Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Bronze Gates Campaign (A Necromunda Dominion Campaign)

As mentioned in my Fall Plans, I've arranged with the family to run a Necromunda Dominion Campaign this fall. We'll be starting this Sunday evening and it will probably run until mid December - about thirteen weeks. The suggested time for a Dominion campaign is seven weeks - three weeks for the Occupation Phase, a week off, followed by three weeks of the Takeover Phase. I've decided to extend the Occupation and Takeover Phases to six weeks each - so there's less pressure to get in lots of games. If everyone plays ONE GAME each week, we'll be good, and Sunday evenings have, in theory, been set aside to play Necromunda!

The Bronze Gates

The Bronze Gates region of Necromunda was abandoned hundreds of years ago when a hivequake buried most of the access ways and the Mechanicus Overseers determined the rubble was too unstable to bother trying to shift. In recent years some of the blockage was shifted when subsequent hivequakes caused into to collapse into a lower region, clearing a single precipitous Bridgeway to access the region, through a gigantic set of bronze gates.

The Gates themselves are severely warped and twisted permanently open, they give name to the region, however, because all must pass them to enter the area.

New occupants have flooded into the area, hoping to escape their perilously over-crowded homes, like a highly pressurized gas, spreading out to fill a void. As a newly settled area no clan gangs have laid claim to the area, so there has been some friction and gang warfare along with the influx of new inhabitants.


Wenz Pipe (Narco Den)
A narco den set up in a collapsed roadpipe. Madame Wenz can chase away the worries of the most troubled of underhivers with chems and smokes of an astonishing variety.

D52 (Gambling Den)
Fortunes are won or lost (mostly lost) at cards and dice at D52, where there is always an open table. Credit is extended to regulars, but debts are expected to be settled promptly.

Slop Pile (Refuse Drift)
A vast cavern at the bottom of a shaft that upper hivers use to dump their waste thinking it drops clear to the hive bottom (or lower). Many in the underhive without marketable skills sift through the piles of refuse for reusable materials.

The Pit (Mine Workings)
In the lower parts of the Bronze Gates there remained an access to a deep mine shaft, abandoned when the community was initially abandoned hundreds of years ago.

The Furnace (Smelting Works)
Next to The Pit are Smelting works to process the ore brought up from the mines.

The Bronze Gates (Toll Crossing)
While the gates themselves present no obstacle to entry, the bridge that accesses the gates is widest and, by far, the easiest way to enter the region. Whoever controls the Gates can exact a hefty toll on any that wish to enter or leave…

Shrine of the Sinners Past (Bone Shrine)
A large shrine built by Redemptionists of House Cawdor from the bones of those that died down in the Bronze Gates in the hivequake.

The Machine (Archaeotech Device)
A vast and complicated apparatus that fills an entire dome that was found still apparently running on its own after hundreds of years. No one is quite sure what it was originally for… but some more curious and experimental types have found a few uses for it – well, those that didn’t die while conducting their “experiments”…

The Burn Tanks (Promethium Cache)
Vast reserve tanks of Promethium, abandoned and long forgotten, now provide fuel for anyone in the Bronze Gates that has need to burn anything…

Rock Pile (Wastes)
Not rock, per se, but a vast area of rockcrete rubble and twisted plasteel – vestiges of the hivequake that buried large portions of the region hundreds of years ago.

Doc Clemens (Rogue Doc Shop)
Doc Clemens used to live in the spire and was a private chirurgeon to the rich and shameless. She developed a bit of a drug problem, though, and ended up discredited and disgraced after a few misdiagnoses and losing a patient under the knife (who happened to be the daughter of a very influential Spyrer). She fled downhive and now tends to the dregs of the hive in the Bronze Gates.

Bung’s Hole (Drinking Hole)
Bung runs the only place to get Wild Snake in the Bronze Gates – along with an assortment of other varieties of rotgut and deep-fired corpse starches.

The Snake Den (Settlement) 
A remote and dark settlement thought to me mostly members of Clan Delaque. They keep to themselves and don’t take kindly to visitors… if anyone dared to wander out that way…

Punchville (Settlement)
Right near the centre of the action. Home of he Pink Punchers Escher gang, it is known for its lively boxing and mud wrestling matches.

The Smelly Pit (Settlement)
The dark and foreboding hole accessed by precarious ladders and gantries. Foul odours enamating from the pit give it its name. It is the home of the Average Joes - a strange gang with no apparent house/clan affiliation.

The Sisters of Mercy Convent (Settlement)
Once a barracks of an Adepta Sororitas Convent on Necromunda, the Crimson Wave Escher gang, and their hangers on, have taken up residence within.


vying for control of the Bronze Gates are four main gangs - two from Clan Escher, one from Clan Delaque and another dark and mysterious group that came from below and don't seem to have a direct clan affiliation...

One-Eyed Red Snakes
Home Territory: The Snake Den

The One-Eyed Red Snakes Delaque Gang - this will be MY gang for the campaign!

Artifex - Leader
Flack Armour, Photogoggles, Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife - 20
Skills: Mentor
155 credits

Not the miniature I'd usually be using - He can't start with a Bolt Gun or Power Axe, so I'm using Juve mini until he can locate those "rare" items at the Trading Post...

I also won't be starting with a champion - as the only Champion miniature I have is armed with a freaking LASCANNON! A not-inexpensive and Rare (11) item! It could be sometime until I can scare up (and AFFORD) one of those. I do have a couple other miniatures I'm converting to use as Delaque gangers - one of which could be a Champion... Maybe when I get her done...

Rotis - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Lasgun, Stiletto Knife
105 credits

Mus - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Lasgun, Stiletto Knife
105 credits

Oraculum - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
125 credits

Mutatio - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
125 credits

Rutabulum - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Autogun, Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
110 credits

Partem - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Autogun, Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
110 credits

Glacies - Ganger
Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Autogun, Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
110 credits

Total: 945 credits
Stash: 65 credits

The Pink Punchers
Home Territory: Punchville

The Pink Punchers is Keira's Clan Escher gang - that she assembled and painted herself! These were mostly done with the new Contrast® paints.

Elicia Macaron - Leader
Flak Armour, Combi-Bolter/Needler, Shock Whip, Chemsynth
Skills: Rallying Shout
240 credits

Champions; Zuzana and Travona

Flak Armour, Chem-thrower, Stiletto Knife, Chemsynth, Respirator
Skills: Sprint
240 credits

Flak Armour, Plasma Pistol, Stiletto Knife, Chemsynth, Choke Gas Grenades, Krak Grenades
Skills: Counter-Attack
220 credits

Gangers; Nico Skullz, Krystal Q., and Defay

Nico Skullz - Ganger
Flak Armour, 2x Laspistol, Chemsynth, Choke Gas Grenades, Frag Grenades, Respirator
135 credits

Krystal Q. - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Stiletto Knife, Chemsynth
70 credits

Defay - Ganger
Flak Armour, , Chemsynth, Choke Gas Grenades, Lasgun
90 credits

The Crimson Wave
Home Territory: The Sisters of Mercy Convent

The Crimson Wave is Amanda's Clan Escher Gang.

(Yes, same name as her Drukhari Wych Cult... We're lazy... and it seemed fun to use for a gang as well...)

(Whoopsie! I realized after taking and editing these pictures, I'D MISSED ONE of the Crimson Wave Gangers!! Ah well, you'll see her soon enough!)

"Mad" Donna Maclean - Leader of the Crimson Wave. He skin turned blue working in the Clan Escher Chem Synth plants as a youngster.

"Mad" Donna Maclean - Leader
Flack Armour, Chainsword, Plasma Pistol, Las Pistol
Skills: Step Aside
205 Credits

Kat H. (HannaH) - Champion
Flack Armour, Autogun, Power Sword
Skills: Step Aside
155 Credits

Gangers; Jo N., Syn D. and Paula A.

Jo Njett - Ganger
Flack Armour, Autopistol, Stiletto Sword
90 credits

Syn Dee - Ganger
Flack Armour, Autogun, Laspistol
60 credits

Paula A. - Ganger
Flack Armour, Shot Gun (Scatter and Solid shot), Stiletto Knife

More gangers; Pat B, Tina T, and Sue C. ("The Banshee")

Pat B. - Ganger
Flack Armour, 2x stub gun,

Tina T. - Ganger
Flack Armour,

Sue C. ("The Banshee") - Ganger
Flack Armour, Autogun, Stub Gun

Juves; Tiffany and Debbie G.

Tiffany - Juve
Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife
45 credits

Debbie G. - Juve
30 credits

Average Joes Genestealer Cult
Home Territory: the Smelly Pit

The Average Joes are Finnegan's Genestealer Cult that (like Keira's gang) he assembled and painted (mostly) by himself! These were also largely done with the new Contrast® paints.

Jane Common - Magos - Leader
Shock Staff, Autopistol, Knife, Mesh Armour
Powers: Hypnosis
185 credits

An Aberrant and an Acolyte Hybrid.

Joe Hello - Aberrant
Power Hammer
Skills: Unstoppable

Joe Nono - Acolyte Hybrid
Autopistol, 2x Knife, Hazard Suit
Skills: Berserk

Neophyte Hybrids; Joe Schmoe, Joe Condo, Joe Flow, Joe Gazebo, and Joe Doe.

Joe Schmoe -  Neophyte Hybrid
Hazard Suit, Knife, Autopistol, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter shot)
100 credits

Joe Condo -  Neophyte Hybrid
Hazard Suit, Knife, Autopistol, Autogun
85 credits

Joe Flow -  Neophyte Hybrid
Hazard Suit, Knife, Autopistol, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter shot)
100 credits

Joe Doe -  Neophyte Hybrid
Hazard Suit, Knife, Autopistol, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter shot)
100 credits

Joe Gazebo, -  Neophyte Hybrid
Hazard Suit, Knife, Autopistol, Autogun
85 credits

Coming soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming blog:

STILL MORE Necromunda - hopefully game reports of Sunday evenings action!


  1. Looks like this will be great! How did you generate the territories, and the related special abilities (mentioned in your next post)?

    How did the Girl get on with the contrast paints? She is not a "newbie" painter, but she is not as practiced as you are, so were they helpful for her as some of the GW marketing suggests?

    1. The territories are generated with a deck of cards. GW published a deck you could use - which IMMEDIATELY went out of print and is no longer available... conveniently, in the hardcover rulebook, they have a list and a corresponding suite and number so you can generated them with a standard deck of cards (or, rather, HALF of a deck of cards - as there are 28 different territories). For a four player game, you generate 12 territories, plus everyone starts with a settlement (which cannot be taken away - at least, not under the normal rules!). Most give income d3 or d6 x 5 or 10 credits. Others have additional bonuses in addition to or instead of income. Some give special bonuses to gangs of a particular house.

    2. I'll expand on this in a moment, I have to go make supper!

    3. Okay, supper ready, everyone eating...

      I asked Keira and she said she liked the Contrast paints - she found them easy to use and very quick and was very pleased with the results. She also said she'd use them again, but it won't be the only way she's going to be painting future minis... She said she was a bit concerned that if she ONLY used Contrast paints her painting skills might not ever get any better OR even get worse!? (I'm not sure that's really a concern... but that's what she had to say about it).

    4. I'm not going to type out what EVERY territory does, but, as I mentioned, most just generate money. Some will generate more if you have another type of territory - for example A narco den brings in d6x5 credits, if an Escher gang has a Narco Den AND a Synth Still BOTH bring in d6x10 credits each (not that that is going to happen in our campaign because there isn't a Synth Still).

      A Rogue Doc "territory" just allows you to recruit a rogue Doc for free (normally they are recruited as a hanger-on, but you need to have a Reputation of 5 per regular hanger-on you recruit and a Rogue Doc would cost 50 credits).

      The Drinking Hole doesn't generate income at all (straggly) but allows you to re-roll a failed cool roll (liquid courage!) but you have to mark the character with a "hit the bottle" marker of some sort and they are -1 to all hit rolls for the remainder of the game. IF a Delaque gang controls it, however, they don't get to use the liquid courage rule, but instead can select three enemy fighters in every game and say their drinks were spiked and they are -1 to ALL rolls and checks for the entire game!! which is why everyone decided that I should never be allowed to get my hands on it - which is why Finnegan challenged Amanda for control of it - as that way one of them would control it for the entirety of the Occupation Phase, and I'll only be able to get my grubby mitts on it if I challenge whoever owns it in the take-over phase of the campaign...

    5. Thanks for the great replys! Cards being part of the game and then immediately or very quickly going out of print seems to be a common complaint lately. GW should buy a card printing company... at least in this case they reprinted the underlying table.

      Those bonuses for controlling terrain seem very cool, and certainly add some theme to what could just be a title of a square on a map.

    6. And my kids are getting older and might be able to paint with some real concentration soon, which makes me wonder about contrast as a way to get things done "quickly". I know that the girl is much older and not new, but still good to get her input. having them be able to get the highlight and shade in one coat would make for better results. Having to buy a bunch of new and more expensive paints is a bit off-putting though.

    7. Well, especially at nearly $10(CAD) a bottle!!

  2. The painting on this assortment of figures is crazy good.

  3. Great looking bunch of gangs in super terrain! Looking forward to the campaign!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Gong well so far - just finishing up the game report for Game #2...
