There will be three posts dropped this evening in rapid succession; this post (December Games), followed by Looking Back at 2024 (my annual look back at what I got up to this year), followed by Game Plan 2025 - Q1 (the first of four quarterly looks at what I might be planning to get up to over the next three months...).
All three are scheduled posts that were mostly written well in advance, some started as early as October! If they seem incomplete... I probably died before finishing them... or have been hospitalized... or just gave up on blogging altogether and couldn't even be bothered to delete them! Sorry...
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
We played another game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. This was our second adventure in Ulfenkarn, and this time we tried a Deliverance Journey. It was very different from the previous hunt mission... AND we remembered to roll on the event table at the end of every round, so this took a bit longer! We did not get to finish the journey...
conveniently we have a BIG TABLE in a dedicated GAME ROOM... so we just left it all set up in there and hoped to finish it off the next evening!
You can read all about Part One here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Two - Deliverance Journey (Part One!)
Thursday, 5 December 2024
Thursday we picked up where we left off, though with a few changes as I realized I'd made some serious errors in the way I was running the scenario!
You can read the game report of the second part of the journey here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Two - Deliverance Journey (Part Two!)
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Saturday evening we FINALLY, after six weeks of dicking around, got started on a Soulbound adventure online!
I am basically running the two of them through the Shadows Over Hammerhal dungeon... I introduced the situation. Introduced them to the main characters in Shadows over Hammerhal, but had them all chasing off after different cultists and renegade airship crew and left the two Soulbound to explore the catacombs beneath Cinderfall...
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Tuesday was supposed to be RPG night, but Orion's scout troop had to move their weekly meeting to Tuesday because the gymnasium at the school they meet at was unavailable on Wednesday (presumably for Winter Holiday Celebration)... So Amanda, Finnegan, and I did another Journey to the Cursed City!
We played through a Scavenge Journey with the same Heroes used the last two weeks (largely because I STILL hadn't finished painting the other four!) - thus completing all three of the different basic Journeys. This brought the heroes all up to Level 1. They COULD have gone on to do the first Decapitation Journey, but they decided next they'd try the other four heroes and run them through all three different basic Journey types and get THEM all to first level... and THEN pick out a team to go on the first Decapitation Journey!
You can read the game report here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Three - Scavenge Journey
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Orion being freed up on Wednesday, we moved RPG night and kicked of the IN PERSON Soulbound campaign!! We did get together briefly... but then Orion, Nick and Charlie all had to go home, because Charlie wasn't feeling well!!
Friday, 13 December 2024
Friday evening, Orion stopped by to play a few games of Warhammer Underworlds.
You can read a brief Game Report here:
Warhammer Underworlds - Friday the 13th Edition
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Amanda and I had planned on an afternoon of playing board games...
That kind of ended up being one game of Embergard... It DID take a LONG time to play through... It was Amanda's first crack at Embergard, and I'm still just figuring the new edition.. but I'm sure we COULD have gotten in a second game.. alas...
you can read about the game here:
Warhammer Underworlds - Amanda Tries Embergard
Originally we'd planned to play our online Soulbound game in the evening... but Chris had to cancel... But suggested Sunday, at the same time...
Maybe Saturdays just aren't working out...
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Christian and I showed up on Discord at the designated time for rescheduled Soulbound Session... chatted for 40 Minutes..
No Chris...
I don't know...
Later in the evening, Amanda and I played another game of Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard! You can read the full report here:
Warhammer Underworlds - Sunday Funday!
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
I forgot to take a picture of the actual game...
This week, we FINALLY got PLAYING Soulbound! After narrating a bit of background since they were all soubound, the Characters started off in Hammerhal Aqsha and secured passage on a Kharadron Airship bound for the city of Brightspear.
They passed by Vandium and over the Klarrikaz Earthscar. Past the long abandoned Titanworks. They made brief stops at Tempest's Eye and Steel Spike before heading out over the Polychromatic Sea.
Over the sea the flotilla tried to maneuver to avoid what looked like a large storm of pink clouds. As they maneuvered the storm approached at unnatural speed and had soon engulfed the entire flotilla. So dense were the clouds that it was hard to see from one end of the ship to the other, let alone see any of the other ships... then they started hearing muffled booms and cries and seeing dim flashes in the distance...
It was a lot of fun.
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
Amanda, Finnegan and I played another round of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - this time we tried out the OTHER CHARACTERS which I finally finished up just a few hours before we played!! Amanda played Qulathis the Exile and Cleona Zeitengale and Finnegan played Octren Glimscry and Dagnai Holdenstock
The Journey was a success and all survived and gained experience!
You can read the Game Report here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Four - Another Hunt!
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Orion popped by for a few games of Warhammer Underworlds on Saturday.
In our first game, Orion played Sepulchral Guard with the Countdown to Cataclysm deck. I played Skabbiks' Plague Pack with Pillage & Plunder and the Corruptors warscroll. Orion won 16-10.
In our second game, Orion played Mollog's Mob with Reckless Fury. I played the Chosen Axes (for the very first time!) with Blazing Assault and the Protectors warscroll.
This one worked out for me. I got lucky having a card that placed Fjul-Grimnir next to Mollog without having to charge, AND had given him an upgrade that let him use an extra attack die... so he was rolling four attack dice (to Mollog's single defence die) and dealing three Damage. Mollog has SEVEN health... but I figured I'd get at least two hits in and deal six damage before the Troll could turn Fjul-Grimnir into Dwarf-paste and then someone could finish Mollog off! As it turned out Mollog missed and Fjul-Grimnir survived to the end... After taking out Mollog, the Fyreslayers hunted down the rest of Mollog's minions...
I actually won a game! Yay!
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Kicking off what I hope will be Twelve Days of GAMING, we played another game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City on Tuesday. Once again, Amanda played Qulathis the Exile and Cleona Zeitengalem and Finnegan played Dagnai Holdenstock and Octren Glimscry. I played all the hostiles and kind of kept the game moving forward.
We played through a second Deliverance Journey with the second group of heroes. It went MUCH SMOOTHER than the first Deliverance Journey, now that I kind of figured out how Deliverance Journeys are actually supposed to be played!!
You can read the full game report here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Five - Another Deliverance Journey
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
On Xmas Day we played ANOTHER game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. Same Characters, but this time a Scavenge Mission... and it went... poorly!
You can read the full game report here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Six - Another Scavenge Journey
Thursday, 26 December 2024
On Boxing day, after a quick trip to the Dragon's Den...
...we played ANOTHER game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. I'd hoped ALL the Heroes would be First Level and it would be time to do the first Decapitation Journey, to take down one of Radukar the Wolf's lieutenants.... Alas, the previous day's excursion ended in near disaster and another Deliverance Journey was taken on...
You can read the full game report here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Seven - Deliverance Journey!
Friday, 27 December 2024
Friday evening Amanda and I played another game of Warhammer Underworlds. She was trying out Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven in the new edition. I tried out Ironsoul's Condemnors, just to try something different...
Saturday, 28 December 2024

After a few more weeks of cancelled games, Saturday I met up with Chris and Christian on Discord for another session of our online Soulbound campaign... They continued their exploration of the catacombs benearth Cinderfall in Hammerhal Aqsha. It went pretty well.
Hopefully in the new year we'll play more regularly... if too many more games are cancelled, I might just drop this one...
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Kurtis and Tanay came over and played Five Tribes and Splendor. I forgot to take a pictures of Five Tribes... which probably would have been more interesting. I have not played Five Tribes for a while, so we left out the expansion.
Monday, 30 December 2024
On Monday, Brent and Barb came over and brought a new game - Calico! It is a game of making quilts and enticing cats to hang out on it..
This was my quilt at the end of the game.
There is a LOT going on in the game and so many different ways to gain points... It was fun, I'd play it again.
I think I like it better than Patchwork. The board is filled at the end of the game and no negative points for places unfilled - which was my BIGGEST ANNOYANCE with Patchwork... you can win the game with a NEGATIVE score!? (Which somehow, just doesn't feel right!?)
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Finally, just this evening, Orion and Nick joined Amanda and Finnegan and we all played one more game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound!! They are currently playing through the Crash & Burn adventure on their way to Brightspear!
And that was it... a pretty good end to a not-so-bad year!
In total, we played:
- Warhammer Quest: Cursed City x7
- Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard x7
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound x4
- Calico x1
- Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala x1
- Splendor x1
21 games total
Because there won't be a Quarterly summary, in the last Quarter we played:
- Lost Patrol x10
- Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard x9
- Warhammer Quest: Cursed City x8
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound x8
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Crypt Hunters x4
- Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal x4
- Tinderblox x2
- Calico x1
- Carcassonne x1
- Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala x1
- Giro D'Italia Card Game x1
- Linkage: A DNA Card Game x1
- NMBR 9 x1
- Pirate Fluxx x1
- Splendor x1
- Warhammer Age Of Sigmar (Fourth Edition): Core Rules x1
54 games total for 2024/Q4
For the review of what I played all year.. stay tuned! Looking Back at 2024 will be posted shortly!!
What were YOUR gaming highlights for December!?
Did "Santa" bring you anything fun and new!?
Sounds pretty good, I've been enjoying your cursed city campaign Sounds like an updated d&d campaign with fast and efficient combat! I guess managing a game for the first time in six months is an achievement for me! Secret Santa got me a book on the Napoleonic Saxon army of 1810 to 1813 which is fun!?
ReplyDeleteBest Iain caveadsum1471
Warhammer Quest very definitely has an old school D&D dungeon crawl vibe to it. It kind of itches that scratch with minimal preparation (other than all the miniatures that need to be painted - but once they're done, there is nothing to do by play the next scenario... and this one will take a LOT of playing to get to the big end-game scenario!) Thanks!