Saturday, January 11, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Daughters of Khaine - Faction Update

The first Age of Sigmar figures I had were two battle boxes. The first was Deamons of Slaanesh versus Daemons of Khorne. I picked it up because both groups could be used in either Warhammer Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40,000. Then I picked up a second which had Hedonites of Slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine. Obviously the Hedonites were to expand the small force of Slaanesh Daemons I already had and I thought it would be fun to have a small force of Daughters of Khaine. I liked the look of the models and thought MAYBE it might be something Amanda could be coaxed to try and play...? She does like the kick-ass ladies! 

More recently I bought ANOTHER Battle Box - Arena of Shades - because it included the units I'd need to make a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead army (without having to BUY a spearhead army!) and it added some fun options to the force... should i EVER get any of the painted!? 

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


This all the Daughters of Khaine I have done... Not a lot...  

(that's a bit embarrassing!) 


  • Melusai Ironscale 


  • none


  • Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven

Not really enough to field any sort of force in Age of Sigmar... Not sure this would even be enough for a warband in Warcry!?

Still to DO!

This is all the Daughters of Khaine I still have to do!

(Ugggghhh... EVERY time I do this... I realize as I'm placing the photos into the post, there's something missing... this time it's the Shadeborn - a Warhammer Underworlds warband...) 


  • High Gladiatrix (1)


  • Blood Sisters (5) 
  • Blood Stalkers (5) 
  • Khinerai Heartrenders (10) 
  • Witch Aelves (metal!) (10)
  • Witch Aelves (Plastic!) (10)
  • Doomfire Warlocks (5) 


  • The Shadeborn (4)

This force is NOT a huge priority, right now... but I think the first units to be worked on should probably be the Witch Aelves, Blood Stalkers, and Doomfire Warlocks needed to finish up the Spearhead army... and then just work away at finishing up the rest. It's not a LOT!? And maybe if I did I could entice Amanda to try it out... so maybe it SHOULD be more of a priority...!? 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

could currently be fielded as:

Melusai Ironscale General's Regiment

  • Hero - Melusai Ironscale (1) 160 - Any Khinerai, Any Melusai
  • Unit - Blood Sisters (5) 140 - Melusai, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Stalkers (5) 140 - Melusai, Infantry
  • Unit -  Khinerai Heartrenders (5) 100 - Khinerai, Infantry
  • Unit - Khinerai Heartrenders (5) 100 - Khinerai, Infantry

High Gladiatrix's Regiment

  • Hero - High Gladiatrix (1) 100 - Any Aelf
  • Unit - Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (10) 110 - Aelf, Infantry
  • Unit - Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (10) 110 - Aelf, Infantry
  • Unit - Doomfire Warlocks (5)  150 - Aelf, Cavalry

Total: 1110

Huh... That kind of works out to be just enough for a starting Path to Glory army! If I dropped the metal Witch Aelves and just used plastic stuff, I'd have exactly 1000 points! 

I could add in one of the Warhammer Underworlds units... Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven are 120 points and the Shadeborn are 80... They could be the first additions in a Path to Glory campaign. After that, I'd need another Hero to form a third Regiment (or combine the existing units of Heartrenders and add more Melusai or Khinerai to the Melusai Ironscale's Regiment?) 

Still to Get!?

I don't really feel any urge at all to add anything to this force... 

There's a small part of me that would like to pick up Gryselle’s Arenai - just because - but more to try it out as a Warhammer Underworlds unit. 

I think the ONLY way I would ever add anything else to this force was IF Amanda ever got playing this... AND wanted to do something beyond smaller Path to Glory games... As cool as the Daughters of Khaine are, I have TOO MANY OTHER armies I'd also really like to play... and have larger forces and more options already (though lots still need to be painted)!? 

The model of Morathi, the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and Grand Matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine, is pretty cool... but, honestly, I'd rather get a Keeper of Secrets (Greater Daemon of Slaanesh) before I picked up that big beastie... or... ANY of the Greater Daemons of Chaos!? (or another Treelord.. or...). 

Krethusa the Croneseer is also a pretty interesting model... maybe I'd get that before Morathi... (I guess it would depend on which way Amanda wanted to go with the army. 

If anything were to be added, probably a Bloodwrack Shrine/Cauldron of Blood would be the first to be added. It can be built in three different ways and is the ONLY way to get THREE of the Heroes that can be used to lead Regiments in the army (Bloodwrack Medusa, Hag Queen, and Slaughter Queen!?) and the only way to get an Avatar of Khaine! 

Faction Updates Still to Do!

So that's Faction Updates for Nighthaunts,  Blades of Khorne,  Stormcast Eternals, Soublight Gravelords, and Sylvaneth that I've done so far... I still have Slaves to Darkness and Hedonites of Slaanesh, Skaven, and Disciples of Tzeentch to do... Most of those have a LOT of stuff still on the sprue, that I'm just not going to get to assembling right away. Do I do updates with piles of sprues in the background...? Do I do a push to get EVERYTHING ASSEMBLED?! (not sure that's going to work out for the Hedonites of Slaanesh Chariots (as I think some parts would be best assembled BEFORE final assembly...) 

Maybe I'll do one or two for 40K forces that I might get to this year...?

Or maybe not... probably best just to STAY FOCUSED and ride the Age of Sigmar wave and avoid distractions!!