Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Tzaangor

I really had these mostly finished up yesterday... but didn't get to posting pictures, and including them in the year end totals, etc... so I'm counting them as the first miniatures finished this year.. 

I was trying to finish these (and a dozen other miniatures) for my Soulbound roleplaying game yesterday... which was just too many... in the end I finished the three Tzaangor on Discs of Tzeentch and five on the other Tzaangor and used them in the game! But then after the game I finished up the sixth Tzaangor and touched up most of the others... and I finished that after midnight... so... first miniatures finished this year!

Tzaangor on Discs of Tzeentch. 

The three Tzaangor on Discs of Tzeentch included in Arcane Cataclysm could be built as either Tzaangor Enlightened or Tzaangor Skyfires... Because I wasn't really planning to use them in Age of Sigmar (the tabletop miniatures game) I ended up building one as he Champion from the Tzaangor Enlightened options (hoping I could pass it off as a Tzaangor Shaman) and the other two as Tzaangor Skyfires. 

If ever I did use them in a game of Age of Sigmar, I'd just call them Tzaangor Skyfires...


These six are from Finnegan's Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower set... which gets me a touch closer to finishing those... just have goblin scuttlings, the Gaunt Sorcerer, and some weird little imps and critters that, I think, are used as tokens...? 

I have ten Tzaangor of my own to build now - and twenty Kairic Acolytes!? 

For next week I need to finish up some Goblins and Squigs and Kharadron Overlord Arkanauts.... Most are about half painted. I tried to get the Arkanauts painted for this week.. but had to abandon that plan when it became clear I was nowhere near being close to finishing EVERYTHING up... 


  1. Great looking Tzenitch types! It's always difficult to be close to finishing everything!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471
