Monday, December 23, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Arcane Cataclysm

Heh... to be honest, we don't really celebrate Xmas around here... but it kind of felt like I was buying myself a little present today... and, it's that time of year, so... 

The Arcane Cataclysm box has been sitting on the Discount Shelf since I bought the Extremis Starter Set and Arena of Shadows... 

(image ©2024 Games Workshop - used entirely without their permission)

The Arcane Cataclysm box is all Disciples of Tzeentch and Lumineth Realmlords stuff... totalling up the miniature contents of the box, it would cost $531 to buy all of these items separately... The price tag on the box was $270... and was being sold for 40% off... so... $162... which is about 70% off - or $369 in savings...!? 

Not that I would have bought all of these things at their regular price... My "NEED" for most of the items is tenuous, at best... Two of the units were very definitely going to be useful in the current adventure I am running for the Soulbound role-playing game... I do like using miniatures in role-playing games and Tzeentch forces are likely to be recurring foe, given the backgrounds of the characters (and the location they are in and the adventures that I have!) 

I also just like the idea of having a smattering of units from ALL THE ARMIES for small little skirmish games or for use in role-playing games. 

I could sell off the Lumineth half of the box for half of what they would cost new... and that would just about pay for what I bought the entire box for...!? I may or may not do that... I don't know... I may get to painting them at some point!? 

Both forces are about the same size as a spearhead army, but don't quite have the right units... 

The Lumineth Spearhead force is lead by a Scinari Cathallar, instead of the Scinari Enlightener included in this box. The units are 5x Vanari Bladelords, 10x Vanari Auralan Wardens, and 10x Vanari Auralan Sentinels. Whereas this box has 5x Vanari Bladelords, 10x Vanari Auralan Sentinels, and 5 Vanari Dawnriders... I COULD pick up a box of Dawnriders and a Scinari Cathallar... to make a Spearhead force out of this... But it's $126 for those TWO THINGS (the Scinari Cathallar and one unit of Vanari Auralan Wardens)... and an entire Spearhead force is $175!?

The Disciples of Tzeentch Spearhead is lead by a Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, instead of a Cursling, and has Flamers and Screamers of Tzeentch instead of the Tzaangor Enlightened that are included in this box... I did just buy a box of Screamers (as that was something else I needed for an upcoming game of Soulbound... but do I want to go buy a box of Flamers and a Magister on a Disc of Tzeentch just to have ANOTHER spearhead army!? 

I probably won't bother with picking up the things needed to make spearhead armies out of these forces... Well... at least not the Lumineth... The Flamers and Magister could be useful in Soulbound as well!? And Boxing Day is right around the corner! 


  1. Great purchase! Sounds like you should sell the elves though.

    Reminds me that I forgot to look at the clearance table at the FLGS when I was there this weekend! What an idiot I am! (Not that stuff like this makes it there, they turn over stock too quickly for GW things to get to the table except prior edition rules)

  2. Happy Yule, Merry Solstice!
    I bought myself a few gifts, too. And have a package from a friend to open. I will have some good food, maybe indulge in some movie-watching and other hobbies. :)

    1. Happy Holidaze to you too!

      We ordered some food on Friday and have been eating for three days... (I pointed out to Amanda, that the toys I wanted to buy cost less than what we just spent on food for the weekend!? It's getting ridiculous, I don't know how anyone eats out on any sort of regular basis!?)

      We have a few days of playing Warhammer Quest planned and mostly just hanging out (and painting minis I need for the role-playing game next week!)
