Thursday, January 30, 2025

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Twelve - Scavenging Again


After last weeks Pyrrhic victory, everyone was feeling a little bit anxious. Initially a Deliverance Journey was discussed - to bring the Fear Level down, but I pointed out five was pretty safe place to be and it might be a good idea to TOOL UP with some new gear to replace the gear lost along with Jelson Darrock... (Okay.. there were OTHER reasons as well...)  

Things looked grim when all was set up and both Captain Halgrim and Gorslav were on the table (with TWO OTHER hostile groups of zombies!?) 

Luckily when the initiative cards were dealt out, the only hostile group that went before the Heroes was the zombies that were furthest from the Drop Zone... and it was daylight, so they didn't go very fast... 

The ALL of the Heroes went... 

Cleona Zeitengale stepped out of the Drop Zone and savagely beat down Gorslav... She'd become quite good friends with Emelda Braskov and was determined to avenger her friend!  

Dagnair Holdenstock headed for the nearest Mysterious Object to look for treasure (or REALMSTONE)... but found a pair of Zombies blocking his way, so he took them out.. 

Glaurio Ven Alten III swaggered out of the Drop Zone and into a large courtyard and blasted two zombies across the way... 

Brutogg stepped out of the Drop Zone and decided to just hold... He'd let the foe come to him, rather than tire himself out chasing them down. 

... and come they did! Brutogg and Glaurio smashed down skeletons and zombies as they approached. 

Glaurio when charged out and took down Captain Halgrim in a duel of extreme violence. 

Cleona set about clearing away the last of the Zombies. 

by blowing them up. 

Dagnair set about clearing away Mysterious Objects and collecting Treasures and valuable Realmstone! 

More Ulfenwatch appeared and attacked Glaurio. 

Brutogg came to his aid. 

Cleona finished clearing away the zombie menace. 

Fast Food Delivery... Bats flew at Brutogg and he just grabbed them out of the air and ate them on the spot! 

A Kosargi Nightguard finally showed up and dealt both Glaurio and Brutogg some serious wounds... 

Dagnai just running around the circumference of the abandoned market place, exploring Mysterious Objects... 

... collectine more Realmstone. 

Things looked a little hairy for a moment when a swarm of Skeletons and a Vyrkos Blood-Born vampire all arrived, while they were still dealing with the Kosargi Nightguard... but the vampire was blocked by the Skeletons and Cleona was able to stun the undead ogor long enough for the others to deal with it and then the other hostiles in order... 

Dagnair just screaming around at top speed collecting treasues and Realmstone. 

More treasures... more realmstone... 

at one point, there were TWO Mysterious objects in adjacent spaces!

Finishing off the skeltons... a BUNCH of Corpse Rats arrive! Like, ALL OF THEM!?

And another Kosargi Nightguard... which went after Dagnai... 

But Before it could get to Dagnai, Glaurio intervened, blasting it multiple times with his pistols... 

Before charging in to deal a final blow with his sword... Cleona attempting to stun the hulking brute! 

So Dagnai went about collecting his treasures and Realmstone!

Another Vykros Blood-Born snuck up and attacked Brutogg from behind as he was clearing away the last of the Corpse Rats... 

Cleona rushed to his aid! 

No sooner than she had dealt with the Vampire, a horde of Zombies shambled out and assaulted them!

Ven Alten covering Dagnai as he retreated to summon the Adamant to the Extraction Point! 

and everyone escaped... with a LOT of Realmstone! 


Well this went considerably better than last week's misadventure

Both Fear and Influence rose a bit, and the extraction event involved bring some refugees aboard the Adamant... which were carrying some kind of illness... so whoever is playing in the next Journey begins with a diseased token! 

Brutogg and Glaruio both made it to Level Two! 

With all the Realmstone they had they were able to purchase a Embramatic Blast Rune for Glaurio's weapons (like Jelson Darrock had) so that none of his attacks can be reduced. 

With the leftover Realmstone they were able to get Cleona a Transmutable Coating for her armour. 

There was some discussion about whether they should use Glaurio or Brutogg in the next adventure. Using one (or both) of them with Level One characters will mean the Level One character gain experience faster... but it also means playing at Level Two encounters... Level Two means Torgilius the Chamberlain starts showing up (guess I better get HIM painted quickly!!). Also the Vargskyr starts showing up and groups of TWO Vyrkos Bloodborn and larger groups of other hostiles!! This game gets NASTY... 

To bring that Fear Level down a bit, they decided it was time to do another Deliverance Journey... 

... and, hopefully, by then I should have an actual Suffocating Gravetide model ready for them!!

Because they're getting closer to doing the next two Decapitation Journeys - to take down Watch Captain Halgrim and Gorslav the Gravekeeper, respectively, I've been looking ahead at the respective Hunt Journeys. I discovered, therein that after each is successful the token for each slain Lieutenant of Radukar is to be ADDED to the board (as I'd originally thought)... as a trophy...? But I kind of prefer the idea of REMOVING them as they're taken out. It's my game, I'm going to keep doing it that way! 


  1. That first pic either shows some pre-game optimism (or determination) or post-game enjoyment of success. :)

    "Fast Food Delivery... Bats flew at Brutogg and he just grabbed them out of the air and ate them on the spot!" Ozzy?

    "Bring out... the comfy chair!"

    1. Or the first picture shows Finnegan being the goofball that he is...?

      Ha-ha! I wondered if someone would make an Ozzy reference (or thought I was making an Ozzy reference)! I honestly hadn't thought about that for years (maybe decades?) until the comment came out of my mouth while playing the game and I marvelled at all the weird stories that spread by work of mouth even when I was a teen and we didn't have the internet and wondered if people still talked about and/or believed that. Where did it start? How were people in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada aware of it!? I guess it was mentioned in trashy music magazines that I never read, but perhaps people I know did...?
