Well, happy new year, everyone!
In my brain, 2025 still seems like it should be in the FAR FUTURE where we all have spinner cars or jet packs and there are off-world colonies...
Having reviewed last year's shenanigans in the previous post... what do I have planned for THIS year - or at least the first three months of this year!?
I guess I will just continue on with what I've been doing... ?
Warhammer Underworlds
This was my MOST PLAYED game last year, by loads. In the first six months I played 75 games? There was a bit of a dip in the third quarter, but we started playing again in the last few months after the release of the new edition!
Is it going to be my most played game again this year...? I don't know... Maybe not... Probably not... There have been some hiccups with not being able to get cards to play with some warbands and so some of the initial enthusiasm fizzled before we could really get playing and interests have wandered. Also, I've kind of just been busy with Warhammer Quest and Soulbound... But I do hope it gets going again and we continue to play this fairly regulary!
Warhammer Quest
We FINALLY got to playing Warhammer Quest again last year, Starting with Shadows Over Hammerhal through the summer and fall and then started Warhammer Quest: Cursed City just as the snow was starting to fly!
Really enjoying it so far. Looking forward to playing lots more in the new year!
My hope is to continue playing this weekly with Amanda and Finnegan (and any others that happen to join us!) until we get through it - finishing up the first campaign and then moving on the Night Wars!
Will we get to Night Wars in the first quarter...? Unlikely... But I have it... we'll get to it.. It COULD take THIRTY or more games to get through the first campaign in Cursed City... so we will likely be playing the base game well into Q3 and maybe only finishing Night Wars by the end of the year!
(Maybe there will be a NEW Warhammer Quest out by then!!)
Role-Playing Games
I FINALLY got a campaign of Soulbound going this winter?! TWO, actually!? I hope to continue through the next year!!!
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
(like... the miniature battle game... all of the above are games are set in the Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar, but this bit is about the actual battle game called Warhammer Age of Sigmar)

(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
In the summer I'd been pretty stoked about Warhammer Age of Sigmar! I painted three whole Spearhead armies (and acquired FIVE OTHERS by the end of the year!?). I even played in the Spearhead league. I'd been excited about playing in the Warhammer Store's Path to Glory Campaign... but through the fall interest waned as I got my Warhammer Quest campaign going again and the new Warhammer Underworlds was released....
I do hope in the new year I can get going on this again. I've been thinking for months about organizing a turn-based, Path to Glory map campaign. Will that happen in the First Quarter? I don't know...
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
There is a Path to Glory book coming out in just under three weeks.
I'd been thinking about possibly running a map campaign using elements of Mighty Empires (1990)... and the current Path to Glory... setting it on an island off the East coast of The Parch on an Island that was once ruled by a Khorne (or Slaves to Darkness?) Warlord, but recently there was some sort of challenge and infighting and left the Chaos forces weakened and other factions have used this opportunity to encroach on the Chaos forces lands... I imagined running it as a GM (because these things generally work better with a GM!) but I could play smaller forces still holding lands that that they players try to take over...?
This "Ravaged Coast" it turns out, is the east coast of The Parch!?
So, obvioulsy I'd be incorporating that...
Or maybe we just do it without a map.
More on these plans SOON!
Other Board Games
We did not play as many Board Games last year...
It'd be nice to play a bit more, from time to time... Maybe organize Game Nights on Fridays or Afternoons on Saturdays...?
Solo Miniatures Games...?
When I have the time, I'd love to continue some of the Solo gaming campaigns I've started...
And maybe start one for Devilry Afoot!
Will I actually get to ANY of these In Q1...? I don't know... It's still something I regularly think about, though!
Warhammer 40,000!?
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
There is a new Aeldari Codex on the way
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
and an Astra Militarum one!
(Both probably in the first quarter...?)
(Image ©2024 Games Workshop)
and an Emperor's Children Codex hinted at for sometime this year!!!
Could all this mean a return to playing 40K...?
(I should pick up something with the Crusade campaign rules...)
Will any of that happen in the First Quarter? I don't know... I have my doubts... but it's on my radar again, as is Wrath & Glory!
What ISN'T on my radar is Kill Team... I'd rather play smaller 40K battles... or use some other sci-fi skimish rules. Or just play Wrath & Glory. There, I said it... I don't love Kill Team! I mean, if someone else I knew and regularly played games with suddenly LOVED the game and was willing to organize games, I might be convinced to show up with a team I have... but I just can't keep up with it and don't have the headspace for another set of rules. If I were to play a skimish game from GW set in the 40K universe, it would probably be Necromunda!
The plan is mostly just to keep painting miniatures I already HAVE for the games mentioned above... and try to not buy too many MORE!? I definitely feel like I went a bit overboard last year as I got back into Warhammer Age of Sigmar... but I feel like things have calmed, somewhat. I got what I got and now I just need to keep painting! I may or may not pick up any new Warhammer Underworlds warbands as they come out...? (Still haven't picked up the Jaws of Itzl or Grandfather's Gardeners - released this past month!) Otherwise, I think I'm good for MOST things...?
If a whole new Age of Sigmar Warhammer Quest game dropped... I... I might be tempted to pick it up for when we're done Cursed City! If it was another 40K one... I don't know... we still have a BUNCH of Blackstone Fortress that we never finished playing through.
Age Of Sigmar
As I seem to be working on Age of Sigmar stuff still. I will probably continue to work on some of these... I'd like to focus on finishing off the last few Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth miniatures (as there are about a dozen miniatures for each force), then shifting to work on Soulblight Gravelords and/or Slaves to Darkness - trying to get the Spearhead Armies for both finished, and then expanding on that to build a 1000 point Paths to Glory Armies and then just adding options...
Another idea I had, though, was to try and assemble ALL THE MINIATURES and organize them into proper storage spaces (instead of heaped in cardboard boxes around the painting area... and THEN get going on Soulblights and Slaves to Darkness.
Of course, since I have an in-person Soulbound RPG going that I DO like to use miniatures in... what I'm working on from week to week may very well be dictated by what I need for the next weeks game!
Initially I'd planned to include a status of ALL THE FORCES in this post... but then that seemed a bit much. Perhaps I will do that in the new year... though the Gallery pages for each are pretty much up-to-date, so:
Age of Sigmar - Hedonites of Slaanesh
Age of Sigmar - SoulBlight Gravelords
Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals
Age of Sigmar - Daughters of Khaine
Age of Sigmar: Slaves to Darkness
Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne
Age of Sigmar - Skaven - PLASTIC!
(at some point I plan to do one for all the METAL Skaven I have!)
Though the above links are up-to-date as the time of the initial posting of this Plan... As they are continually updated, they won't provide a snap-shot of where things were at during the beginning of this planning cycle... Perhaps I will do a post for each in the new year - to give a snapshot of where things were at the beginning of 2025!
Warhammer Underworlds
I feel like the end is in sight with these (as in finally finishing painting all of them... not, like, getting rid of them or anything!?)... a bit of a push and I feel like I could get all caught up with these... which would be pretty cool... It HAD been my play to try and get them ALL painted last year - and I did get a bunch painted (and even more mostly painted!?)... but then OTHER Age of Sigmar games distracted me away...
I still have 18 Warbands that I need to paint! (but 34 warbands are PAINTED!)
Still to DO:
- Gorechosen of Dromm
- Starblood Stalkers
- Skaeth's Wild Hunt
- Crimson Court
- The Gnarlspirit Pack
- The Exiled Dead
- Spiteclaw's Swarm
- Skittershank’s Clawpack
- Zarbag's Gitz
- Brotherhood of the Bolt
- Myari's Purifiers
- Shadeborn
- Headsmen’s Curse
- Domitan’s Stormcoven
- Hexbane’s Hunters
- Grashrak's Despoilers
- Emberwatch
- Zikkit’s Tunnelpack
(I guess I still have extra copies of Steelheart's Champions and the Storm of Celestus... but I think of them more as units for my Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals forces - as I'm painting them in the blackened armour of the Anvils of Heldenhammer)
Will I pick up any of the new ones...? I don't know... I kind of like the new Nurgle Daemon warband - Grandfathers Gardeners... but I kind of feel like I want to get a bunch of the ones I HAVE painted before I get any more!
Warhammer Quest
I don't really have a lot left to paint for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City!? At least not for the first quest - contained in the core box. Just Torgillius the Chamberlain and two of the Mysterious Objects.
The only thing I still have to to acquire and paint for Night Wars is Radukar the beast, and I still have to paint the Fell Bats and Vampire Lord.
I guess there are a few things to paint for Silver Tower, should we decide to play that!
Will there be a NEW Warhammer Quest this year!? I feel like we're a little overdue for one... but that probably won't be until at least Q3 or Q4...
Warhammer 40,000
Even if I return to 40K, there's not a lot I'd need to BUY (other than possibly the new Codexes!)... This is very LOW priority stuff for Q1 and I likely won't get to working on ANY of it... but maybe sometime this year...
Whenever the new Emperor's Children Codex is released (which will probably be later in the year...?), I will probably end up buying some of the new Noise Marines (at least ONE squad of those - despite already having 30!?) ... and.. well... we'll see what else they release along with it and if I'm feeling like it's time to play 40K again!
I have no interest in any of the new Eldar or Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum stuff... I mean, it all LOOKS GREAT! But I already have SO MUCH STUFF for both armies, that I am totally happy with... I imagine I'll just need to do some minor reorganization of the two forces for the new edition codexes and get painting the stuff that isn't finished yet!!
There is that the Ratling Sniper Kill Team for Kill Team... I will probably breakdown and buy that... Not to play Kill Team... just to potentially use in other games (40K or Wrath & Glory). I think I need to finish Provisionally Prepared before I buy any MORE Ratling Snipers!
What I DO need to do is take stock and reorganize these forces for the new (but not SO new) edition and figure out what (if anything) I need to finish painting to make a playable force with some options...
Perhaps I'll work on that in Q1 - take stock of Astra Militarum, Aeldari and Emperor's Children forces and post a status update for each and what the plan is for if/when I get back to playing!
Other Games
The other games I mentioned.... Devilry Afoot, Five Parsecs from Home, and Five Men in Normandy... I can't imagine needing to buy anything. I likely won't need to paint much, even if I do get playing again, I have LOADS of useable stuff for all of these games. Including stuff I could paint for them as new opponents!
Maybe I could build some terrain, though!?
Occasionally I think about reorganizing existing - Greeks and others.... I may or may not get to that..
Work-in-Progress Wednesdays
Not sure if I'm going to continue with that... I'd kind of started that earlier in 2024 as a way to FORCE myself to engage with the blog and share what I'm working on, even if I wasn't getting much DONE... and kind of force myself to work on SOMETHING each week, even if I wasn't getting things done... (also because I was taking pictures of what I'd been working on to post in groups on Facebook or Discord that have Work-in-Progress Wednesdays - to keep people engaged and encourage each other to keep going!)
This was largely because for the last few years I have not been blogging so much, at least, not on THIS blog... I'm not sure it's really necessary to continue doing this... I seem to be back and painting and playing games... (though I have not been doing nearly so much drawing or painting of pictures...)
What are YOUR plans for the new year!?
Sounds like a solid plan and that WIP Wednesday worked in getting you back on the straight and narrow, I have enjoyed it as a by product! I'm continuing on my napoleonics, French are all built and mostly primed and Austrians are heading that way and I've started Bavarians, just so I can have a Napoleonic force ongoing! Midgard is a new acquisition mainly for dark ages but maybe fantasy? I might finish some 40k armies for Xenos rampant and the Italian Wars and bolt action keep on going, plus stuff like 100 years war( x2!)and the victrix garlic army I bought one night when I was fed up!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain caveadsum1471
Ha-ha sounds like you have a solid plan as well! Thanks!
DeleteI want to get some games played, and maybe even do a 5 Parsecs campaign or something. At this time, while I do have various minis from Kickstarter and other sources in my "pile of opportunity", nothing is really calling to me like the space hobbit snipers did. So another idea is to see if I can find any minis I would be raring to paint. :D
ReplyDeleteOr maybe I should look more into making terrain for sci-fi games.
I love "Pile of Opportunity" rather than "Pile of SHAME!"
DeleteI definitely need to work on some terrain as well!