Monday, September 23, 2019

Epic Space Marines for Apocalypse

Here are the Marines I have (painted, so far...) organized for use in the current version of Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse!  

The entire force (so far!)

As with the Eldar, these were previously organized for Future War Commander - where an element is an element and the number of figures on each stand wasn't really important, so I wasn't really fussed about having the correct number of itty-bitty warriors on each stand. Consequently, a number of these elements have less than the basic number of models that should be on a stand - in these cases I assume that it represents the basic/minimum number that would be in a squad - for example,  you can field Terminators in squads of five or ten, my stands have only three on each of them (because I only had a handful of them and I wanted more than just two squads (plus a few spares left over) and needed something I could use as a CO/HQ element - so I did four stands of three plus a smaller stand of just one - which would represent the HQ element.

Marine Vanguard Detachment

This was meant to be my overall command detachment (well... at least until I get a Supreme Command Detachment sorted out... ), but I've come to the realization that it is NOT a legit detachment. I have four Land Raiders in it as Transport for each of the Terminator squads... but those are actually classified as Heavy Support - not Dedicated Transports - and, as such, only two are allowed in a Vanguard Detachment.... The alternative - fielding it as a Spearhead Detachment also doesn't work as only two Elites are allowed in such a detachment...

I've also realized that, if we're assuming that each of these elements is a "Counts As" full-sized squad of FIVE Terminators... there is no room in the Land Raiders for the Captain... I'd need a fifth, just to ferry him around!

Feh! they're all MY toys, I can make up whatever rules I want, right?

Captain in Terminator Armour 7 PL

4x Terminator Squad (5) @11 = 44 PL

Heavy Support
4x Land Raider @13 = 52 PL

Total: 103 Power Level

Marine Battalion Detachment #1

Captain 5 PL

5x Space Marine Tactical Squad (5) @4 = 20 PL

5x Rhino @ 5 = 25 PL

Total: 50 Power Level

Marine Battalion Detachment #2

Captain 5 PL

5x Space Marine Tactical Squad (5) @4 = 20 PL

5x Rhino @ 5 = 25 PL

Total: 50 Power Level

Marine Outrider Detachment #1

Captain with Jump Pack 7

Fast Attack 
4x Assault Squad with Jump Packs (5) @5 = 25

Total: 32 Power Level

Marine Outrider Detachment #2

Captain with Jump Pack 7

Fast Attack 
4x Assault Squad with Jump Packs (5) @5 = 25

Total: 32 Power Level

Marine Outrider Detachment #3

Captain with Jump Pack 7

Fast Attack 
4x Assault Squad with Jump Packs (5) @5 = 25

Total: 32 Power Level

Marine Spearhead Detachment #1

Heavy Support
4x Vindicator @9 with Siege Shield @10 = 38????
2x Whirlwind  @ 6 =12

Total = 50 Power Level

Marine Spearhead Detachment #2

Heavy Support
4x Vindicator @9 with Siege Shield @10 = 38????
2x Whirlwind  @ 6 =12

Total = 50 Power Level

So that's about 399 Power Level. Just like I have for the Epic Asuryani Warhost.

I do have this Warhound Titan painted up (and Epic version of Pardus Purpura, that could be added to this force as an Auxiliary Super Heavy Detachment - that's another 60 Power Level...

I have at least three or four more Battalion detachments worth of Tactical Marines to paint up. One of which I have enough Rhinos to mechanize - although I may not and instead use those rhinos to ferry around HQ elements for some of the other detachments... I also have five older pattern Land Raiders that I originally planned to use as transports for one of the Marine Battalions... but as I've recently realized - they're Heavy Support, not DEDICATED TRANSPORT - and as such, I shouldn't really HAVE that many in a Battalion or Vanguard Detachment.

I also have enough bikes to put together another Outrider detachment with those.

I also have a few Land Speeders... not sure if I have enough for a detachment of their own...?

I do have a PILE of drop pods. I could probably drop two of those Marine detachments directly into battle in drop pods! I could probably also do what same with all the Termites I have!

I also have large forces of Orks, and Squats and Imperial Guard and even some Chaos... as well as a few titans about 8-9 Warlord titans 3-4 each for Imperial/Chaos. I also have a Reaver and two or three war hound titans - all Imperial. And then there are three Eldar Phantom Titans!? It could get CrAzY!? for now I guess I should just get in a game with these two forces to start with and see if it even works out...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hopefully MORE Necromunda games... but before that there will probably be some more painted Genestealer Cultists


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Greg! Hopefully I can get these guys on the table in the next week or so... (the main thing holding me back is I seem to have misplaced my Apocalypse rules!?)
