Wednesday, January 15, 2025

First Aquisitions

It's only just half way through January and I'm already acquiring new things... Well... New to me things... On the plus side, I didn't spend any money on them! I traded away a PILE of World War Two Americans that I was just NEVER going to get around to painting... 

Orion was looking to get rid of a pile of Kairic Acolytes and a few Tzaangor. Do I really need MORE Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor!? No, probably not... but, at this point, I figure I'm far more likely to paint and play with these, than I am WW2 Americans. 

There are 35 Kairic Acolytes and 14 Tzaangor. In Age of Sigmar, both are fielded in units of ten.. So there are a few extras I don't super need... BUT the Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor that Finnegan got in his Warhammer Quest Games are weird numbers (18 Kairic Acolytes and 6 Tzaangor...?) So maybe I could paint up the spares and give them to him and then he'd have full units of 10/20... Y'know, just in case he ever decided to play Age of Sigmar with them...?!

A number of them are broken... but, conveniently, I have a pile of Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor new-on-the-sprue (from the Arcane Cataclysm box) and there are a LOT of options on each sprue, so I can totally repair any! 

It was a mix of regular US Army infantry, some Airborne infantry and a small handful of WW2 USMC! 

I also gave away a bonus copy of Bolt Action (first edition) that I had kicking around. Not sure how much the game has changed since then...? I bought the second edition rules at some point. but never played them. Now there's a THIRD edition out?! 

Hopefully they'll see some paint and play at their new home! Maybe I'LL get to play against them at some point!? 

The Lot I traded away has almost 100 miniatures in it, so... in terms of the overall number of unpainted miniatures, I now have FEWER!