Tuesday, January 28, 2025

WW2 - American Casualties and Markers for Five Men at Kursk

 I finished up a few American Casualties I'd been trying to get done for the game on Sunday... but didn't.. (I played a game of Five Men at Kursk on Sunday with Orion, but have not yet finished the battle report)

American Casualties from Black Tree Design

I also finished up some Marker for Five Men at Kursk

Condition Markers for Five Men at Kursk - Red for Down, Orange for Scared, Yellow for Nervous. (some look like they might need one more coat!) 

They are sized to fit under bases (though this isn't always possible...) 

The Red ones (for Down) could either go under the base, or under the figure if one was laying them over  - and then it looks like blood pooling under the figure. 

I think I might made some that are brown for Hugging Dirt...? 

I'm starting to feel like this WW2 diversion is veering into FULL DISTRACTION territory... 

(on the plus side, there isn't a LOT of stuff I'd ever need or what to buy for my WW2 forces... and there isn't even THAT much to PAINT for it - I mean, there is some... but I have WAY MORE painted than I have unpainted...)