In January, we played games...
Wednesday, 1 January 2025
Amanda, Finnegan and I kicked off the year with our first Decapitation Journey in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. The game took most of the afternoon, so we were glad to have the free day where no one needed to do anything! The scenario is effectively the same as playing TWO journeys...
First there is a Deliverance Journey, where the heroes have to rush through the city's streets and alleys avoiding a Suffocating Gravetide...
After that is a special Hunt Journey...
Where they have to hunt down one of the BOSSES - in this case, a Vargskyr!
It was a LOT of fun! You can read the full game report and see ALL THE PICTURES here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Eight - The Fell Guardian
Thursday, 2 January 2025
While Finnegan was out playing D&D at a friends and Amanda wasn't teaching yoga (which she normally does on Thursdays with one of the Community Associations) we played through ANOTHER game of Warhammer Quest Cursed City...
But this time with Grombrindal, The White Dwarf!
You can read the full game report and see ALL THE PICTURES here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Nine - Grombrindal's Hunt
Friday, 3 January 2025
Friday evening I introduced Amanda to Lost Patrol...
It was moderately fast and bloody and... she was NOT a fan...
Afterwards we tried out Crypt Hunters, which is based on the same basic mechanics... but the Stormcast Eternals are MUCH tougher and more survivable.
She was pretty tired and had a hard time wrapping her head around the geometry of how the tiles appeared and disappeared...
but very nearly won and said it was a "1000% better game" than Lost Patrol!
Saturday, 4 January 2025
On Saturday evening, while Finnegan was running his weekly D&D game downstairs, Amanda and I cleared off the dining room table upstairs and played a couple of games of Patchwork...
The last time we played was a little over 3 years ago... So we actually had to read the rules again!?
I did okay in the first game. Scored 13 points? Amanda scored zero... which is still pretty good, because i've had more than a few games with NEGATIVE total points.. I feel like I've played games where BOTH players had negative final totals...!? Which seems lame to win a game because you had the least negative number...
Amanda felt she needed to play again, as the first game she was just remembering how to play, and, indeed, she did better, scoring 7 points.
But so did I, scoring 17...
This ended an unofficial 12 days of gaming that started on 24 December 2024!
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Every year around his birthday, Finnegan runs a one-shot role-playing game adventure that starts around noon and ends later in the evening - with a brief break for pizza and cake. This year there were EIGHT PLAYERS in attendance (in addition to Finnegan the Dungeon Master)! (one doesn't like being in pictures and is hiding)
This year they played D&D. There was a Hydra involved... it was slain before pizza and were consumed!
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Tuesday evening Nick and Orion joined us to play our first game of Soulbound for the year. Still working their way through Crash and Burn. I'd given up on getting the goblins painted for the goblin encounters and just threw a bunch of extra Nighthaunts their was (since I have a bunch painted!?)
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Orion was looking for a game in the local Path to Glory league... and I figured it was about time I actually PLAYED with some of these miniatures I've painted... So we decided to meet up at the Warhammer Store to play (as, at one point, it had been suggested that only games played there officially count towards the league...? and also there was a new Free Miniature-of-the-Month to pick up!). The weather has been warmer this week, so I enjoyed my hour-long ride to get there... but was a little disappointed to discover the store was CLOSED when I got there!?
The silly thing is, I'd thought of shooting the manager a note the night before to check and make sure it would be open (because sometimes they have training session on Thursdays)... but then got distracted and forgot... and then in the morning, at one point, I'd though of doing the same, or at least checking the Facebook page (because they always post there if the store's closed for any reason).. but in my panic to get things together, I completely forgot AGAIN...
Ah, well... it was a nice enough ride and I needed some exercise after not getting out so much over the holidaze...
Luckily, Orion only lives a few blocks away, so we wandered over there to play a game!
It was an absolute disaster for Bob Bloodblob's Bloodbound Brotherhood of Blood... You can read all about it here:
Age of Sigmar - Path to Glory - The Ruined Settlement
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Played another session of the Online Soulbound campaign. Tethas and Kugraz got in a fight with a BUNCH of Bloodreavers! They survived...
Sunday, 12 January 2025
We had to shift to Sundays for playing Warhammer Quest, because Finnegan has a night class on Wednesdays...
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Ten - Another Disastrous Scavenge Journey!
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Tuesday we played Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - the Role-playing Game. Our Heroes were fleeing through some caves to escape a massive Nighthaunt horde...
This post will bring you up to date with what had been going on in the campaign to that point...
Soulbound - Flight Through the Caves
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
We kind of moved back to Wednesdays for Warhammer Quest as Finnegan ultimately dropped the Wednesday evening class... and sort of skipped a week as there was a cold making it's way through the house and everyone was sick...
You can read about the disastrous Journey here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Eleven - Hunters Become the Hunted
Saturday, 25 Januar 2025
On Saturday morning, I FINALY got around to playing a second session in my Solo Five Men in Normandy campaign with the Canadian Paratroopers in Normandy. This was mostly to remind myself of how the rules worked before running Orion through a game on Sunday. You can read about the action here:
Five Men in Normandy - Holding at Varaville
Afterwards I ended up reading the Five Men at Kursk rules and decided that might work better...
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Sunday I started playing a new campaign with Orion using the Five Men at Kursk rules. She's playing her newly painted WW2 Americans and I'm playing Japanese on a fictional island in the Solomons. The American Patrol was tasked with capturing a prisoner for interrogation. They were unsuccessful in this task as every Japanese soldier they encountered fought to the death!
You can read about the adventures here:
Fourteen Men in the Solomon Islands
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Tuesday we were back to playing Soulbound... I forgot to take a picture DURING the game. The group gained passage on a new ship - The Grund - and made their way to Brightspear and were given a new mission but the Lord Celestant of the Stormcast Eternals there.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
In the afternoon I rode out to the Warhammer store.
There I played Crypt Hunter with John and then bought some stuff... you can read about that here:
Crypt Hunters at the Warhammer Store (and Some NEW STUFF!)
later in the evening, we played our weekly Warhammer Quest adventure. This week wasn't quite so deadly - for the Heroes! You can read about it here:
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Twelve - Scavenging Again
And that was it for January!
That's a fair few game we played!
I got in games of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (five of them!), and Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound (four of them - three in person, one online), and one game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar... and I even got in some games of Five Men in Normandy'Five Men at Kursk (one solo, one not-so-solo) - all things I'd hoped to do in the Game Plan 2025 - Q1
I have not, yet, played any games of Warhammer Quest... Not being able to access the Warbands of Embergard card pack means a bunch of my warbands are still not playable... which has been a bit of a downer... I haven't managed to motivate myself to set up a game... but also... there have been a LOT OF OTHER GAMES going on!
I kept the purchases and acquisitions to a minimum. I did acquire a pile of Disciples of Tzeentch part way through the month, but I traded away over twice as many WW2 Americans I knew I'd never get around to painting up!
Near the end of the month I did pick up a few things; the Ravaged Coast Path to Glory book, the big box of Endless Spells, and the Soulbound Starter Kit
Next Month...?
Hope to continue with Warhammer Quest and the Soulbound games. Maybe get in a few more Five Core WW2 games and get a Warhammer Age of Sigmar Path to Glory campaign started!
There will be the Codex: Aeldari that I'll be picking up and I have ordered a few metal Harlequins and a Swooping Hawk to finish up a few units. (I also ordered a Japanese tank! DON'T TELL ORION!!!)
I don't know that there will be many more purchases... Unless the new Soulblight Gravelords battletome is realeased later in the month...? or the Emperor's Children...? Part of me feels like I'd like to pick up the release box - to get some of those new units for a little less dollars... but part of me just wants to focus on the Aeldari and just finish up some of the units I've got!
What did YOU get up to in January!?
tell me all about it in the comments below!
Me? Nothing on the painting table. While I do have various piles of minis, there are none I am fired up to paint at this time.
ReplyDeleteI did get a new board game and am about halfway through my second play. The game is Tales of Arthurian Knights. Partially based on Tales of Arabian Nights, with a hefty book of paragraphs. In some ways it's more structured and less open-ended than Arabian Nights. Not that that's bad, as it does mean it has a defined end, and seems to play quicker. So far, I like it.
I picked up Tales of the Arabian Nights to try and play with the family... We tried once, many years ago. It seemed like there was some fun ideas there, but it felt like it went on and on and on and I don't think we ever even finished the one game we tried to play and no one wanted to try again after that...
DeleteTales of Arthurian Knights sounds interesting indeed! We also had Shadows Over Camelot, which we tried playing a few times, didn't LOVE it, and then it sat forever and I eventually traded it in for credit at our FLGS... I feel like Tales of Arabian Nights was a lot more narrative-focused than beat this AI mechanic before you're overwhelmed and die (like Shadows over Camelot) and so an Arthurian version might be a lot of fun.
Looks like you've had a busy January! I'm glad you had a successful game after the pyrrhic Victory and the Normandy game, they were a bit bleak! Thinking about your SAS jeeps you could use them in Italy as some units took a while to change over to green/olive colours and the same went for uniforms? I've just been painting Napoleonics, which is fine by me and that's all I'm doing until Easter as it's all I've got with me!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain caveadsum1471
Yeah, I'm looking for "low-hanging fruit" - not looking to repaint or buy new models for actions in Europe... or buy a half dozen planes to drive down a runway to blow up...
DeleteI did remember I have three Tamiya 1:48 scale Opel Blitz and a Kubelwagon that I could assemble and have the raiders shoot up a convoy!