Saturday, June 2, 2018

Warhound Titan

Too much? I can never tell…

This is a classic Warhound Titan that was produced under license by Armourcast. I picked it up off ebay back in January [link]. Since then I’ve been pondering painting schemes. I’ve agonized about it for ages. It’s not like a $5 rank and file guy that if you totally eff it up… well…it’s a $5 mini… just grab the next one and paint it instead… 

I waivered back and forth between some fancy heraldic colours or doing something like camouflage. Or some kind of combination of the two? The warhound is supposed to be a “scout” titan…

A couple days ago I had a moment of inspiration and started painting.

And… well… this is what I came up with… 

A bit of a departure from my other Imperial 40K stuff. The kids wondered if it was supposed to be a Chaos Titan – some sort of worshiper of Slannesh they thought.

It is a pretty big model – definitely the largest miniature I own. It is smaller than the current Forge World Warhound Titan and would be dwarfed by any of the other full-sized titans…

Not sure what the backstory for this is just yet… I guess it would belong to a Titan Legio. What would they look like? Should ALL of them be in a pink/purple leopard spot paint scheme? Or different coloured leopard spot paint schemes?

I thought I should come up with a name for the titan and I’m kind of thinking of Pardus Purpura. It is supposed to be Latin for Purple Leopard. I thought it sounded better than Pardus Rosea, which would be Pink Leopard… Perhaps I’ll paint it on the side at some point in gothis calligraphy-like letters. 

I wish I'd thought of a similar way to jazz up my Arvis Lighter...

I do still have an epic scale Warhound titan to paint – it’s actually partly done, and in the same paint scheme, I just didn’t have it quite finished in time to take pictures and I was just so very excited to post this…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well… now that that is done… I’m not really sure. Part of me feels like I’m on a bit of a roll here having finished up this and the Arvis Lighter in the last week, and the Shadowsword and a couple other tanks within the last month… I feel a little like finishing up the last couple tanks I have to assemble and paint… Maybe even tackle a few of the other larger models I have (Non-GW models I got to convert)…? Or maybe it’s time to take a break and do some serious reorganizing in the basement…?

Part of me is tempted to pick up the new Imperial Knights: Renegade boxed sets coming out in a week or two… Not sure how I’d paint them up. 


  1. Haha, I thought slaanesh too. It's a bit funny that as soon as you put pink on a fig it must be from the gender bender chaos god. I often note to myself that Space Marines are frequently terror troops and have bright heraldry to make it obvious to their opponents they are facing enemies they should fear. Perhaps it's the same with this titan? I feel like this is a retro paint job that channels some of the the long hair androgynous rocker times that rogue trader was founded in.

    1. That's totally the look I was going for - after much debate over whether to camouflage or not, I figured Nah, they'd totally be more like "I want you to know where I am and know that I know you know where I am, and Know that I don't care because I'm just THAT bas-ass!".

      I was also thinking "If you've got it, FLAUNT IT!"

  2. Superb stuff, a very bold scheme wonderfully executed!

  3. Spectacular! I think the colour variation from pink down to white makes it work. I can understand the nerves though: not a model you want to mess up!

    1. Thanks! I had a really good look at pictures of actual leopards before taking this on - to try and mimic the pattern... but.. y'know... with pink and purple...

  4. If you had described it beforehand, I might have looked at you a little sideways, but it really came out great. Very nicely done.

    1. Thanks! I had mentioned the idea to Amanda and the kids beforehand and they looked at me as if I were daft (which, I have to admit, is a look they give me quite regularly...) - but they, too, had to admit it looked pretty rad when it was done!

  5. Replies
    1. I was thinking that... or Pardus Rosa...? Which is what google told me the latin word for Leopard was - which surprised me, because I had thought the scientific name for the leopard was, as you suggest, Panthera... but it turns out that was the genus, I guess it's Pantera Pardus, Pardus is the species or variety...?

      I like the sound of Panthera better though...

      I was also thinking Pardus Purpura (Purpura being purple - I know, it's more pink than Purple, but I kind of liked the sound of Purpura better than rosea)

      On the local 40K league's Facebook page someone had suggested Death Leopard. Which got me thinking Pardus Mortem... or Panthera Mortem!

  6. Pink (or Purple?) Panther?

    That's pretty wild, but very well done! I like the gradient colors, the pattern of the spots and how they also grade down towards the edges, and the red eyes and gold edging around the mini. Might that pattern work as camouflage on some weird alien world?

    1. Thanks!

      I was also thinking that it could sort of be seen as a disruptive pattern - a little like the Dazzle camouflage on Great War ships...

      I did do a camouflage pattern in red orange and yellow on some tanks and uniforms some time ago...

      which I had also briefly considered reusing on this titan...

  7. Waiiitaminit... Is that a Noise Marine lurking in the background?

    I smell heresy!

    Like all Slanneshis, however, it looks Fabulous!

    1. WHAT!? WHERE!?

      Yeah, if ever I was to do a Chaos Space Marine or Demon force, it'd totally be Slaanesh. Noise Marines... Deamonettes... what's not to love...

    2. Nothing.....there is absolutely nothing on, in, part of, or owned by a Slaanesh worshiper that's not available to love.

  8. Sorry about the slow responses to comments - blogger decided to stop sending me notifications about comments needing to be moderated about a week ago. It took me a week to figure that out. Until then I just though everyone had gone on a really early summer vacation or something...?

    (I am a bit of a thicko at times...)

  9. Congrats Tim! That's a fine-looking machine of war, and super cool piece of Imperial might!
    And yes - screw Google, and the random and pointless changes they make to Blogger...
