Monday, July 15, 2019

Further Mistakes Were (NOT!) Made

Gentle Readers (and other people that somehow ended up here...?), I do try to not live down to the very worst stereotypes about gamers... I HAVE been trying to rein in the spending and get stuff done... deplete the lead mountain, rather than adding to it.  I have to admit, I have gone a little overboard in the last couple months - with all the Necromunda stuff I picked up... and then the Apocalypse stuff.... and a couple things FOR Apocalypse detachments... And then I told myself, that was IT - no more spending for the rest of the year. Maybe even the next couple years! Sweet Mother of Zeus, I have ENOUGH to paint!!

So, when I was approached by a local gamer that was trying to get rid of his Imperial Guard Collection, I actually said "No, thanks, I've got enough"...

But then I was thinking of a friend of mine that I thought might be interested and so a couple days later I asked for details... What did the seller have...? what did he want for them..? I am, however, a sucker for a good deal... And, friends, it was just TOO GOOD OF A DEAL TO SAY "NO"!?

It was being sold as a lot, and this is what I ended up with...

The whole she-bang!

Now, loads of this I totally don't even need - or even want taking up space in my house - like the Hordes of Infantry... I mean, I already HAVE and entire Brigade Detachment worth of Catachans/Guaicans and then ANOTHER Brigade Detachment worth of Tallarn (and then some! I have a brigade painted - and a second Brigade worth still to do - because I'm that special kind of stupid)... Oh, and then I have YET ANOTHER Brigade Detachment worth of Valhallans (that I've barely even started painting)! So I really have no need for all the infantry... I mostly bought it for the Vehicles!!

Initially the Knight wasn't even part of the deal, but he brought it along and offered me ANOTHER deal on it that I... yeah... just couldn't refuse!? I mean, it wasn't just ANY Knight - it's a freaking Forge world Cerastus Knight-Acheron!? So... I have that now too... (and with the other two knights I bought last summer, but have yet to finish... I'll have a COMPLETE Super Heavy Detachment of Imperial Knights!!! HUZZAH!!)

I was also pretty excited about the pile of old metal Kasrkin Stormtroopers, which I will definitely paint up... How to paint them, though... and which group to use them with - Desert? Jungle? Winter? Something entirely different - because, hey, they're an attached force anyway...

The vehicles are all going to be repainted in desert colours to go with the rest of my Tallarn. I'll probably even carve Pask's hat off and make some headgear more appropriate for Tallarn. Need to add some stowage to all of them...

I also had no idea the Aegis Defence line was being included - so that was a nice bonus - and will expand my Imperial Wall of Martyrs defence lines... when... y'know... THOSE all get finished!

There are four spare plastic Tempestus Scions that I'll add to a Kill Team I've been working on!

Metal Yarrick and another plastic Commissar will find work in some detachment!

The Bag was also "thrown in" which was super sweet, because I don't really have any proper toy transport... Some of these unpainted guard might be added to Kill Teams... Not sure about the Heavy Weapons Teams...? Probably throw them in with the lots below.

Loyal 32 (well... 33 with the Commissar). I'll probably end up selling/trading/giving this lot away. Some knight player might want them for some bonus Command Points.

Painted Creed and Harker... Tempted to keep these, because they're the older metal ones...

Patrol Detachment of Tempests Scions...? The Tempestor Prime will have to walk though, because there is only space for 10 in the Taurox... maybe I'll keep the Taurox for my Stormtroopers...?

I actually just BOUGHT a Taurox - but I was planning to use it as a standard one and picked up a wheeled suspension kit from Victoria Miniatures for it (because, honestly, those tracks are just so goofy...). originally I was planning to ferry around my company commander in it... but now it might become the transport for the HQ element of a Outrider Detachment of Scout Sentinels... (Ideally, like, NINE of them... but I'll start with the three I have to start with!

and another HUGE lot of guard which will definitely have to find another home! That's enough troops for the Troop part of a Brigade... plus three commander and three command squads, four heavy weapon teams - which could be fielded as a Heavy Weapons Squad - or be included in the command squads...? and ANOTHER ten Tempests Scions...

OR... I could keep them all for some seriously HUGE games of Apocalypse! MWA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaaa....!

(I don't think so...).

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well... new stuff is always the shiniest... Maybe I'll be repainting tanks this week!!!

Probably not.. It'll probably be that Cawdor gang...


  1. The things us gamers gave to do eh Tim? I hope you took all the photos while Mrs Tim was out.

    1. Ha! Yeah, I did take the pics while she was out. But I did tell her I was going to get this stuff and told her how much I was paying. She is also a sucker for a good deal - and though she thinks I'm a bit nuts - she understands the timely nature of these one-of-a-kind bargains!

  2. LOL
    Well, if it was a bargain...
    Looks like quite a haul. As you know, I've been getting into more sci-fi stuff, but I plan to do skirmish-level stuff such as Core Space, Operation Last Train or other similar rules sets. No big armies for me. That way I can paint a nice variety of minis at my usual slow pace without having to take decades to get enough done for a game. ha ha
    (doesn't mean I don't buy stuff faster than I can paint - just like I buy books faster than I can read)

    1. If I had any sense I'd stick to skirmish gaming...

      Unfortunately there's an overcaffeinated, megalomanic hamster with delusions of grandeur pulling levers and pushing buttons in the space where my brain should be...

  3. So many guardsmen ....... you're going to need more than one tin of Army Painter dip

    1. I guess...? If I used Army Painter dip...?

      I have no desire to repaint any of these infantry - I'm going to try and sell/trade/give them away locally...

      All the vehicles, though.... THAT will take some paint!

  4. Replies
    1. Ha! thanks!

      I currently have enough for about five...

  5. A bargain is hard to pass up, no doubt! You are not alone in having this weakness...

    1. Ha! I probably should have started the post "Hi, my name is Tim... and... and... I'm a miniature wargamer...."

  6. OK I am officially the sane one now! Congrats on the deal!

    1. I'm not so sure about that (you being the sane one!)... but thanks!

  7. Ha! I go away for a week, and you effectually buy a new army. How is the painting standard? Around your level, so you can just rebase and move on?

    And yeah, the knight is pretty sweet!

    1. The painting's actually not too bad. The stuff I plan to keep - the vehicles, a few of the unpainted plastics, and the old metal Kasrkin Storm Troopers, i will paint/re-paint. The rest I plan to pass on/sell/trade away to someone else - ideally someone who loves playing with painted minis - but is way too slow at painting them and thus will thoroughly enjoy these.

      Because I am an idiot, I'm already repainting the Knight...

      Yesterday I was all like; "Okay, it's not a bad paint job, I could totally play with this - at least until I get both of the other knights I own assembled and painted and THEN I could repaint it to match their paint jobs... and when I do I'll just repaint the armour - because there's nothing wrong with the metal..." And then this morning I was, like: "Well maybe I'll just repaint this base - in the browns that I usually use - so it will blend a little better with all my existing stuff..." and I start in on some of that and the next thing you know It's all base-coated black and I'm dry brushing on metal...

  8. I wish I made your NOT mistakes...

    1. I used to think I was a bit of a bargain hunter... now I'd starting to wonder if I'm some sort of bargain MAGNET - because I wasn't even LOOKING for these and they just sort of fell in my lap!?

  9. Sweet! As you replied to me before,
    " I'm definitely not getting another guard army" yeah right!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! Yeah.. Well.. technically this isn't "ANOTHER" guard army... The stuff I'm keeping I'm adding to an existing force, and the rest I'm getting rid of (and may have already found a new home for them!)
