Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Few More Genestealer Cultists

Just a quick post - I cranked out a few more Genestealer Cultists for Finnegan the other evening. His cult has been slightly more successful in our Necromunda Campaign and was in need of new cult members, but just wasn't getting to painting them up.

They're not the prettiest minis I've ever painted... but they were super quick to paint and now they're done and the dude has painted minis on the table... These were painted (almost) entirely with GW Contrast® paints.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably going to be:



  1. Look great. Did you go back over the scalps with a darker contrast paint to indicate hair, or was that a natural effect of the skin tone contrast paint?

    And you have put out so much work lately that it is hard to keep up! But it is all excellent stuff, so keep it up please!

    1. That was just the Magos Skin Contrast paint... I MAY have gone over it twice, not that you mention it (it was the first colour I did and a few days ago and the memory just isn't what it was!?). The reason I am thinking I did so was because these may have been over white primer (rather than a tan/bone primer the previous ones were done with) and over the white the mags skin was just too light and so I did a second coat - but it was an all over coat - so any shading done on these is purely the magic of the paints and nothing to do with my skillz.


  2. Not bad at all, given they're at the cannon fodder end of things I'm guessing.
