Thursday, October 17, 2019

Necromunda Odds and Ends, Baby 'Thulhu, and RE-Based War or 1812 Militia!?

A few other things rolling off the workbench this week (in addition to the re-based Lion Clan Army for Dragon Rampant)...

Four additions to the Necromunda collection. First (going from left to right of the picture) is some Hive Scum - another experiment with Contratst® paints (I think the miniature may have been from Kryomek...?). Next is a Rogue Doc - ostensibly for my Delaque gang (hence the dark trench coat) - y'know, if they ever get out of the negatives for Reputation and can hire a hanger-on. He has hair because she's just a hanger on and not a full gang member... She's got a medical bag slung over her shoulder (which you can't see in this pic). The figures is from Wargames Foundry. Next is an old Citadel Imperial Guard Medic. I thought he could be used as a Rogue Doc as well - did him in Old Necromunda regimental colours - figured he probably joined up, got all the kit and training and then deserted and fled to the under hive. Finally an old Citadel Necromunda Scavvy. the figure originally came with plastic arms which I do not have... so the arm with the knife is from a Drukhari wych and the shotgun is actually from a Warlord Games US marine plastic sprue a friend gave me.

Baby 'Thulhu - Awww! Idn't he Cyuuuuuute? I think it came in a pack of creepy familiars from Reaper miniatures...?

Finally some re-based 1812 militiamen. I modelled and cast and painted these almost eight years ago, and recently came to the realization that I am not likely to ever play with them on those big multi-figure bases.... I MIGHT actually get around to playing Dan MErcy's Rebels and Patriots, and, while there is no basing standard, and I COULD have just played that with them as is... I like playing Dan's games with individually based figures.

I'll likely do the same to all my Napoleonic figures at some point. I'm never going to have enough of them to play any serious big battle games. Might as well get some use out of them with a game I MIGHT actually play!!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:


More Necromunda stuff...?


More re-based Legends of the Five Rings armies for use with Dragon Rampant!


  1. Wow, sculpted and cast you own figures? Very cool.

    Nice work on the random figures for Necromunda. You should make a few (dozen) random citizens, which would make for some interesting scenarios, particularly for your sneaky lads.

    I think the Scavy was technically for Confrontation, which this edition of Necromunda owes a lot to. Hopefully the forthcoming box of Necromunda figures is something like these!

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah, I used to do a bit of sculpting and casting - back when I had more time and less money... not that I have a tonne of money at my disposal now... but I had even less then... and no kids.

      I do have a pile of civilians - mostly from the Lead Adventure Astropolis Kickstarter, but also some other older, random sci-fi-ish citizens. There are even rules in the main rulebook for bystanders, and at least one scenario that makes use of them (Downtown Dust-Up). That is one thing I LOVED about Song of Shadows and Dust - there were ALWAYS citizens out and about in the streets (you would roll for what time of day your skirmish was taking place and then roll, based on that, for how many people were out on the table) and when violence took place, you would roll for each to see what their reaction was - usually it was to run away, but sometimes they might join in and aid one side or the other, especially if one side LOOKED like an innocent bystander that was just being attacked by a thug. I definitely would like to add something like that into games, last some point, but I feel like I'm still just sorting out the basic rules and that could potentially just add complications...

      I always got confused when I see "Confrontation" used when referring to Necromunda miniatures - I always think people are saying these would be used for the Rakham game...? Confrontation, the Games Workshop game, was just after I'd stopped playing GW games and by the time I returned and started playing Mordhiem, Necromunda was out, so I completely missed it and was unaware it existed until I googled it one day to figure out WHY some people were referring to them as "Confrontation" miniatures. Confrontation was still set in Necromunda, was it not?

  2. Nice work. Especially like the militia you sculpted and cast. I recall various other minis you did "back in the day", too, and always liked them. The cutethulhu is cute.

    1. "Cutethulhu" - that's great!


      Part of me wishes I had more time to sculpt and cast stuff... that's probably why I got so excited about the idea of modelling individual critters for a Burrows and Badgers game...

    2. Yeah, I've done a bit of sculpting and casting myself and it is quite satisfying, but can also be time-consuming. Still occasionally think about doing some more. But then I find minis readily available that I want to paint. :)

  3. Lovely mix of figures, like your 1812 militia!
    Best Iain

  4. Quite an assortment here Tim, all looking lovely as always - but so nice to see that old Citadel Imperial medic - very cool!
