Friday, May 25, 2018

Robots, Servitors, Arvis Lighter, and other Bits and Bobs

An assortment of odd and sundry items finally made their way off my workbench this week. Most of them have been hovering around the edges for some time. I think this is because I am avoiding working on the Space Hulk Terminators or the Shadespire minis I feel like I "SHOULD" be working on... Also I though they'd be handy in this evenings Rogue Trader game.

First up are a few Bits and Bobs from Lead Adventure Miniatures. The "tech crate" (which I think looks like a small plasma generator) is from the Astropolis II Kickstarter, and the other two were from the Dwarf Gold Fever Kickstarter.

Next, a couple of robots also from Lead Adventure Miniatures  Astropolis II Kickstarter. I was kind of torn about how to paint them. I was originally thinking kind of retro/steampunk-y with browns and brass... but then went with bright colours... just... because. The one in the centre I'm going to use as a universal translator on legs this evening. Well... if they actually get to TALKING to the people on the planet and not just exterminating them outright... It's 40K... It happens..

A couple of gen-u-ine Games Workshop Servitors.

Lastly, I finally finished up my Arvis Lighter. The model is from Forge World.

Originally I'd thought of doing this in tans, like most of the other Imperial vehicles I've been doing lately, but since this wasn't really supposed to be for the Tallarn - it's see use as a imperial naval vessel or for a Rogue Trader. As I was MOSTLY thinking of using it for a Rogue trader, I had though to do this up all flash, but couldn't decide on a colour scheme and eventually said "Eff it!" and just painted the whole damned think French Mirage Blue just to get it done. I picked that colour because it wasn't quite grey and  I don't have many bluish vehicles.

I was a little disappointed with how the canopy turned out. When I glued the clear plastic bits into the frame they got all cloudy... and when I tried to clear some of it off it only made it worse... If anyone remembers back when I first posted about this I had done a lot of detail work in the cockpit... none of which can be seen at all...

Boring, but serviceable... and done.

The door/ramp at the back does open and close. I painted a bunch of details on the inside...

But when it's sitting on the tabletop it just looks dark inside...

If you pick it up and hold it just so... at an angle that Leith can actually get in there... you can ALMOST make out SOME of the details

The Lighter also came with a flight base so it can fly around the table.

According to the rules, I think a multilaser or autocannon could have been mounted on it -  none were included with the model, but I had spares left over from Sentinels I had considered mounting on it. But I figures since it was a Rogue Traders craft, maybe it'd be best NOT to fly down to planets where you plan on making negoations, in an armed vessel...? If they wanted to put on a show of FORCE they could be escorted by something with much bigger guns... I'm not sure what that would be just yet... but at some point I will probably need a flyer with much bigger guns...


One of my biggest gaming regrets was selling off my original copy of Rogue Trader - like, the original one... For years I've been looking for one that wasn't CrAzY expensive to buy - or that wasn't falling apart - and I finally tracked one down. I've been rereading it lately and one thing that's struck me was how the game assumes that it will be played with a games master - who designs a scenario. the point system seems like a last ditch option... Nice trip down memory lane and lots of ideas to incorporate into the current Rogue Trader campaign.

A few weeks before I picked up the Rogue Trader book, I picked up this little gem at Dragon's Den Games. It's full of stuff from "back in the day". I though at first it was mostly from old White Dwarfs - most of which I had and recycled about a decade ago thinking I'd never look at them again (so stupid... everytime I do this it makes it harder to let go of anything - I always end up thinking: "But in ten years am I suddenly going to be interested in this again and wish I hadn't gotten rid of it...!?"). As it turns out about half of it is just reprinted from the Rogue Trader Core Rule book... so... wasn't all that necessary. There is another one for Space Marines and Chaos. I might have a look at the chaos one at some point - probably a lot of it is reprinted out of Realms of Chaos...

Oh, and Amanda got herself a t-shirt to wear when she's playing her Sisters...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Maybe a game report of tonight's game. If I remember to take pictures... I'm feeling a little burned out with the painting. Actually I'm feeling a little burned out, period. I feel like I could just sleep for a week. I think I've picked up this cough that Amanda's had for the last week... Ugh...


  1. Nice bits and bobs and all! The Arvis Lighter looks like as good piece for planet-side actions. I guess the canopy is shut tight, making it difficult to get those frosted panes out? Superglue (and probably other glues) can cloud up clear plastic, especially in enclosed spaces. There must be some glues that work better for that purpose.

    Amanda looks like she's ready to put up a fight!

    1. Thanks!

      I figured it was the superglue... I'll have to try some other kind of glue next time I have to do this... (I have had my eye on some of the other Forge World Flyers - which all look like they have the same sort of canopy!)

  2. That T-Shirt is epic! Where on Earth did she find it (I'd like to get one for a gamer friend of mine)?

    1. It's from Red bubble - as are most of the 40K t-shirts and sweatshirts we've picked up. Finnegan has a Ork Waaaaaagh T-shirt... I've got a Tallarn Hoody... The Girl just got an Eldar Warlock T-shirt for her birthday...

  3. Your Rogue trader ground and Lighter look pretty cool! And so do the Robots.

  4. Lots of cool stuff there! The LAM bits and bots are nifty, and the lighter looks like it'll be useful for all sorts of scenarios. I can understand the frustration with the windows though!

    1. Thanks! Part of the reason I picked up the Arvis Lighter was because I loved your Paragrin and how it looked in the scenario you used it in!

  5. Impressive all round, Tim! Can't see my missus wearing one of those t-shirts though 😁👍🏻

    1. Thanks! I doubt Amanda's going to wear it to work or anything. I doubt she'll wear anytime other than when we're playing 40K or Rogue Trader (the RPG). She said she might wear it to Yoga... and she does wear her Cthulhulemon t-shirt to yoga... so... who knows...?

  6. That T-shirt is definitely LOL...but the look on her face suggests you bought it for and are making her wear it.:)

    1. No, she totally bought it herself. I did find it and point it out to her. I took a couple pictures of her - this one she wasn't "ready"... but the others were out of focus... or she was giving me the finger(s). I should have posted that latter one...

      She has a lot of fun t-shirts. the Cthulhulemon one I mentioned in the comment above and one that says "of course they're natural" that she wears when we're playing D&D or Numenera (has two d20s on it...)

  7. I like the tech stuff, the robots and the servitors and the colour is good for the shuttle in my opinion, could it do with some markings and numbers to jazz it up just a little maybe? My copy of rogue trader is definitely in the tatty side of things! The crew look great with the lighter by the way.
    Best Iain

    1. For sure I need to add some markings... If I came up with some heraldry for the Rogue Trader house, that would definitely be something cool to put on there... It needs SOMETHING else!

  8. Rogue Trader was such an awesome fun game. But the cover though...IMHO the best game cover ever made. So amazingly good.

    1. Agreed. The cover was (is!) epic.

      (Re-)reading through it over the last couple weeks, it struck me how much it was closer to a role-playing game than meant for competitive miniature game. I've been vacant forth about whether I should start using this or stick with 8th. I do like a lot of the mechanics of 8th edition - it makes for a quick game. I'm tempted to run a role-playing game with this - with a few additional skills bolted on...

  9. Sorry about the slow responses to comments - blogger decided to stop sending me notifications about comments needing to be moderated, so I had no idea they were even here until I read on another blog that notifications weren't being send and I had to snoop around in blogger to find the comment moderation page to find there HAD been comments all along!
