Monday, February 19, 2024

Warhammer 40K - Tallarn Task Force

Because I haven't taken one in a while (and I've added things recently) here is the ENTIRE TALLARN TASK FORCE (so far)!!

The force comprises elements of 382nd Tallarn (Desert Raider) Regiment, the 451st Tallarn Tank Regiment, the 178th Tallarn Artillery Regiment and the 17th Super Heavy Regiment (and are supported by elements of the Departmento Munitorum and the Adeptus Mechanicus. 

Here's what the force looks like on paper (currently):

  • Captain Alhazred (as Cadian Castellan) (1 model) 45points
  • Platoon Command Squad (5 models) 60 pts
  • Platoon Command Squad (5 models) 60 pts
  • Platoon Command Squad (5 models) 60 pts
  • Commissar (1 model) 30 pts
  • Commissar (1 model) 30 pts
  • Primaris Psyker (1 model) 60 pts
  • Primaris Psyker (1 model) 60 pts
  • Regimental Preacher (1 model) 35 pts
  • Regimental Enginseer (1 model) 45 pts
  • Regimental Enginseer (1 model) 45 pts
  • Regimental Enginseer (1 model) 45 pts
  • Infantry Squad (9 models) 60 pts 
  • Infantry Squad (9 models) 60 pts 
  • Infantry Squad (9 models) 60 pts 
  • Infantry Squad (18 models) 120 pts
  • Infantry Squad (18 models) 120 pts
  • Infantry Squad (18 models) 120 pts
  • Heavy Weapons Squad (3 models) 60 pts
  • Heavy Weapons Squad (3 models) 60 pts
  • Heavy Weapons Squad (3 models) 60 pts
  • Scout Sentinels (1 model) 60 pts
  • Scout Sentinels (1 model) 60 pts
  • Tallarn (as Attilan) Rough Riders (5 models) 70 pts
  • Tallarn (as Attilan) Rough Riders (5 models) 70 pts
  • Tallarn (as Attilan) Rough Riders (5 models) 70 pts
  • Basilisk (1 model) 135 pts
  • Basilisk (1 model) 135 pts
  • Manticore (1 model) 180 pts
  • Manticore (1 model) 180 pts
  • Tank Commander (1 model - Battle Cannon) 205 pts
  • Tank Commander (1 model - Demolisher Cannon) 205 pts
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank (1 model) 180 pts
  • Leman Russ Punisher (1 model) 160 pts
  • Leman Russ Vanquisher (1 model)155 pts
  • Taurox (1 model) 65 pts
  • Shadowsword (1 model) 440 pts

Total: 3665 points

And then here is what I still have to assemble and/or paint... 

  • 2x Commandant (1) 
  • 2x Command Squad (5) 
  • Primaris Psyker (1)
  • 6x Infantry Squad (10)
  • 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (Lascannon) (3) 
  • 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon) (3) 
  • 2x Heavy Weapons Squad (Heavy Bolter) (3) 
  • 4x Scout Sentinels (1) 
  • 1x Armoured Sentinel (1) 
  • 12x Roughriders (1x unit of 10, plus two extras) 
  • 4x Chimera
  • 8x Assorted Leman Russ Tanks 

I didn't figure out the points for all of these as a lot of them wouldn't currently be allowed in the current edition... 

I'll have to spend some time figuring out which Leman Russ variants I'd use. Originally, I thought I'd have three platoons of three Leman Russ Battle tanks and then use the leftovers as Tank Commanders and specialist tanks... but Tank platoons aren't a thing anymore and you can only have three of any one data card that isn't battleline... and tanks are not battleline... So among the 13 that I have three can be Tank Commanders (which could have a Battle Cannon) and three can be Leman Russ Battle Tanks (with battle cannons) and the remaining seven have to be different variants... at least in the 10th edition rules... 

Mind you... I coudl just stick with the original rules because WHEN AM I EVER GOING TO FIELD THIRTEEN TANKS (other than in Apocalypse... and those will have different force construction rules!)

Likewise, all those Heavy Weapons Squads are entirely useless as I can have a maximum of three... and the three Mortar Squads currently fill that role... 

I am three roughriders shy of being able to field three full units of 10... Do I want to spend $30-50 each to buy those off of ebay... or do I sell a few of the ones I have and just live with two units of ten and one unit of five... (If ever I got painting the others I have, I'd probably break down and buy the extras... as absurd as that may seem...) 

I also got this guy - an old Warhammer Fantasy character from the land of Araby... I thought maybe I could use him as a Death Rider Squadron Commander (as key words like "Death Korps" and "Tallarn" are largely useless now...? OR I coudl mount him on a 100mm base on top of a pile of rubble and call him a stand in for a Lord Solar ...? OR I could just give him a camouflage smok and add him to one of the existing Roughrider squads and then I'd only need TWO MORE!? 

Also not pictured in either of the large photos above are these minis I have set aside for use in Kill Team. They're mostly done, but I have a few that I started to convert to make into a number of the specialists that are available to an Astra Militarum Veteran 

What's even MORE ridiculous is this isn't even the ONLY Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum army I have... I mean, this is the LARGEST ONE, by far... but still... I also have Catachans (that I use as Guaiacan Commandoes - a regiment of my own devising) - which are mostly done... and Valhallans (which are mostly unpainted) and a small contingent of Cadians... Oh, and then a enough other plastic models set aside to form a half-dozen MORE Kill Teams for Necromunda, the 11th Antari Rifle, Tempestus Scions, and the new Kasrkin Kill Team... 

EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS... is the fact that there are a few things I'd still like to get for the Tallarn. Aside from the Roughriders, I thought i would be fun to have a few more Super-Heavy Tanks. Like maybe a Baneblade and a Stormlord (or two) to make a Super Heavy Company. The two Stormlonds each carry an entire PLATOON of infantry with Vulcan Mega-Bolters on the front... I think they would be insane... but it would only be useful for Apocalypse... and how often to I play that!? 

I do have a game report for the weekend's tournament in the works... but this seemed easier and quicker to finish up... and so i did... 


  1. Looks great ! Excellent Tallarn collection

  2. Great looking force- once you get the rest painted it will be huge!

    1. Thanks!

      I appreciate your confidence that that is a thing that might actually happen - using "ONCE you get it done..." instead of "IF you get it done..."

  3. Now this is a guard army done right.

    And man, that is a huge army...I would not worry too much about arbitrary game constraints on units like the LR tanks. If you want to field them in platoon and companies, go for it, since as you say they will not turn up in regular games anyway.

    The current 10th edition rules will go away in a couple of years anyway, and 20+ years of guard history said they have a "standard" force org, so I would organize things by that and worry about "playable" afterwards.

    1. Exactly all of this! Thanks!

      The ONLY time I'll EVER field all those tanks is in Apocalypse... and that would be using the old rules, because there aren't any current rules for Apocalypse... there is "Onslaught" (I think that's what it's called?) but that's just 3000 points and the whole force construction rules start to break down beyond that.
