all... but the Orion equipped the Harvester with something that gave them +2 move, which offset the -2... Later Orion spent an action to break the False Gift and then the Harvester had a move of FOUR!? 

Daughters of Khaine dancing about, seizing objectives, scoring points... 

Kyrae took out the Harvester... Teh Harvester came back the next turn... and I realized my deamons were all perfectly poised for ALL being hit by a scything attack!? 

So I split them up a bit... VAshtiss had taken a few hits and I really wanted to keep her alive to score an objective or two... So she went running off to a remote objective token deep in the Daughters of Khaine's territory - followed by Vexmor who stood there as a meat shield.

(I left Lascvyr standing all along HOPING someone would take her out - because one of the objectives I was trying to score was having and inspired fighter, that had at least one upgrade, on an objective marker... and, at that time, I thin Vashtiss was the only one with upgrades...? but wasn't yet inspired...) 

board looking pretty thinned out... at this point, four of the five in Morgwaeth's Warband were out of action! Skeletons just couldn't be brought back fast enough to keep them on the field. 

The Champion obligingly stepped up and stabbed Lascvyr - taking her out of action, which inspired Vashtiss and allowed me to score that objective... 

I think this was where everyone was at when the game ended... 

I just dominated this game!? I scorred EIGHT of the twelve Objective in my deck (Rivals decks are getting pretty good. I've NEVER scorred so many of my own Objectives!?) I ended up with MORE GLORY POINTS that they other two, combined?! 17-10-7!? 

Orion and Amanda were unimpressed and decided they needed to gang up on me in the next game! 

Stay tuned for the report of that action in just a little bit... 

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