Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Aeldari Autarch

This is not something I needed for the force I'm preparing for the upcoming tournament... but I felt like doing it anyway....

Autarch Xidrilliel

This figure that I'll be using for an Autarch is actually from Hasslefree Miniatures. I picked it up ages ago (over a year, maybe two) knowing I'd want to use it in my Eldar Warhost whenever I got around to painting it up. Originally I thought I'd use her as a Warlock, but realized recently (while actually reading the Codex!) that she would make a much better Autarch.

Being from Hasslefree, the model tends to be a bit slighter than others - especially older metal GW minis.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Probably Dark Reapers or Warp Spiders. I've started on both. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Dark Reapers (simply because there are fewer of them).

The Redemptionists still sit there, languishing, half done... probably MORE than half done...  but I've got other priorities at the moment...

Still trying to find a time that the kids and I can have an epic Eldar vs Ork throw-down...


  1. Looks like a cool figure, and well-painted! Being a bit slighter than the GW figures is fine in this case.

    For my money if proportions aren't too different variations in height, thickness and such are good. They aren't clones. :) (I probably said it before, and probably you and plenty of your readers agree?)

    1. Yeah, it totally works. And you are right, I'm not super fussy about minor variations - you only notice them in comparison photos anyway - on the tabletop, no one would notice.

  2. Kev White's sculpting is really detailed. I think you've ended up with a nicely painted miniature.

    1. And FINELY detailed. So finely detailed that my aging eyes can barely make some of it out at times!!


  3. Great work. I think that the proportions are not that far off the GW figures, it is just that she is slender and they are thicker, and the different armor etc. If she had the flowing robe arms and a warlock's helmet, she would seem big enough.

    What are you going to run her as? I think of "autarch" as a way to get novel combinations of wargear, but she only has a sword...

    1. Thanks!

      She's going to be the Autarch. In the current 8th edition Codes, the ONLY options for an Autarch (on foot) are Star Glaive and plasma grenades - which is why I thought she'd be perfect. She'll be nasty in close combat. There are version with Swooping Hawk wings or on a Skyrunner, but I haven't even looked at those as I don't have those models.

      I do have another, older, Rogue Trader Eldar "Captain" that I'll also use as an Autarch. He's got Carapace armour and a big ol' shuriken Catapult. In the Index: Xenos that came out at the beginning of 8th edition, Autarchs came with a Shuriken Pistol, Sunburst Grenades and could be given all sorts of different equipment - Banshee masks or Mandiblasters, replace the Shurkien pistol with a Fusion pistol, and take up to two of; Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Death Spinner, Fusion Gun, Lasblaster, Power Sword, Reaper Launcher, or Scorpion Chainsword. It DOES say in the FAQ, though, that if you have a miniature that is equipped with stuff that the current codex doesn't allow, but WAS allowed in the Index, it is cool to use it. So I will at some point have a second Autarch with an Avenger Shuriken Catapult.

    2. Ah yes, 8th edition's restriction of what is allowed to ONLY fit what is on a specific miniature build... Fusion gun and sword was a popular combination as I recall (and there is a miniature that has it too)

    3. At least they officially allow you to use stuff from the index if it isn't covered in the Codex - and MOST things were covered in the index... I have Eldar Guardians with Lasguns and a Harlequin Solitaire packing a Neuro-disruptor.... neither of THOSE options were allowed even in the index... for those, I'll just say the lasguns are Aeldari lasguns with the same stats as a Shuriken Catapult... and the Neurodisruptor...? It's just a funny looking harlequin's caress...? It's unlikely that I'll ever use the Harlequins (or the lasgun-armed Guardians) at a tournament where WYSIWYG is a bit more important.

  4. Great looking Autarch! Building quite a force at a fair pace! I really like the sword colours!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers! Now that I'm getting to bigger models or bigger units, things will slow down an touch...

  5. Nice looking figure, Tim. I like her hair style!
