Monday, July 1, 2019

June's Games

We didn't play a LOT of games in June.

Part of that was because Amanda was away for half of it - left for the states on the 15th and is just getting back today (Canada Day! 1 July 2019). Also Amanda got SUPER busy at work and we didn't even see her much the first two weeks when she was, theoretically, still here...

Also... other things... lots of activities wrapping up for the term. Lots of bike rides going on...

It FELT like we were kicking it off right... played games on the first and second...

Saturday, 1 June 2019

In the afternoon, Finnegan wan his game of Dungeon Crawl Classics.

Om the evening Amanda and I played a game of Century: Golem Edition.

I just could not get it together... ended up with 68 points...

And Amanda played a really good game and ended up with 90!!!

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Me and the Grrrlz sat down to play a few games of Splendor.


The first game Amanda rocked it. got her 15 and I had only 7... and Keira only had THREE!?

Second game I seemed to find my form...


I ended the game with just 15. Both Keira and Amanda were very close - each with 11.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

And then it was Saturday before any more games were played...

In the afternoon, Finnegan ran his Dungeon Crawl Classics game... Keira bailed and instead decided to go to one of the Knowlympic events at one of the branch libraries on the other side of town... She says she hasn't been having so much fun in the game lately.

In the evening our friend Shannon came over for Quesadillas and Games!

While I was cooking, the Grrrlz played Splendor. I'm not sure who won that one...

Afterwards we all played Power Grid Deluxe - but on the European side.  It was a fun game. Both Amanda and I powered 17 cities in the last round - but I had about 50 more Elektros than her at the end (the tie breaker) Shannon and Keira were just behind with 14 and 16 respectively!

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

One Tuesday Leanne and Taotao came over. Leanne had business to take with Amanda, so Finnegan and I decided to teach Taotao how to play Dominion..

It's been a LONG time since we played Dominion, so it was really fun to pull it out and give it a go. We just played with the base game and one of the pre-generated sets - maybe even the very beginner set.. I ended the game with 51 points, Finnegan had 40 and Taotao had 15... which seems far behind, but I'm certain it was much higher than we scored in OUR first games!!!

Saturday, 15 June 2019

This was supposed to be Free RPG Day. I mean, it seems like it was in other places. We went down to our FLGS (Dragon's Den Games in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!) only to discover for the first time in... over a decade... there were no Free RPGs to be had!!! Apparently the copies their distributor received were damaged and they wouldn't send them out to anyone.


There were a couple the kids were really looking forward to - Keira was super stoked about another Dungeons and Doggies adventure as well as the adventure for Kids on Bikes (another game she's picked up). Finnegan had been planning to pick up the Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure...

Usually they also have a sale going on to coincide with the celebration... I'd been waiting two weeks to go in a pick up all the necromunda stuff... But no sale (I think Al game me a bit of a deal on it all anyway...)

yeah.. ALL IN!!!

Finnegan did host his usually Dungeon Crawl Classics game... or... maybe they played Four Against Darkness... I can't recall... Keira also didn't play this week and instead - after saying good-bye to Amanda who headed off to the airport - we went out to another library event at the OTHER end of town...

Saturday, 22 June 2019 

The kids and I partnered up with Other Tim to play in the Strange Bedfellows 40K Team Tournament

Keira's Asuryani Force

Other Tim's Asuryanit force

My own Asuryani Force!

Finnegan sorting out the Drukhari he was playing. These are minis I've painted for Amanda, but since she wasn't in town and the Drukhari seemed a better fit that Finnegan's Orks, that's who he played.


 Keira and Other Tim battling against some Adeptus Astartes...


Finnegan and I battling against some MORE Adeptus Astartes..

You can see a full report of the ensuing shenannigans and all the fabulous looking armies elsewhere on this blog:

Strange Bedfellows 40K Team Tournament

And... that was about it... We talked about trying to get in some games over this past weekend - the Canada Day long weekend, here in Canada! But it just didn't seem to happen...

I guess Jack did stop by on Saturday to play Four Against Darkness with Finnegan... but those aren't games I play in so I don't really record those...

Maybe over the summer things will pick up a bit...?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Termagaunts... yes, Termagaunts... They have nothing at all to do with Necromunda... It's... a long story.

AFTER THAT we'll hopefully be getting to some Necromunda stuff... or maybe a whole pile of Eldar Guardians for Keira and more Kroot for Finnegan!

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