Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 14 February 2024

Last week... I kind of did a thing... 

I sort of went ahead and bought myself a bit of an early birthday present... 

I had told myself that I wouldn't buy any miniatures unless I'd already painted more than I'm going to buy... so this kind of puts me in the red... (kind of... I mean, I DID finish those Basilisks! But when we're counting 28mm foot as a category of their own... I'm a bit behind on that) 

They're for a specific thing in a few weeks - my birthday weekend I'm running two games of the Soulbound RPG (one in person and one online) and I wanted some squigs to use as opponents for the heroes (Along with the Grinkrak's Looncourt!) So... these WILL be painted, pronto (like, by next week, for sure...) 

They are assembled and primed already! (but now currently wainting, patiently, until I am absoloutely finished ALL the stuff I need for this weekend's tournament! 

Things I still need to finish for that

Scout Sentinel

I also have some "Missile counters" - to mark which vehicles still have Hunter Killer Missiles... Which I forgot to take pictures of... They'll be done soon and I'll include them in a post - perhaps with the Scout Sentinel

Other Things still on the bench...

There is a bit of a void left with all the Basilisks and Manticores moved off... 

Ephilim's Pandemonium is still on the top of my list of things to finish after the Scout Sentinel... 

Blackpowders Buccaneers is SO CLOSE... SOOOOO CLOSE to being finished... I really need to just finish them up... but I'm just not feeling it... 

Pair of Warhammer Quest heroes that are likewise SO CLOSE to being finished... that I might use in Soulbound... but man... just don't care... but too close to remove from the table... (Maybe I should check what the players want to play... if any are interested in a Warpriest of Fyreslayer... that might motivate me to finish them up!) 

Myari's Purifiers made their way back onto the workbench this week (because AELVES! Amanda decided she needed NOW AELF OPTIONS for Warhammer Underworlds... that didn't involve buying a whole new warband - like Gryselle's Arenai)

Not one, but TWO, Idoneth Deepkin warbands. After Nic showed up with Cyreni's Razors on Sunday, Amanda decided she needed to try THOSE... when I mentioned I had ANOTHER Deepkin warband, she suggested I should paint both... and Myari's... 

Domitan's Stormcoven... another one I'm not SUPER excited about... but they're close to being done... so they'll probably stay until they are... 

The Vampires are still here from the PREVIOUS week when Orion laid some smack down with The Crimson Court and Amanda decided she needed THOSE... They may go back into hibernations soon as Amanda seems to have forgotten about them for the moment... As long as I finish up 

Heroes and villains of Ulfenkarn: The Cursed City... They might go back into storage too... 

As the dust settles after the mad panic of getting the Tallarn done, I really think I need to spend an evening and do some painting triage an seriously consider what I realistically actually work on and which can just be organized back into "ON DECK" boxes... 

On Sunday, Orion had mentioned that the Warhammer Store had gotten SIX copies of Skabbik's Plaguepack in and still had lots of the free Miniature of the Month... so I vowed to get out there today... 

As it turned out, I had to get Keiran to an appointment in the afternoon, so I made a MAD DASH to hit Dragon's Den when they opened at 10:30 and then hauled ass out to the Warhammer store to get there just after they opened... and then get home a little afternoon so I could catch the bus with them around 1pm! 

My haul from the two stores: Card Sleeves from Dragon's Den... Skabbik's and the free mini (in the red box) and Astra Militarum Data Cards (which I figured would be easier than trying to scribble out all the stats myself for this weekend...) 

Ummm... it... it was a St. Valentine's Day present to myself...?

This puts me a little more in the red (for St. Valentine's Day!) with the painted versus purchased... but I feel like these are extenuating circumstances and I'm unlikely to buy any more minis until Zondara’s Gravebreakers come out... maybe in March or April... or the next two-team core box in April or May...? 

And I'm back painting minis! So hopefully I'll be back in the black by the end of the week and chipping away at the lead/plastic mountain! 


  1. Yes. Too many models on the go, that always slows me down. I only have 10 `on deck' so to speak and I make more progress that way. Concerning the purchase of new miniatures you make a compelling argument for why you bought yourself some but like me again its a paper thin excuse for the `oooooh shiny syndrome' kicking in. Speaking of which, time to hide some goblins!!!

    1. Ha-ha! Thanks Phil!

      (you know me far too well!)
