Sunday, November 24, 2019

Durango Pipe Moors - a House Cawdor Gang

I recently finished up three more Cawdor Gangers and rebased the rest of them, so I thought it time to do and updated post about the whole gang...

It was only a matter of time before Cawdor and the Cult of Redemption showed it's face in the Bronze Gates. A gang has taken up residence in Durango Pipe and are calling themselves the "Moors"

The Durango Pipe Moors.

Willem Campbell - Leader
Mesh Armour, Hand Flamer, Chainsword, Bolt Gun
Skills: Commanding Presence, Rain of Blows
290 credits.

The leader of the gang; Willem Campbell - a dour firebrand who leads from the front!

The Cult of Redemption, Willem is certain, are chosen of The Emperor who fight the forces of Darkness and Chaos in a decisive struggle for the future of mankind. In saving the Bronze Gates from Corruption, Willem hopes to save their pious virtues as well, and make the Underhive an “Oasis of Puritanism”—chaste, austere, free from the taint of Mutants, Psykers, and Heretics.

(What the miniature is carrying is actually an Inferno Pistol - basically a Melta Pistol. I got this figure before I even had Necromuda: Underhive and it was missing the weapon in that hand - so I went through the bits box and found the Inferno Pistol, and thought it looked really bad ass so I put that in his hand... Of course when I first picked up Necromunda, Inferno Pistols weren't an option, but it kind of looked like a Hand Flamer, so I went with that - and, thematically, it kind of fit for a Cawdor Gang Leader. Inferno Pistols ARE now available in the Book of Judgement... but they're super rare and very expensive... and I just figured continuing to call it a Hand Flamer works best... so... HAND FLAMER!)

Three Champions; Hinton, Rufus, and Henry

Hinton - Champion
Mesh Armour, Bolt Gun, Laspistol, Power Sword, Incendiary Charges
Skills: Step Aside
255 Credits
Hive City psychopath that's come down to the Underhive to kill and cause suffering, giving only lip-service to it being in the name of The Emperor and the Cult of Redemption. Previously worked as a Dentist.

Henry - Champion
Flak Armour, Heavy Stubber, Stub Gun
Skills: Head Butt
230 credits
Henry is the Gang Heavy... He loves filling a room with lead and the rapid, staccato beat of his instrument of death and destruction.

Rufus - Champion
Flak Armour, Bolt Gun, Autopistol, Chainsword,
Skills: Rain of Blows
185 Credits
Rufus is Willem's lieutenant. He tries to be a voice of reason within a gang that, for the most part, fails to see any reason...

Lex, Dewey, and Liam

Lex - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades
105 credits

Liam - Ganger
Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Fighting Knife
95 credits

Brothers Liam and Lex deadly in combat, if they can ever stop arguing. It is very likely possible that the  only time they DO stop arguing is when they are in combat - as often with each other, as with members of another gang.... but threaten them or their kin and they are ten times more savage protecting their own.

Dewey - Ganger
Flak Armour, Autogun, Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
80 credits
Dewey learned to read books - which makes him an odd one. Most gangers never learn to read much more than is necessary to understand common signage - this is largely because, in House Cawdor at least, the only books worth learning' anything from are the Book of Redemption and the Imperial Creed - and all a ganger needs to learn from them is what's taught them through the prayers the preachers lead and the sermons they preach at them. All this book learnin' has caused Dewey to question some of the things the Preachers say and even some of the writings in the Book of Redemption... but he would never voice these questions out loud as he knows well it would mean heresy and purification though FLAME! He suspects Rufus to be a kindred spirit, with his calm reasonable demeanour,

Meredith, Muriel, Jonesy, and Simon

Muriel - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife
75 credits

Meredith - Ganger
Flak Armour, Autogun, Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
80 credits

Muriel and Meredith, both are dutiful adherents of the Cult of Redemption. Their only desire is to purge the sins of others through the spilling of their blood!

Simon - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades
105 credits

Jonesy - Ganger
Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Fighting Knife
95 credits

Simon and Jonesy just didn't want to work in the factorum or scrounge through waste heaps for recyclables and holy relics. They are devout, to be sure, but are far more pragmatic than the rest of the gang.

Ernie, Bantu, Gib, and Babe

Bantu - Ganger
Flak Armour, Reclaimed Autogun, Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
75 credits

Ernie - Ganger
Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
80 credits

Bantu and Ernie are a vengeful pair. They have bonded together though shared loss and desire for revenge - both lost cherished loved ones to raids by mutant underhive gangers. They live for the hunt and will stop at nothing to purge the hive of mutants and avenge the loss of their loved ones.

Gib - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades
105 credits

Babe - Ganger
Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife, Frag Grenades
105 credits

Babe and Gib are pious followers of the Imperial Creed. They have know each other since they were young lads and served as alter boys at the local basilica. Their devotion to their brothers and sisters of the gang and House Cawdor are second only to their devotion to the Emperor. Both can often be heard singing hymns in the middle of combat.

Junior, Travers, Leeroy, and Janet  - the youngest and newest members of the gang.

Junior - Juve
Stub Gun, Las Pistol
40 Credits.

Junior - his actual name is Luther, but everyone calls him junior on account of him being the younger brother of Liam and Lex. He chafes at the handle and yearns for action to prove himself, but Lex and Liam are VERY protective of their younger brother and try to always keep him out of harms way - which makes it extremely difficult for young Luther to earn any street cred and shed his moniker and become a full gang member in his own right.

Janet - Juve
Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
45 Credits

Janet is Rufus' kid sister and he is very protective of her.

Leeroy - Juve
Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
45 Credits

Leeroy's got something to prove - he's a small guy with a big chip on his shoulder.

Travers - Juve
Stub Gun, Fighting Knife
45 Credits

Travers is somewhat of an egalitarian and true follower of the Creed - all are equals under the Emperor. He gets particularly defensive when he and his fellow Juve are treated poorly by the rest of the gang...

All together that would be 2135 credits worth of gang… I really have enough here for TWO gangs... Well... two STARTING gangs at least...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a couple more posts in the works for The One-Eyed Red Snakes (House Delaque), Jezebel's Crusade (House Cawdor/Redemptionists), and the Crimson Wave (House Escher) gangs... as well as a game report from last week... and now I need to start one for last night's game... and then there's all the stuff rolling off the workbench (mostly Battlefleet Gothic stuff!?).

So... one of those...


  1. Moors or Moops? :)
    Nicely painted lot of miniatures!

    1. Thanks!

      Moors - they're named after a gang in a book I read in Elementary School called Durango Street.
