Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lion Clan for Dragon Rampant

Somehow I got thinking about my collection of East Asian Fantasy collection (I think it was probably from seeing the "Daimyo" expansion in the current Reaper Bones Kickstarter...?). I had previously planned to do Hordes of the Things armies for each of the Clans in AEGs Legends of the Five Rings, plus keep a bunch on individual bases for role-playing games, and later I expanded those a bit to be used as Buntai in Osprey Wargame's Ronin - Samurai skirmish game.

The largest and most complete of the HOTT armies was the Lion Clan army. I completed a Hordes of the Things army for them in 2011-2012(?) along with an opposing Phoenix Clan army. I used them in the Summer 2012 HOTT Campaign... and... never used them again. They've never even faced the other L5R HOTT Army I built - the Phoenix Clan.

I also have a number of minis that were dedicated to a Lion Clan Ronin Buntai.

Recently I have been reconsidering my basing standards and whether I'm likely to use some of the units/armies I have on multi-figure bases. I've decided that I'm going to rebase all the L5R HOTT armies (well the two that I've done - and a few other elements I made for other armies) onto individual bases, as it is very unlikely that I will EVER finish HOTT armies for any of the other clans... I probably COULD, however put together large enough forces to use them with Dragon Rampant - and, being on single bases, they could still be used for Ronin or any role-playing game I happen to want to use them in.

So here is a Warband of Lion Clan troops for Dragon Rampant.

the entire force - 24 points worth

The force is mostly made up of figures from AEGs old L5R Minatures Game (Clan War..?), Old Glory and a few from Perry Miniatures... and possibly Dixon...?

The Leader is a Shugenja  - a wizard of sorts - (probably of the Kitso family). I like that in Dragon Rampant wizards are sort of... abstract... There are some rules for making actual wizards that cast spells (that all seem pretty... weak...) or you can just field it as a Single Model, Light Missile unit (which is what I'm doing here) and the shooting it does represents magic blastification of some sort... - 4 points

Foot Samurai - Elite Foot - 6 Points

I think the one in the centre is supposed to be Matsu Tsuko - the Daimyo of the Lion Clan at the time Clan War was going on... Perhaps SHE should be the leader!?

Foot Samurai - Elite Foot - 6 Points

Ashigaru with Spear - Light Foot? I have some Ahisgaru with heavier armour - they might qualify as - 3 points

Ashigaru with Bow - Light Missile - 4 points

Hmmmm... actually, that's only 23... I guess I could call the Ashigaru Heavy Foot...?

Battered Unit Marker. 

I have a few more as well...

Some are painted (but there are not enough of to fill out a unit - or they're just fun extras that will NEVER be in a unit for Dragon Rampant)

There are a bunch that are unpainted (that will fill out said aforementioned units),

and a few that are still on multi-figure bases that need rebasing.

Eventually I will have options for Missile-armed Elite foot (armoured samurai with bow), possibly some Heavy Cavalry (mounted samurai), a few more archers (more ashigaru, or lighter armoured samurai?), MORE units of Elite Foot, Lesser War Beasts (the Lions!!). Once they're all painted the elite foot will be reorganized - I have enough of the Matsu Lion's Pride (elite, all-female Samurai unit) to form one unit of six. I'm currently using one - the one with two swords in the second unit of Elite Foot. At SOME point, when my interests gen-u-inely return to the far east and Samurai and I actually get to painting up all the minis I have, I could potentially order a few more from Perry miniatures - just to fill out a couple last units (more archers, and a reduced sized unit of Heavy Missile - ashigaru armed with Tepo - muskets - not really part of the L5R world... but these are MY fantasy figures, I can add in whatever I want!!!)

I may or may not get to re-basing the Phoenix clan minis... It will require some creative unit construction to get anything useable at this time... and will have a LOT of mages in reduced model units... but I might try as I can now rebase things quite quickly and easily (having so much experience at doing so!) and then I would have an opponent for these and be able to play a game of Dragon Rampant - which I've been wanting to do for some time (I mean "Dan Mercy Games" was on my original 10x Personal Challenge list!) 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming blog:

A few Necromunda Items and another rebasing project!

And then... some other stuff...  


  1. Nice bit of rebasing and good to have them ready for multiple games, more and more I'm single basing and sabot basing them when necessary.
    Best Iain

    1. I tried sabot basing for DBA ages ago, and I just was not happy with the results... I am rather more pleased with the terrain-ified movement trays I made for 40K earlier this year. I could get behind sabot bases like that. I suppose DBA could be played like that - scale up the bases so there's enough space to do the sabot's right... but that kind of defeats the purpose of DBA - playing a simple game, with limited figures, on a relatively small surface.

      There are some DBA/HOTT armies I'm definitely going to keep as DBA/HOTT armies... but some of the others - especially ones that don't have a complete campaign worth of opponents, will probably all be re-based at some point.

      I'm currently considering all the ECW stuff... I have a PILE of it - both Pikeman's Lament armies AND DBA-x armies... I only ever played DBA-x once and ... it was okay... but the thought of having to paint the rest of the stuff I have up, twice, as armies for two separate games... I think I'm liking the idea of just having LOADS of units for Pikeman's Lament and being able to field a few forces for some larger multi-command/multi-player games and/or campaigns!
