Monday, September 9, 2019

Encounter a Fahr's Pipe

Bronze Gates Necromunda Dominion Campaign - Game One

You can find some background on the campaign and details of the gangs and territories here:

The Bronze Gates Campaign (A Necromunda Dominion Campaign)

Sunday evening we started out Necromunda Dominion Campaign. I went through the territories and what they did for each gang and it was generally decided that the two territories that the Delaque gang got Enhanced Boons from were far too powerful to fall into my hands and so Finnegan's Genestealer Cult challenged Amanda's Escher for control of Bung's Hole, the Drinking Hole territory... The two gangs clashed at Fahr's Pipe, just outside Bung's Hole. Both were on their way to Bung's to "offer" him some "protection" forces establishment. Neither was willing to step aside and let the other gang take control...


Rather than rolling we decided we should just play the Zone Mortalis Scenario 1: Tunnel Skirmish. We figured it was would be a quick way to jumpstart the campaign and maybe get two games in...

We played with only four Zone Mortalis tiles - for a smaller quicker game.

Where I had previously just set up everything, we actually went through the full pre-game sequence, and then followed all the standard set up, crew selection and deployment procedures.


Setting things up and getting organized. As it was Finnegan's Genestealer Cult that challenged Amanda's Escher gang, she got to decided where she'd set up, and then set up first.

The Average Joes set up in one corner.

The Crimson wave set up in flanking positions on opposite corners. On the right was her champion, Kat Hannah, with two gangers; Jo Njett and Tina T.

On the left, their leader, Mad Donna lead San D. and Paula A.

Mad Donna and her girls advance into the next room in search of these upstart gangers that want to control Bung's Hole.

Joe advanced to the door.

By the second turn, Joe Nono was exchanging shots with Kat, Jo, and Tina. As both parties were under cover the fire was largely ineffective. Jane Common, the Genestealer Cult's Magos did successfully hypnotize Tina fora couple of rounds.

Kat, Jo, and Tina all in cover exchanging fire with the enemy gangers.

Mad Donna sneaking up under cover.

Though Amanda looks rather bored she WAS actually having a good time! It has been a rather long day and she'd been out paddling on the river for a good chunk of the afternoon and was really quite tired - but determined to get this first game in!!

Joe Hello, the Aberrant, decided to charge out and say hello to Mad Donna! For his troubles he got a plasma pistol blast to his face! He'd swung and hit Mad Donna with his Power Hammer, but she simply stepped out of the way (the Step Aside rule is pretty rad - saved her from a number of potentially nasty blows). She then did her reaction attacks, the first one was with the Plasma Pistol - which seriously injured Joe Hello... but she failed an ammo roll, so it was done for the game...

Joe Schmoe, Joe Doe and Joe Flow flank the Escher gang's postion and fire on them. Tina T. was taken out of action, and the others pinned.

At the end of the round, both gangs had to make bottle tests. The Crimson Wave passed, but the Average Joes failed and bottled out! They all passed their Flee checks the following turn, though, because apparently Genestealer Cultists have really good Cool stats!

The game ended with both gang leaders in a vicious melee. Mad Donna took out Joe Nono, the Hybrid Acolyte with some brutal, rending slashes from her chainsword. After he was out of action, the gang decided it was just not worth it and tried to flee, but as Jane Common turned to flee the melee with Mad Donna, the Escher gang leader cut her down!


In the post game sequence it was discovered that Tina T. was pretty seriously injured and would have to sit out the next game, recovering. Joe Nono, the Hybrid Acolyte, it turns out wasn't so seriously injured... or maybe his genetic enhancement just made him heal REALLY fast. He'll be back for the next game. Joe Hello wasn't so lucky - that plasma pistol should to his face caused a permanent head injury - he will miss the next game AND his Intelligence and Wisdom stats were reduced - and he were't too smart to begin with! I think his Intelligence is now 11+... Guess he won't be the one to be overriding access panels or picking locks on loot crates... Probably wouldn't be his way of doing things anyway... Aberrant SMASH!!! Jane Common will also be missing the next game due to her injuries, but, other than some hideous scarring, the chainsword wound didn't leave any other permanent damage..

The Crimson Wave took control of Bung's Hole, and though it didn't provide them with any income, it did offer a steady supply of liquid courage (can re-roll a failed cool check, but then are -1 to all hit rolls for the rest of the game...), and, more importantly, kept it from the Delaque gang from taking it over - as they have access to a much nastier Boon if they control it (three enemy gangers are -1 to EVERYTHING from drinking spiked drinks - in each gang!)

The Genestealer Cult managed to recruit a free neophyte from their settlement - but will have to equip it (and Finnegan will have to get a new mini painted for his next game - as the remaining ones he has are armed with equipment he currently doesn't have access to!). The Crimson Wave has some options to spend their money on (they took in 100 credits from income and had 35 left over from gang generation) as their champions went to the Trading Post and were able to locate Rare (9) items and also now have a 5 Reputation - so are able to hire one hanger-on!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Game #2 - Delaque and another Escher gang clash for control of the Gambling Den!


  1. Great looking game,we all paint up the cool figures but in campaigns everyone starts with simpler kit, sounds like it ran really well, the graffiti walls look awesome!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      It took a bit longer than I expected - I had hoped we'd get BOTH games in Sunday evening - especially since we were playing one of the shorter scenarios! Hopefully once we've played a few more games things will go quicker.

      Everyone seems to really be getting into it. Amanda was telling Keira "Oh! Don't let him get that Gambling Den" and was cheering later when she hear things were not going well for me part way through the game! Investment in the game always seems like a good sign to me!
