Monday, September 30, 2019

September Games - Week Four

Picking up where we left off...

Sunday, 22 September 2019

on Sunday evening Amanda and I played a game of Necromunda. Sunday evenings, in our fall schedule, were to be set aside for a Necromunda Campaign. I had hoped we'd get TWO games in each Sunday evening - and that's all we'd need to do for our campaign... that hasn't happened yet...

We got started a bit late this week as Amanda decided to drag Finnegan out for a canoe paddle in the late afternoon (instead of doing it earlier when Keira and I were out at dance classes...?).

My Delaque gang and her Escher gang fought for control of the Narco Den.

You can read a full report of the game here:

Wenz Pipe - Battle for the Narco Den

Monday, 23 September 2019

Monday, after Ballroom, was supposed to be our "back up" evening for Neromunda - if we didn't get two games played. No one was (well... the kids weren't) feeling up to playing necromunda, so Amanda and I played a quick game of pPatchwork... and then we went and started watching American Gods.

It was, seriously, my BEST GAME EVER!!! I had only four empty spaces and even had buttons left over!!! WOO!

Amanda has a pretty amazing game as well!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday evening, Finnegan has his regular, fortnightly D&D game.

Amanda, Keira and I played a quick game of Retro Lunacy. Keira won.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Wednesday evening we all played a quick game of SET. Finnegan won this one - taking TEN sets. Keira and I weren't THAT far behind with seven and six, respectively... This just isn't Amanda's game... though she did collect two sets - which is pretty good, for her!

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday Morning Bruce stopped by to play a few games. I'd invited him over to play 7 Wonders Duel, as I thought it would be a game he and his wife might enjoy, but it turns out he's apparently never played regular 7 Wonders... so we had to start with that. I recruited Finnegan to join us.

After that I played a couple rounds of 7 Wonders Duel with just Bruce. He did like it enough that we played two games and he borrowed it to take home and play with Adele.

The second game we played was one of my highest scoring games EVER - all this yellow cards!!

All the games were still pretty close - considering Bruce had never played either!

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday evening we played a (relatively) quick game of Race for the Galaxy before watching a few episodes of American Gods.

We played with the Xeno Invasion expansion.

The Xeno Invasion was halted, largely due to my military-industrial complex... and that ended the game. I was a little worried we were all going to be hammered by Amanda who was collecting TWO victory points every turn (to everyone else's single VP) for surviving while having the lowest total military power. I just managed to squeak out a victory - thanks to the high military, I was able to put down a few high-point cards (Xenos forward Command - 9 points, Alien something-something for 8 points!). I ended with 48 points, Amanda and Keira were tied for second with 42.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Well... I didn't get in a game... but there WAS a game going on at our place that 50% of the family played in!

Seems it was quite the epic adventure!

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Whoopsie... No games were played today.

It was a busy day. Keira and I had Irish Dance classes. Amanda did TWO Thai Yoga Massages, and in the evening Amanda and I went out to Glory - a play at the Persephone Theatre (which was amazing, by the way!)

Falling a little behind in our Necromunda campaign.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Last day of the month - Keira and I sat down for a quick game of Firefly Fluxx

An inauspicious start to the game, pulled a Creeper (REAVERS, no less!) on my initial card pull...

Things went better after I got rid of it. We were confused about one of Keira's cards (firearms) thinking it meant I couldn't STEAL any of her cards - when it actually referred to an ability conferred by a special rule card...

So many times I JUST ABOUT won... Hey look I'm filling that goal! Whoops forgot I had a creeper off to the side.

Eventually I got rid of the creeper and won the game. It was a longer game - actually went through the full deck once and had to shuffle the discards!

Well... that was quite a month!

The September 2019 Game-A-Day Challenge

Pretty close... Two of those Saturdays that are blank are days that I didn't play games, but there WERE games going on that 50% of the family played in (Finnegan's D&D 5E game), so I'd count them as "Game Days". The 19th and 29th were the only days where no games were played... but missing two days out of thirty... not bad... that's 28 days that we (at least SOME of us) DID play games! So that's definitely a win in my books!

The 'Family' 10x10 Challenge

A few games were checked off this month - Splendor, Century: Golem Edition, and Race for the Galaxy... Not quite the eight games a month we needed to play (every month) to complete this challenge - let along the 10-12 we'd have needed to do to catch up... Ah, well... as long as we're still having fun, right?!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

ummm.... not sure...

hopefully I'll be posting drawings for Inktober over on my Art Blog... or Instagram... or maybe Twitter...? Check those out later today or tomorrow.

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