Monday, September 30, 2019

Space Rats, Melta Guns and Spooky Chibis

A few things rolling off the workbench this week...

Superdeformed (or "chibi") spooky characters from Reaper bones. More experimenting with Contrast paints. How I've been doing a lot of these are undercoating with black gesso, then doing a heavy dry brush with a white gesso, and THEN applying Contrast paints - it keeps the dark recesses DARK - even if the contrast paint is... not-so-dark...

It's fast... I'll say that. And if it means more people get more painted toys on the table, then I'm all for it. I wouldn't mind facing warriors painted this way - better than unpainted grey plastic!! But I don't love the look of them....

Another ganger for the One-Eyed Red Snakes Delaque Necromunda Gang. The figure is a conversion, I think he had a lasgun or autogun originally... and I already had TWO of that figure, so I decided to convert it to have a special weapon of some sort... and I had a Meltagun that seemed like it would be easy to fit in there...

Give then state of my gang in the current campaign, it will be a LONG time before he ever gets recruited...

A few more Mantic Vermyn for John's Chaos cultists Necromunda Gang/Kill Team.

The Gang so far. The old Rat Ogre is the Cult Demagogue (or Cultist Champion in Kill Team). The old Poison Wind Globadier will be used as a Cult Witch. There is a Disciple (Champion) with a Heavy Stubber. I have another ten or so to paint, but I think this would probably be enough to get him started. Among the others are another heavy stubbed and two rats with Flamers (or HEAVY Flamers...?) I got a couple weeks to get the rest finished up.

The gang, so far, might look a little like:

Cult Demagogue (the old Rat Ogre) - Filter Plugs, Auto Pistol, Sword - (Leader/Cunning/Ferocity Skill - 140 credits

Cult Witch (the old Poisoned Wind Globadier) - Sword, Respirator - Psyker - Wyrd Power - 105 credits

Cult Disciple - Heavy Stubber, Respirator, Fighting Knife - (Cunning/Ferocity Skill) - 205 credits

Cult Helot - Autogun, Fighting Knife, Respirator - 80 credits

Cult Helot - Autogun, Fighting Knife, Respirator - 80 credits

Cult Helot - Autogun, Fighting Knife, Respirator - 80 credits

Cult Helot - Auto Pistol, Chainsword, Respirator - 85 credits

Cult Helot - Auto Pistol, Chainsword, Respirator - 85 credits

Cult Helot - Auto Pistol, Sword, Respirator - 80 credits

Cult Helot - Auto Pistol, Fighting Knife, Respirator - 75 credits

Cult Helot - Auto Pistol, Fighting Knife, Respirator, Frag Grenades - 105 credits

1120 credits so far... more than enough to start a Dominion Campaign! Some of those Hellots could just as easily be Disciples - for a few less, but more powerful starting dudes...

Coming soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Final game update for the September 2019 Game-a-Day Challenge... Maybe a necromunda game report...?


  1. The chibis don't look bad, but not as good as your usual painting style. Although they do look like they could be based on some sort of gritty/grainy chibi comic. So maybe not out of character.
    Nice work on the space rats and Delaque ganger converion!

    1. Thanks! "gritty" is definitely the word for it. I've done a few Space Marines this way and on one had I kind of like the look - they look like they're hard-ass warriors that have been "in the shit" for a long time... on the other hand, it doesn't really fit how I think Space Marines - in the 40K universe - should look. They should look like more colourful Star Wars Storm troopers - immaculately clean armour because they strike fast and strike hard and then disappear and leave it to the Imperial Guard to mop things up...

  2. The conversion is great and looks like he means business.

    1. Thanks! He does look pretty intense - like he's taking reeeeaaaally good aim with that Meltagun... the funny thing is: The melta gun is an extremely-short-ranged weapon! It's like a super-dooper industrial strength heat gun... melts just about anything at extremely close range... but that heat dissipate rather quickly! Not sure the wave of heat is so focuses that it needs that precise of aim... but whatever, as you say, he looks pretty cool!

  3. Still haven't tried contrast paints, sounds like you're the last person who needs them with your output! The conversion is excellent and,rats in space! Always good!
    Best Iain

    1. I'll probably use them for a few things... mostly "throwaway" stuff that I have that I don't really have much interest in and can't even give away and don't care what it looks like but, for some reason, think I should paint it...?
