I picked up an Arkanaut Company on boxing day for use in Soulbound. The first adventure involves flying and a Kharadron skyvessel from Hammerhal to Brightspear and along the way the fleet is beset by a massive horde of Tzeentch Daemons and Tzaangor... Ideally the Soulbound party saves some of the crew and ideally they become recurring NPCs thereafter...
Arkanaut Company
The Arkanaut Company are the basic crew of the Skyvessels of the Kharadron overlords.
Am I about to start on a Kharadron Overlord force for Age of Sigmar?
This is probably the faction that is the least interesting to me. I don't hate them, or even dislike them... I'm just... ambivalent towards steampunk dwarves in this setting...
I was also hoping to get a bunch of Squigs and Grots done for this evening's game... but that just didn't happen... I figured rather than worry about doing all the encounters in this initial adventures exactly as they are in the book, I could just sub out the Grots and Squigs for something I have that's already painted!?
Nice work on the steam punk dwarves! Agree that they do not fit in a standard fantasy game though. Dwarf engineer with an advanced weapon? Sure. Whole nation of those guys? Does not fit...
ReplyDeleteMaybe if they released the air pirate goblins they would bridge the gap a bit more with the other fantasy armies.
Ha-ha! Thanks!
DeleteI probably worded that wrong... I don't MIND that there are Steam Punk Dwarves in the setting. I kind of get it. I get their lore and it makes about as much sense as anything else in the setting... It probably makes MORE sense than some of the other stuff going on in the Mortal Realms. It's just, of all the factions in the setting, they are the least interesting to me, in terms of things I'd want to play in a game.
Them and the Ossiarch Bonereapers - though now that I listened to an audiobook that had some bonereapers show up and do their bonereaper things, I kind of get it... I'm just still not all that interested in the look of them!
Nice work!
ReplyDeleteI could go for steampunk dwarves, but I don't think these ones would fit in with the other dwarves I have (mostly 20th century GW ones, ones from Foundry, and others of that ilk, short and bulky with large heads and hands, and very beardy).