Friday, January 3, 2025

Warhammer Underworlds - Faction Update

 I thought I'd kick off the new year by taking stock of things and posting a series of "Faction Updates" detailing armies that I'm currently working on or hoping to work on this year and show what's already done, versus what I still need to finish up. And then instead of a specific army, I decided to start with all the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands of ALL THE FACTIONS!?

At any given moment, you can see what the state of things are by checking out the Gallery Pages. On a desktop computer, they're listed over on the left, there... On a phone, right under the title there's a drop down menu that says "move to" and when you click on it, there is a list of all the gallery pages. At least on MY home computer and MY phone that's how it looks... I honestly have no idea about how it all looks on others?! 

A LOT of the Gallery Pages need updating, and I'll be doing a bit of that this year (maybe...). All the Age of Sigmar ones are kept up to date - as I post pictures of newly painted models on the blog, I update the relevant Gallery Page... 

These posts, however, are meant to give a snapshot of where things are at the beginning of 2025. Where I'm at. What I have to do.

Currently I own fifty-two of the sixty-two warbands that were ever published by Games Workshop! (plus bonus copies of three of them!?) 

Currently, thirty four of them are finished and ready to play with at any moment! (Y'know, if I had the cards for them!?)

Currently Painted Warbands:

  1. Steelheart's Champions
  2. Sepulchral Guard
  3. Ironskull's Boyz
  4. Magore's Fiends
  5. Stormsire's Cursebreakers
  6. Thorns of the Briar Queen
  7. The Grymwatch
  8. Ironsoul's Condemners
  9. Lady Harrow's Mournflight
  10. The Wurmspat
  11. Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
  12. Morgwaeth's Blade Coven
  13. Morgok's Krushas
  14. The Dread Pageant
  15. Khagra's Ravagers
  16. Storm of Celestus
  17. Drepur’s Wraithcreepers
  18. Mollog's Mob
  19. Xandire's Truthseekers
  20. Da Kunnin' Krew 
  21. Thricefold Discord  
  22. Grinkrak’s Looncourt 
  23. Blackpowder's Buccaneers
  24. Cyreni’s Razors
  25. Elathain's Soulraid
  26. Ephilim’s Pandaemonium
  27. Skabbik’s Plaguepack
  28. Sons of Velmorn
  29. Skinnerkyn 
  30. Zondra's Gravebreakers
  31. Thundrik's Profiteers 
  32. Chosen Axes
  33. Garrek's Reavers 
  34. Ylthari's Guardians

Technically, these are also miniatures I painted for Warhammer Underworlds to use in specific scenarios involving them... 

These are the 20 warbands I still have to do (although, two of them are bonus copies of Steelheart's Champions and Storm of Celestus which I have no intention of using in Warhammer Underworlds and am painting them up as Anvils of Heldenhammer Stormcast to use in Age of Sigmar!) 

A fair number of them are partly painted, and a few are SO VERY CLOSE to being finished... 

Warbands still to finish: 

  1. Gorechosen of Dromm
  2. Starblood Stalkers
  3. Emberwatch 
  4. Myari's Purifiers
  5. Crimson Court
  6. The Gnarlspirit Pack 
  7. Headsmen’s Curse 
  8. Domitan’s Stormcoven 
  9. Skaeth's Wild Hunt
  10. Spiteclaw's Swarm
  11. Skittershank’s Clawpack
  12. Zarbag's Gitz 
  13. Brotherhood of the Bolt
  14. Shadeborn
  15. Hexbane’s Hunters
  16. Grashrak's Despoilers
  17. The Exiled Dead
  18. Zikkit’s Tunnelpack 
  19. Steelheart's Champions (extra copy)
  20. Storm of Celestus  (extra copy)

If I did one over other week, I'd get them done by the end of the year...?

Just to get a sense of how mush is done and how much there is to do, here are both the finished warbands (on the left) and still to complete warbands on the right!

I'm on my way there! With all the other stuff I want to work on this year... I'm not sure they're ALL going to get done... but I'd really like to finish up as many as I can. Playing the game regularly would help motivate me... Having all the cards would help with that... (Looking at YOU, Games Workshop!!!) 


  1. I am very impressed with your collection. I keep wanting to get back into Underworlds but GW's habit of pulling the rug out is discouraging. But... maybe....

    1. Thanks!

      Now's probably as good a time as any to get back in...

      If you're interested in trying out the new edtion, there isn't an overwhelming amount of stuff for it and, theoretically all warbands are playable - if you can get your hands on the cards (MOST of which are available as PDFs).

      If you have a group of friends that have a bunch of first edition stuff and only play amongst yourselves, now it probably a good time to pick up any first edition stuff as people jumping into 2nd or simply quitting the game are dumping their old stuff!

    2. So I went to eBay and bought Embergard minus the warbands. Got all of the other decks to play but was looking to get in inexpensively at first. Will let you know how it goes. Have downloaded all of the stuff on the new edition off of their website.

    3. Cool!

      I haven't managed to get in a single game so far this year!? I've been distracted by other things... people I regularly played with have been distracted by other other things... and then I've been sick this past week. Hopefully I'll get back to it at some point!
