Saturday, January 4, 2020

Daemon Hedgehogs

Yeah, you read that right...

Daemon Hedgehogs...

I found these little guys on.. eBay...? or Amazon...? I don't even remember now. It was a couple bucks for a bag of them. When they arrived a week or so ago, I got this idea that I'd make a couple of them into DAEMON HEDGEHOGS!?

Actually the idea came up because a friend of mine's son, who plays Khorne Chaos Marines, is also super into Hedgehogs...

So I made this one for him. Though maybe it could be used as a Greater Possessed...?

I had some spare bits left over from assembling my Fiends of Slaanesh, so I made a Slaanesh Daemon Hedgehog as well... just for fun...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Daemons... but...  less Hedgehoggy...