Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Ratskin Hoarde

It all started with Skeevy McGee, see? His best friend's sister's boyfriend, knew this kid that talked to this Ratskin Scout who said his tribe came across a whole pile of archaeotech devices waaaaaaay down by the hive bottom, like, deeper than the sump and everything. So Skeevy goes and tracks down this Ratskin Scout and swindles him, as Skeevy does, and convinces him to tell him where its' at! Gets a map and everything. And now, Skeevy, he can't go get this Archaeotech Hoarde himself, so he sells the only map he got from this Ratskin Scout to this new Cawdor gang - them Durango Pipe Moors - for a pretty penny, I might add. I don't even know how he got anything out of those tight paupers. And then, being Skeevy, he goes and sells the ANOTHER map - a copy that HE made - To these enforcers, up-hive-way in Precinct 96 - the "Block Coppers", yeah... and THEN Ol' Skeevy  goes and tries to sell ANOTHER map he made to these Redemptionists, well they don't got no sense of humour and don't have no time for Skeevy's schemes, so they just stole it from him, tortured him, and burned him at the stake...

Poor ol' Skeevy....

I had Jacob AND Brent AND Orion all over on Sunday for some necromunda action!

I set up a little scenario involving a Ratskin Hoarde of Archaeotech devices waaaaaaaay down at the hive bottom.

I HAD considered using the pitch black rules... it is the hive bottom after all - not going to be ANY lights down there... but then decided that would be too much to keep track off, when I still don't feel like I totally have the basic rules all down! Luckily Orion has just recently read them and was able to remind me of a NUMBER of this, I'd totally forgotten.

Jacob played Jezebel's Crusade - a gang of Redemptionists from the Hive proper, come down to locate these devices... and destroy them as any proper, Emperor-fearing citizen should do!

In his force he had Redeptress Jezebel, Deacon Rehoboam, Abimelech the Zealot, and Sisters Salome, Delilah, Sapphira and Lilith.

Orion brought his very own Enforcers! I didn't note all of their names. Look like they all go by some serial number....?

Brent played the Durango Pipe Moors. His leader, Willem Campbell, brought along Hinton, one of his lieutenants, as well as Simon, Jonesy, Liam, and Muriel. Leeroy and Junior tagged along for fun...

Simon got things started off blasting away at the Enforcers sniper - I believe he was referred to as "Six". He missed. There was a bit of an exchange of fire on this flank for a few turns...

On of the Ratskin guards, Scraank Twotails, heard some up-hivers sneaking about and ran out to one of the barricades in time to see three sneaking past - he raised his lasgun and shot one of them down! First shot - Out of Action!

Another group of Redemptionists, lead by by Deacon Rehoboam were sneaking around the other side. the leader of the guard detail, Squawng Foreburn, rushed to that barricade and unloaded his Autogun at them - missing...


Deacon Rehoboam rushed out of the dark tunnel and set both Scraank Twotails and Squawng Foreburn on fire! (hit, failed to wound, set ablaze!)

At the other end of the cavern, Cheeber Gutruck was charged by the Enforcer Captain and one of his other gigantic goons. Cheeber was struck down by the goons heavy shock weapon!

More Enforcers pour in after their captain!

Meanwhile, back over where the Cawdor gangers were encountering the Enforcers, Junior, desperate to prove his Roth to the gang, charged one of the Enforcers carrying a big damned gun. They mostly blazed away at each other with sidearms at point blank range - completely failing to hit each other!?

Jones and Leeroy rounded the corner and spotted the Redemptionists... Though, technically part of the same house, they knew all too well what the extremist Redemptionists would do to ANYONE they found down here hunting for archaeotech, so Jones chucked a grenade at the lot of them, hoping they didn't get a good look at his gang colours!

Enforcers moving in to secure the Archaeotech devices. What do you know, that little turd, Skeevy McGee wasn't lying after all...

Deacon Rehoboam, hearing others moving about in the corridors snuck up to a position where he could observe without being seen... or at least have some cover when all hell broke loose!


... and started lighting Enforcers on fire!

Sisters Sapphire and Lilith moved up and exchanged fire with both Ratskins and Cawdor gangers.

Tweek Smallbun, who had been firing his musket down the hall at approaching Enforcers, was horrified to turn around and find Enforcers looting the stash BEHIND him!

Scraank Twotails and Squawng Foreburn both managed to put out the fires Rehoboam had set on them, but remained pinned as bullets and flame flew overhead as the Redemptionists and Cawdor gangers continued to exchange fire.

Amibelech set Jones on fire with his combination flamer/eviscerator... but then was cut down himself by... Willem Campbell...? I think...?

And then Leeroy rushed in to finish him off!

Simon and Hinton tried to rush to the aid of Junior, but just couldn't get there in time!

Muriel went after the Sniper.

Tweek Smallbun blew a hole in one of the Enforcers raiding the Hoarde, and then Deacon Rehoboam turned his flamer on the captain. He was not able to injure, or even set the captain on fire... He did pin him, so I guess there's that...

Scraank Twotails and Squawng Foreburn both got up and Squawng shot down the Redemptionist Deacon - completely unloading his Autogun on him (hit, but them out of ammo...).

(It was one of the Enforcers, though that rushed in and finished him off!)

Jacob... feeling like things were going south for his Redemptionists...

Brent and Orion - working out their gangers fight over in the corner...

Redemptress Jezebel got up and levelled her Melta Gun at the impudent Cawdor Juve... as the burst of super heated air rushed at him, Leeroy fell to the ground and rolled away as part of the rock on the wall behind him was reduced to molten slag...

Lilith set Liam on fire... yeah... it was pandemonium...

Brent had to take off so he voluntarily bottled and ran...

Sister Sapphira had tried to come to Rehoboams aide, but it was too late...

Enforcers started pumping gas grenades into the area and took out Scraank Twotails and seriously injured Squawng Foreburn and Sister Lilith.

Things looking a little sparse on the ground... only Squawng Foreburn of the Ratskins remained - and he'd been seriously injured multiple times. Though recovered and pinned, he was reduced to 1 Toughness! The Redemptionists still had three on the table, one pinned, one seriously injured and one that had failed a nerve test way back when Amibelech was injured, and had remained broken for MANY turns!

The Enforcers still had a half dozen, or so, on the table...

One was even successfully dragging one of the archaeotech crates away!?

The writing was on the wall and we called it at this point....

So the Fuzz made off with all the Archaeotech...

Of the four Redemptionists, two were just knocked out, and the other two were critically injured! Luckily both were dragged back to a medicare in time and were saved. Because somewhat better healthcare is available in the Hive propper - where they all hail from - their recovery was swift and without lasting disabilities...

Most of the Cawdor injured got off with minor scrapes and contusions... except Junior... he, too, was critically injured - arm crushed, bleeding out.... His brother got him to a Rogue Doc just in time. He lived, but that arm is never going to be that good for swinging ever again (-1 WS!)

Scraank Twotails suffered a Memorable Death - except he was taken out by Enforcer gas grenades!? Choked to death on his own vomit - just like a ROCK STAR!

Good fun!

Sounds like Orion and Jacob might both be available again next Sunday - wo we'll likely be back shooting things up in the Underhive!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hellboy Miniatures?

Or maybe some 40K stuff...?

probably Hellboy...


  1. Yeah, great setup, terrain and minis! Sounds like quite a game with 4 sides all going at each other.

  2. The one officer who went down rolled his way into recovery, can't wait to bring the cops back for more brutality!
